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100nl confidence issues

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lazymej   Canada. Dec 02 2009 20:35. Posts 2897
up until recently I've been confident that I can beat 100nl, but it just seems that I'm facing 3bets, 4bets, flop or turn raises, flop or turn check/raises, floats all day long, especially when I have marginal holdings.

I really don't know what's going on it just seems that there's tons of monkeys. People say that there isn't much difference between 50nl and 100nl but it seems to me that the aggression is stepped up tenfold at 100nl.

I've played a ton at 100nl in the past and I used to counter this by being a FPS spew tard myself, which caused me to break even for long periods of time, but am I just running into tons of hands?

Not really sure what to think, when I watch videos and sweat people I don't really see this happening to them but a lot of the time when I play the same games I just get shit on constantly.

That being said I've only returned to 100nl for a few days now, maybe it's just variance and I should grind through it? It's really making me feel my skills are inadequate though, especially post flop.

Some people have suggested coaching and it might be a good idea, idk. Thoughts and suggestions LP?

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RICHI8   United States. Dec 02 2009 20:37. Posts 1341

Study and play. I hope NL100 is beatable without a coach, although I'm breakeven currently after 21k hands (small sample).

lazymej   Canada. Dec 02 2009 20:45. Posts 2897

that's pretty much my approach. I've been doing a decent amount of reading and watching vids in the times that I'm not playing. I also try to get a decent amount of hands in as well as sweating people/being sweated.

100nl should definitely be beatable sans a coach and I just don't understand what's going on atm.

terrybunny19240   United States. Dec 02 2009 20:50. Posts 13829

lol i'm feeling the same way atm -_-

but I lost 12 buyins in the last 2 days soooooo bleh

salutary   Australia. Dec 02 2009 21:11. Posts 362

hey guys ive played around 30k hands on 100nl, doing decently but have variance problems

pm me if you wanna exchange msn's to discuss poker and stuffs

Zalfor   United States. Dec 02 2009 21:19. Posts 2236

i remember nl100 being easier than nl50.. just run bad...

Sicks Macks   United States. Dec 02 2009 21:21. Posts 3929

Uhhh 100nl is worlds tougher than 50nl. It's essentially the first level you play established professionals. You guys are on drugs.

Mr. Will Throwit 

waga   United Kingdom. Dec 02 2009 21:33. Posts 2375

I was break even nl100 for maybe 200k+ hands lol.
A friend who play nl600+ taught me the game and pointed out my leak.(he spend like 2h/day for me wich is really cool)
Now I have the feeling that I crush this limit and playing really well (+30 bi in 3 weeks , 5/6h / day) and should move up soon.

Youd should try this and ask for a coach imo , it really helps a lot.

For your specific problem , maybe you're too passive and have a %fold to 3 bet and 4bet to high
Or it's just variance

waga   United Kingdom. Dec 02 2009 21:40. Posts 2375

Oh !
and I don't know how many tables you play but I was usually plaing 9 tbles and since I only play 4 I play better and learn more
(sorry for my english )

lazymej   Canada. Dec 02 2009 21:41. Posts 2897

  On December 02 2009 20:21 Sicks Macks wrote:
Uhhh 100nl is worlds tougher than 50nl. It's essentially the first level you play established professionals. You guys are on drugs.


People at 50nl play super straight forward and only a few regs will be 3betting you light, whereas it's common place to see light 3bets a ton at 100nl. People also start 4bet bluffing and aren't afraid to fire multiple barrels. 50nl is incredibly passive compared to 100nl, there's tons of aggrotards here it seems.

I'm just confused as to why I'm finding it as challenging as I am atm. Maybe I just need to grind through for a while and see what happens.

lazymej   Canada. Dec 02 2009 21:47. Posts 2897

  On December 02 2009 20:40 waga wrote:
Oh !
and I don't know how many tables you play but I was usually plaing 9 tbles and since I only play 4 I play better and learn more
(sorry for my english )

my standard was 4 tables for the longest time. I usually 6 table now as it prevents me from spewing too much when i get bored lol.

what were the big leaks that you plugged?

p.s. your english is completely fine

waga   United Kingdom. Dec 02 2009 21:56. Posts 2375

my leaks that I plugged are :
I don't valuebet river enough
%fold to 4bet too high
open with trash like A2o or K9o CO (I play 5-max)
3bet KQ or AJ , call is better. If you want balance your 3bet it's better to 3bet 97s than KQ ^^)
4bet light with AQ , A2s A5s is better if you really want 4bet bluff
don't give up in 3bet pot
and a lot of things

My worst leak was to not valuebet enough wich is a leak that 90% nl100 players have and which cost a lot

 Last edit: 02/12/2009 22:00

SPEWTARD   Peru. Dec 02 2009 22:03. Posts 4307

keep ur head up,

just continue playin dude, its the movin up syndrome, ppl is not that good, we just overthink a lot when movin up.

keep ur A game and u will start makin profit in no time.

gl <3

Rise and Shine 

lazymej   Canada. Dec 02 2009 22:35. Posts 2897

  On December 02 2009 20:56 waga wrote:
my leaks that I plugged are :
I don't valuebet river enough
%fold to 4bet too high
open with trash like A2o or K9o CO (I play 5-max)
3bet KQ or AJ , call is better. If you want balance your 3bet it's better to 3bet 97s than KQ ^^)
4bet light with AQ , A2s A5s is better if you really want 4bet bluff
don't give up in 3bet pot
and a lot of things

My worst leak was to not valuebet enough wich is a leak that 90% nl100 players have and which cost a lot

You brought up some interesting points there that raise some questions:

What do you mean by folding to 4bets too much? As in you should be calling more 4bets with a wider range? Or that you should be shipping over them with a wider range?

4betting "lighter" with AQ and call shoves? That seems like a good way to get stacked? Or do you mean only when people are 3betting u a ton.

When u say don't give up in 3bet pots - u mean both when you and the other guy has the betting initiative? or just when you have it to keep barreling good cards?

Thanks for the list and it should make for some good discussion.

As for value: I'm very comfortable with getting value out of my hands, there's just a rare case where I miss value on the river. But I agree back in the past I was a lot worse at extracting value from my hands.

SPEWTARD   Peru. Dec 02 2009 22:48. Posts 4307

please dont fps with 4bet pots...people dont 4bet bluff enough on nl100 to overthink about it

Rise and Shine 

SmokingDough   Canada. Dec 02 2009 23:27. Posts 365

you can still win playing a tight pretty abc game at 100nl. look at ronfar... guys a nit

Blaze it up 

lazymej   Canada. Dec 02 2009 23:33. Posts 2897

  On December 02 2009 22:27 SmokingDough wrote:
you can still win playing a tight pretty abc game at 100nl. look at ronfar... guys a nit

I've been winning but I just feel that I'm being given a lot of trouble and it's making me a bit uncomfortable.

RICHI8   United States. Dec 03 2009 00:01. Posts 1341

just play solid in 3bet and 4bet pots. nobody is bluffing, like ever.

Vivi57   United States. Dec 03 2009 00:16. Posts 314

if it really is just a confidence issue, try moving down then playing nl100 again on the weekend when it's softer

longple    Sweden. Dec 03 2009 01:45. Posts 4472

if u play more ull get more experience/confidence

 Last edit: 03/12/2009 01:55

lazymej   Canada. Dec 03 2009 02:11. Posts 2897

I've played at 100nl more than any other limit so I have experience there.

I guess I should just try grind through it.

barbieman   Sweden. Dec 03 2009 10:26. Posts 2132

if you table select very actively NL100 is easy, but I know how u feel. I've been running crappy last 40k hands, I'm still up.. but only 10bi. if you add rb it's about the double in 2 months. so it's not that bad $-wise. But fuck it's frustrating .

longple    Sweden. Dec 03 2009 10:29. Posts 4472

edit: IGNORE

 Last edit: 03/12/2009 10:34

lazymej   Canada. Dec 03 2009 20:55. Posts 2897

Barbie, I agree, with good table selection 100nl is easy game. The thing is though, we need to learn how to deal with these regs anyway sooner or later.


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