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Limbaugh Defends AIG

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k2o4   United States. Mar 18 2009 15:28. Posts 4803
Jesus, this guy is a real douche. He is actually defending AIG and trying to twist shit around. If you didn't know already, AIG was bailed out by the Govt at the end of Bush's 2nd term. They then took their executives to some fancy spa on a really expensive retreat. People got pissed cause these guys are supposedly bankrupt and taxpayer money is being used to save them, and now they're using company money to give executives a fancy vacation. Fast forward to about 10 days ago and AIG is again on the verge of collapse and gets MORE bailout money. They promptly go and dump out over $100 million in bonuses to top executives, including people who don't even WORK FOR AIG ANYMORE! Now pretty much everyone is mad, republicans, democrats, regular joe schmo citizens. Obama expresses outrage and orders that everything be done to get the bonus money back, and what do we get from Rush Limbaugh? A bunch of BS:

  "A lynch mob is expanding: the peasants with their pitchforks surrounding the corporate headquarters of AIG, demanding heads. Death threats are pouring in. All of this being ginned up by the Obama administration."

When one of his own callers said he agreed with President Obama on this one, Limbaugh replied: "Let me ask you a question. ... You have a company -- let's take AIG out of this 'cause they're so emotionally charged. Let's say that the company being bailed out is the XYZ Widget Company. ... We need them to manufacture widgets and sell widgets and so forth. So why in the world -- or how do you get to the point where you're going to bail out the company, but you don't want the employees to get paid?"

The caller protested that the AIG employees were already getting paid plenty, and Limbaugh responded that the only thing stopping him from making just as much was himself:

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Jesus Rush, no one is saying that we shouldn't pay employees, people are pissed that a company that is in such dire financial straits that they need a fucking bailout is giving ANY BONUSES AT ALL! That's like me being on the verge of bankruptcy and getting a loan to survive, and then taking that money and blowing it on 1 night of clubbing instead of using it to cover my necessary expenses for the next few months while I get back on my feet. Plus, if these fuckers ran the company into the ground so much that it needed a bailout, why would they deserve a goddamned bonus? WHERE IS THE FUCKING LOGIC!?!??!!?

Olbermann mentioned this on his show when he named Rush the worst person in the world (a regular occurrence):

<div><iframe height="339" width="425" src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe><style type="text/css">.msnbclinks {font-size:11px; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #999; margin-top: 5px; background: transparent; text-align: center; width: 425px;} .msnbclinks a {text-decoration:none !important; border-bottom: 1px dotted #999 !important; font-weight:normal !important; height: 13px;} .msnbclinks a:link, .msnbclinks a:visited {color: #5799db !important;} .msnbclinks a:hover, .msnbclinks a:active {color:#CC0000 !important;} </style><p class="msnbclinks">Visit for <a href="">Breaking News</a>, <a href="">World News</a>, and <a href="">News about the Economy</a></p></div>

Also, details on the money that AIG paid, according to the NYC Attorney General:

  • The top recipient received more than $6.4 million;
• The top seven bonus recipients received more than $4 million each;
• The top ten bonus recipients received a combined $42 million;
• 22 individuals received bonuses of $2 million or more, and combined they
received more than $72 million;
• 73 individuals received bonuses of $1 million or more; and
• Eleven of the individuals who received "retention" bonuses of $1 million
or more are no longer working at AIG, including one who received $4.6

Again, these payments were all made to individuals in the subsidiary whose performance
led to crushing losses and the near failure of AIG. Thus, last week, AIG made more than 73
millionaires in the unit which lost so much money that it brought the firm to its knees, forcing taxpayer bailout. Something is deeply wrong with this outcome. I hope the Committee will
address it head on.

We have also now obtained the contracts under which AIG decided to make these
payments. The contracts shockingly contain a provision that required most individuals' bonuses to be 100% of their 2007 bonuses. Thus, in the Spring of last year, AIG chose to lock in bonuses for 2008 at 2007 levels despite obvious signs that 2008 performance would be disastrous in comparison to the year before. My Office has thus begun to closely examine the circumstances under which the plan was created.

More here.

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InnovativeYogis.comLast edit: 18/03/2009 15:50

failsafe   United States. Mar 18 2009 15:30. Posts 1042

soon rush will own miss precious perfect

tec27   United States. Mar 18 2009 15:38. Posts 173

This sort of thing is really why they shouldn't have been bailed out in the first place. If it makes you feel any better, the top economist from Citigroup (you know, one of those other companies that received a massive bailout, and whose economists apparently couldn't foresee the economic mess ahead) just got pulled up to be a major counselor to Geithner and the Treasury Department. What a world we live in.

 Last edit: 18/03/2009 15:38

nolan   Ireland. Mar 18 2009 15:44. Posts 6205

im like 90% that rush limbaugh is secretly a comedian

On September 08 2008 10:07 Baal wrote: my head is a gyroscope, your argument is invalid 

k2o4   United States. Mar 18 2009 15:46. Posts 4803

  On March 18 2009 14:44 nolan wrote:
im like 90% that rush limbaugh is secretly a comedian

you mean like an uber level?

or he could be a big democrat and figure the best way to help is to act like a huge lunatic and make the republicans look horrible so that they can't win any elections. 

chris   United States. Mar 18 2009 16:30. Posts 5505

rush is a bigot.

even ppl inside AIG do not like the 165 million in bonuses. they said their hands are tied because its contractually obligated to make those payments.

really douche move by AIG as well to have the largest losses ever in company history, in the midst of a horrible recession /depression and they pay out HUGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE bonuses.

i hope someone flies a plane into their building.

(only half joking about the plane thing :/ 100% serious if all the airline execs were on it tho )

5 minute showers are my 8 minute abs. - Neilly 

Sicks Macks   United States. Mar 18 2009 16:45. Posts 3929

For those of you not actually familiar with what AIG does:

AIG is an operationally sound insurance company, arguably the best, that wrote a huge book of market rate cds that is currently bringing book of the company down as the default risk on the underlyings gets upped. I don't personally know any AIG executives, but I would imagine most are quite deserving of their bonuses given that they run one of the best insurance books in the business and have continued to do so despite the trouble eminating from CDS book (With which 95% of AIG employees have nothing to do).

Beyond the question of dessert is one of consequences. I can't imagine that you guys don't understand the impact of government intervention in private employment contracts. In an environement where heightened sensitivity to counterparty risk has frozen many contract markets (fixed income, cds, ABCP for a while, lending in general) the last thing anyone needs is to start factoring gov't intervention risk into the structure and pricing of private contracts.

I find the villification of the highest skilled Americans because of their often deserved high compensation disgusting and dangerous at a time when America needs more experts, not populists.

I agree Rush Limbaugh is a tool though, but for other reasons.

Mr. Will Throwit 

k2o4   United States. Mar 18 2009 16:50. Posts 4803

They're paying huge bonuses to the exact department that you mentioned, the CDS book shit. In other words, the exact people who fucked up and put AIG onto the verge of bankruptcy. Are you ok with that?

Plus, if I have a job at my neighborhood auto-mechanic and I do a great job, but some other fucking idiot who works there manages to put the shop on the verge of bankruptcy, I don't still get a bonus. It sucks. It really sucks. But in a shitty economy when your company is about to go out of business, even it's not your fault you still get screwed. That's how it works in the real world. But I guess when you're AIG those rules don't apply? That's BS. You have small business owners going WITHOUT pay so that they can keep the doors open and make payroll. I'm not saying stop paying the employees who had nothing to do with causing the company trouble, but I do think this is a year where those employees aren't getting a bonus. As for the employees who DID cause the mess, they should be getting fired or pay cuts or some sort of punishment, but instead they're getting BONUSES?!?!

So I hear your argument but I think if you see the facts you'll also agree with me on this.

InnovativeYogis.comLast edit: 18/03/2009 16:51

traxamillion   United States. Mar 18 2009 17:03. Posts 10468

yea fuck the world im over it

ikc5   United States. Mar 18 2009 17:40. Posts 406

k2o4, usually you have some good, well informed blogs, but this one is just silly. Try not to think of these as bonuses, but rather as severance payments. A majority of these execs had nothing to do with the collapse. When they signed up to work with AIG, they were almost all contractually guaranteed something if the company tanked. There's certainly some people receiving a ton of money who were directly responsible for the collapse, but for the most part, most of the people basically had no control over it.



AWESOME mentally handicapped, slept with like 30 guys, meeting her mum on the first date, unprotected sex, 12 year old girls.FIST PUMP - YOU ARE A MAN, MY SON. -Byrensam 

chris   United States. Mar 18 2009 17:55. Posts 5505

i do know an AIG employee who worked on security pricing in NYC. He says while he likes his company, he feels they did not do it perfectly. also, it is not demonizing them unjustly if their actions fit the description. if a world renowned doctor/surgeon performed what was a complex surgery, but one that was not uncommon or unfamiliar, and botched it. What about drug companies who design and manufacture complicated chemical and biological concoctions to help people medically? What if they screw up a drug, after getting government approval, and hurt millions (billions) of lives. Should they not be accountable? the financial industry is obviously different but all require expert knowledge of the given field, responsibility, and just compensation. so the drug company that messes up lives or the surgeon who botches a surgery, or the financial company that screws up economy; how can one say paying very big bonuses to the people who mismanaged and mispriced and misrepresented securities, for whatever reason or intention?

the question is, should they lose their jobs? maybe, maybe not. but should they get 165 million usd after losing billions? where do you think the money comes from? its from the funds they were given in bailout money or from company resources. if one cannot see how irresponsible that is.....

5 minute showers are my 8 minute abs. - Neilly 

masterfrywad   United States. Mar 18 2009 18:29. Posts 329

The bailout shouldn't of happened in the first place, but it's not the governments place to rewrite existing LEGAL contracts because they don't like the terms.

 Last edit: 18/03/2009 18:29

YoMeR   United States. Mar 18 2009 18:35. Posts 12438

lolol my god i want a million bucks for running a massive multi billion dollar company into the shit hole.

eZ Life. 

k2o4   United States. Mar 18 2009 19:10. Posts 4803

  On March 18 2009 16:40 ikc5 wrote:
Try not to think of these as bonuses, but rather as severance payments. A majority of these execs had nothing to do with the collapse. When they signed up to work with AIG, they were almost all contractually guaranteed something if the company tanked. There's certainly some people receiving a ton of money who were directly responsible for the collapse, but for the most part, most of the people basically had no control over it.

The thing that makes me angry is the people who killed AIG and then got bonuses. And many of them are getting more money. Not cool.

Are you saying that if AIG filed for bankruptcy like they were gonna have to do without a bailout, that those people STILL would have gotten money? That doesn't sound right to me. My understanding is that if AIG hadn't been bailed out, they would have filed for bankruptcy and the people with contracts would have gotten nothing. I think people getting bonuses goes bye bye once the gov money comes in, cause it's either no bonus and AIG dies or no bonus and AIG lives imo.

Btw, your logic is weird. You said that "they were almost all contractually guaranteed something if the company tanked". But it seems that AIG didn't tank since it got bailed out, so why do these guys get a bonus?

btw, did you miss this paragraph in my blog:

  Again, these payments were all made to individuals in the subsidiary whose performance
led to crushing losses and the near failure of AIG. Thus, last week, AIG made more than 73
millionaires in the unit which lost so much money that it brought the firm to its knees, forcing taxpayer bailout. Something is deeply wrong with this outcome. I hope the Committee will
address it head on.

InnovativeYogis.comLast edit: 18/03/2009 19:11

ikc5   United States. Mar 19 2009 01:43. Posts 406

  On March 18 2009 18:10 k2o4 wrote:

Are you saying that if AIG filed for bankruptcy like they were gonna have to do without a bailout, that those people STILL would have gotten money? That doesn't sound right to me. My understanding is that if AIG hadn't been bailed out, they would have filed for bankruptcy and the people with contracts would have gotten nothing. I think people getting bonuses goes bye bye once the gov money comes in, cause it's either no bonus and AIG dies or no bonus and AIG lives imo.

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. These people would be paid regardless of whether AIG had been bailed out or not. Didn't you listen to either of my videos?

To keep a company afloat, you do have to actually pay the people who work there. There's surely plenty of people who were directly responsible for AIG's financial troubles who are receiving copious amounts of taxpayer dollars for their vacations. But AIG is a MASSIVE company, and probably hundreds of those executives basically had nothing to do with AIG's downfall. What are we going to do? Fire them all? Don't pay them and expect them to just stay out of the kindness of their heart? Have Obama bust through the door and demand the taxpayers money back? Kindly ask WHITE MALE EXECUTIVE to live more frugally to appease the masses? Seriously, there's some bad shit going on here obviously, and people getting taxpayer money even though they totally sucked balls and ran the company into the balls, but that's definitely the minority. Most of the people there are doing their job and are contractually owed money regardless of how poorly or how well AIG is doing.

Seriously, I want to hear your solution. We gave them money to stay afloat and now we're mad they're using it to pay employees? Sure it seems excessive to us, but those execs probably wouldn't be too happy about drastic paycuts mandated by the government, lots of them would leave and then AIG would have to hire and train tons of new exec personnel, which would probably cost just as much, and probably more money to entice good people to come work for a failing company.

IF we'd let AIG just file bankruptcy, ignoring other potential repercussions, a lot of those execs would still be receiving severance payments, but then at least we wouldn't have to worry about AIG becoming a long-term liability and us constantly pouring bailout money to keep them afloat.

No, I didn't miss the last paragraph, but that's just silly. Can we really accurately pinpoint the exact individuals who caused AIG's bailout, ignore all the external factors which may have caused it's collapse, and then specifically exempt those individuals from receiving any money from AIG? Does this honestly sound feasible to you?

AWESOME mentally handicapped, slept with like 30 guys, meeting her mum on the first date, unprotected sex, 12 year old girls.FIST PUMP - YOU ARE A MAN, MY SON. -ByrensamLast edit: 19/03/2009 02:01

k2o4   United States. Mar 19 2009 13:02. Posts 4803

I keep saying that I'm not against PAYING PEOPLE THEIR SALARY. I'm against PAYING THEM A BONUS. Like I keep saying, if my neighborhood auto shop is on the verge of bankruptcy the last thing they're gonna do with a loan from the bank is pay out bonuses, even if some of the employees did a really good job and deserve one. You keep paying salaries. 

farinataus   . Mar 19 2009 13:50. Posts 55

Well I have a little news for you. In the world out there when you sign you pay. Thats the end of the story. But in the same world if you sign and fuck up you dont get bailed out either.

So basically its like you borrowed money to a guy and you go bankrupt. Now father Obama comes in and bails you out when you dont deserve anything. You obv go out and pay what you are supposed to pay which was the loaned money. The bonuses had to be paid under the contracts.

Geithner and Bernanke fucked up by saving Bear in the first place. Then Bush and Paulson came in and bombed everything to hell and back with their bailout. Then Obama comes in and fucked up even more with another bail out. These are all symptoms of a really massive fuckup political game whose purpose is to go after votes from idiots.

Limbaugh is a fucked retard who is just trying to fill out his show with controversy. Why people waste their time with this ignorant piece of shit is beyond me.

Bottom line. Bonuses ARE justified.
You are a hypocrite. How come its OK for AIG to get money when they fuck up cause they are too important to let go. But then employees who are too important to let go cants get money when they fuck up?

Whats fucked up is the actions of Bush/Obama/Geithner/Bernanke/Paulson/Democrats/Republicans and most importantly American Voters!!

k2o4   United States. Mar 19 2009 16:49. Posts 4803



k2o4   United States. Mar 19 2009 16:50. Posts 4803

Jesus, even Ben Stein, who normally drives me crazy with his republican wackoness is saying the same shit as me.

InnovativeYogis.comLast edit: 19/03/2009 16:52

farinataus   . Mar 19 2009 22:13. Posts 55

Learn how the system works. Bonus ARE part of their regular salary. Its in their contract. They HAVE TO pay it. There is almost zero difference between salary and these bonuses.


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