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SugoGosu   Korea (South). Jun 28 2010 02:01. Posts 1793

  On June 27 2010 22:18 Perisie wrote:
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its official rule that you cant discuss religion on tlnet, and pedophilia is nothing to do with me , i had the top 5-20 post count on tlnet 4 years in a row not because some faggot christians wanted to argue that giving out condoms in schools was promoting pedophilia but because i am awesome............L2P

  On March 05 2007 10:46 Chibi[OWNS] wrote:
Man I just totally raped the thread. And yes I'm a raging pedo, give me some more attention why don't you, that's all I'm here for after all.

In 1989 Briere and Runtz conducted a study on 193 male undergraduate students concerning pedophilia. Of the sample, 21% acknowledged sexual attraction to some small children

A study by Hall et al. of Kent State University found that, of their sample of 80 adult male volunteers, 26.25 % exhibited sexual arousal to heterosexual pedophilic stimuli that equaled or exceeded their arousal to the adult stimuli.

I nicked the alias Chibi when I saw it on an FF mailing list back when I was like 14. Don't think I knew what it meant or anything. And most hentai chicks don't look nine, I dunno what the hell you're watching unless it's from deadfrog in which case I do lol.

idk you seem to have the persona of being a pedo :O

oh and this:

Say this outloud! Why was six afraid of seven?......Because Seven Eight Nine 

Carthac   United States. Jun 28 2010 02:38. Posts 1343

  On June 27 2010 22:14 Perisie wrote:
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you dont get it. moderation is awesome in tlnet, but frequently steps over the line. people get banned for making funny jokes, people get banned for posting images, people get banned for making blogs or comments someone doesnt agree with, people get banned for typing in capital letters in fucking hype or live tourney threads, people get banned for making silly jokes, people get banned for typing in unconventional styles, people get banned for swearing, people get banned for being passionate ,people get banned for not fitting in, people get banned for whatever a mod disagrees with on a whim, and people often get banned for simple misunderstandings. the mods on tlnet are such insane elitists i know for a fact people are SCARED SHITLESS to join in many discussions. tlnet as a result has lost soooooooooooo much personality.

have you ever been on a forum where silly jokes, ,swearing, controversial opinions, etc are banned? its pretty fucking bland.

welcome to tlnet 2010. nowadays if someone makes a funny joke its more like they got a lucky break and you think "oh wow, that guy got a lucky break and made a funny joke. lucky he wasnt one of 50 people who were banned trying to make a joke".

I truly enjoy TL being one of the community's where I can look at a strategy thread without seeing pages and pages of "lol'd you suck" posts and pic posts saying things like "WTF R U TALKIN BOUT?" in an attempt to be funny.

I also see plenty of funny posts on TL. Yes, they may not be nearly as racy as some other sites, but while those jokes may be vacant, logical discussion and topics stay on track. Besides, 90-95% of the supposed "jokes" on other sites people are trying to make are extremely stupid and unfunny.

Also, looking at that thread about your post history, do you truly feel they were 100% unjust in banning you, after countless warning and temp bans?

Carthac   United States. Jun 28 2010 03:00. Posts 1343

BTW, I'm a psychologist so if you truly are a pedophile, I understand how horrible the situation can be with dealing with your disorder. However, you have to understand the image of your disorder and the pain it can bring onto others families and friends if acted upon. Attempting to joke about it will only bring you very strong resistance from others.

You can be totally joking and trolling when you try to defend pedophilia, but if you have these thoughts and feelings, I ask you to please seek help. It is not a harmless fetish by any means.

SaturdayZerg   Canada. Jun 28 2010 03:54. Posts 72

I can say with confidence this type of blog about LP would be instantly closed and the OP banned on teamliquid

terrybunny19240   United States. Jun 28 2010 04:01. Posts 13829

the manifesto thread about chibi getting banned was really weaksauce and not a single one of those random chibi quotes he put there were even remotely ban worthy.. lol wtf ?

maybe the last quote, the thread chibi is talking about could of been awkward.

idk I don't really have a strong opinion on tlnet since I have hardly visited the site for years now

and maybe I just shouldn't post cuz I really don't know the whole story and I'm not that interested in learning it LAWL

 Last edit: 28/06/2010 04:08

basementkid   . Jun 28 2010 06:06. Posts 191

I really want to know which people on here think that TL has good forums and is moderated well. The threads now are horrendous. My friend who was an old school veteran and frequented the site constantly no longer posts there because it is a pile of fail. The threads are garbage. The discussions level is at an all time low. There are way too many people trolling stupid shit and not anything relevant at all and then terrible moderation. You can't continue on in a good discussion on a controversial topic at all without trash clogging up the thread and then mods either shutting it down or not banning idiots for derailing threads or posting stupid replys that are absolute garbage. They also ban and warn people for the most outrageous stuff but then other times let people slide for shit they should be banned for. I hate the way TL is going and is now.

Chill got on me one time hard for trying to contribute to a thread when I responded to a poster and flamers. I was unaware there was some crazy shit that had gone down in the lounge that was exactly like the topic being discussed where the douche kid claimed to have an M3. I actually own an M3 and was trying to have a decent conversaition about the difference between rx8 and bmw's and i got railed from chill and some other posters when i wasn't out of line at all. I ended up getting a temp ban for it for no reason until tons of people came to defend me and they lifted the ban when chill realized he was being a total idiot

EvilSky    Czech Republic. Jun 28 2010 06:55. Posts 8918

TL is good for BW stuff only, for discussing things like adults LP is the better choice.

mnj   United States. Jun 28 2010 07:59. Posts 3848

  On June 28 2010 05:55 EvilSky wrote:
TL is good for BW stuff only, for discussing things like adults LP is the better choice.


Loco   Canada. Jun 28 2010 08:33. Posts 20968

I agree with Evilsky, I think is pretty shitty nowadays. I've gotten banned from the site for posting a link to a torrent when someone asked. It was a lifetime ban. That's not even why I think it's shitty though, it's mainly that the discussions there just plain suck. This community we have here is far better and so is the moderation.

Carthac, are you really a psychologist? You just called pedophilia a fetish...

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

EvilSky    Czech Republic. Jun 28 2010 13:18. Posts 8918

He didnt call it a fetish, he said its not a "harmless fetish" . Anyways enough derail, but yea I rly think the overall level of intelligence is higher on LP than TL and of course its a private site so they are free to moderate it as they want its just seems so stupid sometimes -.-


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