Limp looser pf in order to hit big flops and stack people, especially in later positions. We're including all Axs, Kxs and unsuited connectors. Building pots isn't much of a concern as you can often just bet huge post flop when you want to and keep your investment minimal otherwise.
Raise huge when you have good hands pf. Hopefully you're more likely to get fewer people to the flop this way, also makes the stack to pot ratios much smaller post flop, which means a much greater percentage of the stacks get in on the flop and turn decisions will be fairly automatic since you've made the pot so huge.
Results in you getting much higher percentage of your stack in with them having the least amount of equity. If you still get sucked out on, that sucks, but at least you got them to put in a ton of money with 5 outs or whatever. |