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ok i fucking hate this game.

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Newblish   Canada. Oct 06 2009 23:28. Posts 560

Gonna remove this post. Was just a "i want to let off steam because i had a bad session(the worst one ive ever had) and i get piles of one of - hatred/spam/people posting random useless shit that has no real relevance to anything.

Jesus christ, Sorry for fucking venting some frustration you idiots(not all of you, though you know who you are - street hooker).

If anything positive can come out of this - It's that this has taught me that i need to work on controlling my emotions and just forget about these days. Thats ultimately all you can ever do.

/peace out.

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 Last edit: 07/10/2009 00:41

street_hooker   Andorra. Oct 06 2009 23:32. Posts 505

This is the worst poker day ive ever had. I've never been down 1.2k in a day before.

dude you play heads up on 2/4 and 1/2 and this never happened to you? heater

11 ptbb with rake on nl100
5.5 ptbb on nl200

I don't understand how anyone can complain, do you expect 15ptbb?

 Last edit: 06/10/2009 23:35

Loco   Canada. Oct 06 2009 23:34. Posts 20967

uh.. what? i read from your previous blog post that you were currently a 400NL HU regular. now you say you have never had a losing day of 1.2k ... something is not quite right here.

i lost 10 buy ins earlier at 2/4... pretty fucking standard stuff i'd say. didn't bother me one bit.

your rant about god was awesome. keep up the good humor at least!

edit: lol previous poster thought the same apparently!

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 06/10/2009 23:34

OpWestAcct   United States. Oct 06 2009 23:37. Posts 640

I am not sure how your blasphemy was appropriate nor how it was even relevant. Quite disgusting actually. The only thing I can say is that you are fucking pathetic -- Right under this ridiculous rant is another blog saying you made 7.1k last month. Why the fuck are you complaining you piece of shit.

Fuck me 

palak   United States. Oct 06 2009 23:37. Posts 4601

u play 1/2 and 2/4 HU and u have never lost 1.2k in a run like god

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

street_hooker   Andorra. Oct 06 2009 23:38. Posts 505

I'm assuming he had KQ/AK in that 7 4 suited hand where you got a backdoor flush in a 3 bet pot. Would you complain about this if this happened to you?

 Last edit: 06/10/2009 23:43

CrownRoyal   United States. Oct 06 2009 23:45. Posts 11385

holy shit, is this serious?


Newblish   Canada. Oct 06 2009 23:48. Posts 560

Loco : no, this has yet to happen to me. I've never lost more than $850 in a day. The reason my variance is so low is because at my highest stake i dont play any 100 BB stacks(only lower stakes). Im a 400 reg now, but since FTP allows you to only have 1 NL table open per stake at a time i play lower as well while i wait. 1.2k to me in the span of 1-2 hours is something i could never have been prepared for. Maybe i will be in the future. Also - I'm not sure how you are bothered so little by losing 10 BI's - i envy you for being able to handle it.

OpWestAcct : Thanks for your support whoever the fuck you are. Being up certain amounts doesnt mean much to me knowing i could have/should have been up even more. Might sound really arrogant/selfish/greedy but thats the reality. My winnings have never come close to my all in EV(i think one month it managed to touch it and say hi for the span of 200 hands, but that was about it). Also - I've made rants like these in the past, they are simply ways for me to vent my frustration. If you dont want to read it then dont. You could also try learning some manners btw.

palak - yeah again, really low variance style.. so this is why it was such a huge shock to me(considering i have 1 nl100 table and 2 200 tables open as well as 400). Lost around 300-400 nl400(so thats nothing - but i lost like 700-800 at nl200/100 which is like 4 BI's all in the span of like 45 minutes which has never happened to me before). I honestly couldnt give two shits what kind of variance other people have, you dont play the same style as i do. Nobody cares if you go on 20 BI swings daily(anything like that, which i might add i have seen in the past is purely idiotic).

Streethooker - Yeah he did, and thats what he gets for checking the flop.

Again - if you people dont want to read this. Dont.

 Last edit: 06/10/2009 23:58

OpWestAcct   United States. Oct 06 2009 23:58. Posts 640

My winnings are unbelievably low compared to my EV but I am not talking shit about God on a poker forum. I run bad all the fucking time -- the only difference is that I have never made anywhere near the money so I believe my case is quite worse. And you are ignorant as fuck if you truly believe this "Being up certain amounts doesnt mean much to me knowing i could have/should have been up even more." Who are you to decide what hands you should have gotten or not and how they "should" have played out.

Fuck me 

Newblish   Canada. Oct 07 2009 00:10. Posts 560

  On October 06 2009 22:58 OpWestAcct wrote:
My winnings are unbelievably low compared to my EV but I am not talking shit about God on a poker forum. I run bad all the fucking time -- the only difference is that I have never made anywhere near the money so I believe my case is quite worse. And you are ignorant as fuck if you truly believe this "Being up certain amounts doesnt mean much to me knowing i could have/should have been up even more." Who are you to decide what hands you should have gotten or not and how they "should" have played out.

Thats all in terms of EV again, what the fuck else would it be? I dont just get dealt J4o and decide : Ok i must be up X amount since i have been dealt this hand and it will be played up in such and such a way. What kind of a ridiculous assumption is that?

By disagreeing with me you're basically saying : well its better to be up than down in a month. So if i was up $100 as opposed to $3000(lets say thats what my EV in HEM said) then i shouldnt get mad because thats just poker? What the fuck is wrong with someone feeling worse if he/she is up $1000 when they according to their HEM could have been up $5000? (assuming HEM is at least somewhat accurate). Sure it ultimately does someone no good to get frustrated/angry but thats something im working on(as many poker players do).

by the way - if you read what the fuck i wrote youd have read that I dont believe in god at the end of the blog post. It's just a fucking expression when i refer to "god" you dumbshit.

Min9   Lithuania. Oct 07 2009 00:11. Posts 17

there is no god

hoylemj   United States. Oct 07 2009 00:15. Posts 840

ha ha I love this blog post...It's the exact same post I've been meaning to make after every session every day for...I dont know how long...the last 2 weeks. K, I'm probably exaggerating there, but sorry things aren't going well. Today I was reading a book by Slanksy and right off the bat, regarding poker theory, he discussed how suck-outs happen almost solely to good players because they're the ones getting it in w/ better most often, if not, practically speaking, always. He went on to suggest that you should feel good simply for making the right decisions as opposed to the actual results of the hand - that you should be happy with your Slansky bucks after every suckout. I try to take this to heart myself (guess it's either that or throw my computer out window which would just cost a few additional buy-ins to replace).

So that's it, I was just glad to actually read that section today and realize that apparently, as everyone is saying, that's just how it is. It still doesn't entirely make much sense to me, how it can happen so frequently and so predictably, and also with this being the case, how much someone has to play to profit from the game. gl

palak   United States. Oct 07 2009 00:16. Posts 4601

calm down newblish, we arn't hating, we are merely saying you should look at this in the light of holy shit I lost a lot but not really more then variance will cause, instead of looking at this like omg i run horrible. This is just a bad day, suck it up and move on.

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

street_hooker   Andorra. Oct 07 2009 00:17. Posts 505

exalted   United States. Oct 07 2009 00:18. Posts 2918

newblish idiot

exalted from teamliquid :o 

Newblish   Canada. Oct 07 2009 00:22. Posts 560

  On October 06 2009 23:15 hoylemj wrote:
ha ha I love this blog post...It's the exact same post I've been meaning to make after every session every day for...I dont know how long...the last 2 weeks. K, I'm probably exaggerating there, but sorry things aren't going well. Today I was reading a book by Slanksy and right off the bat, regarding poker theory, he discussed how suck-outs happen almost solely to good players because they're the ones getting it in w/ better most often, if not, practically speaking, always. He went on to suggest that you should feel good simply for making the right decisions as opposed to the actual results of the hand - that you should be happy with your Slansky bucks after every suckout. I try to take this to heart myself (guess it's either that or throw my computer out window which would just cost a few additional buy-ins to replace).

So that's it, I was just glad to actually read that section today and realize that apparently, as everyone is saying, that's just how it is. It still doesn't entirely make much sense to me, how it can happen so frequently and so predictably, and also with this being the case, how much someone has to play to profit from the game. gl

you're right. This is something i have to incorporate into my game, but im finding it difficult. Eventually i should be able to do it, but it may take time. Thanks for the support.

palak - I'll be fine. Just gotta take a break i think.

Im off to bed. Pretty sure i wont play for at least a week. I feel fine now and was just on a little bit of a "i hate poker momentarily" rant. Good night.

SpeedyJack   United States. Oct 07 2009 00:23. Posts 618

lol @ the butthurt christian

but really man everyone runs shitty and for someone at your stakes 1200 shouldnt be a huge deal

 Last edit: 07/10/2009 00:25

RaiZ   France. Oct 07 2009 00:33. Posts 1503

Maybe this will help :

"Used to be very results oriented in the past and always bitched about how bad i used to run. Some days i still try to fight the urge to bitch because i have some pretty shitty days, but its really nothing more than part of the game and i have no right to complain."

You said it yourself

Everyone has their share of suckouts/badbeat/coolers. Try to bear with it, because that's what make us better poker players than the rest.


Shin-il : Yeah it was very very very good for me too. Rekrul : YOU MOTHER FUCKING FUCKING SON OF A BITCH 

Newblish   Canada. Oct 07 2009 00:43. Posts 560

  On October 06 2009 23:17 street_hooker wrote:

i love you too.

thanks for your support(those who have posted useful insight)

Im seriously off to bed now though!

gl hf.

requiem   United States. Oct 07 2009 02:32. Posts 148

you sound like a lil bitch imo


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