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Loco   Canada. Sep 05 2006 13:12. Posts 20975

  On August 04 2006 02:41 tokeweed wrote:
my name is pedro juan miguel martinez... and i'm broke

wow what a coincidence my name is pedro juan miguel sanchez..

btw DIDI8 WTF POSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

DIDI8   Bulgaria. Sep 05 2006 14:14. Posts 314


mali mali ludnichka 

rANDY   United Kingdom. Sep 09 2006 06:51. Posts 2223

Hi im Andy and i started playing real money poker yesterday. Midian taught me the basics, hope to be rich soon =)

Swinky   Netherlands. Sep 15 2006 10:06. Posts 1

Hi I'm Arjan,

I live in Rotterdam, Netherlands, where I also study. I've been playing online for several months now. I usually play low buy-inn sng's, and hope to build up my bankroll this way. Besides this, I play in a weekly homegame and sometimes organise a tournament. Hopefully I will learn a lot from this site, so I can become a beter player!

Cheers, Swinky

FunkMastaJ   United States. Sep 15 2006 11:37. Posts 178

yo im Johnny , some people call me "sausages"

used to play SC back in the days of Ladder challenges as L@zY-EyE
now i play wc3 on east and im known as StarsNStripes

i play on poker stars as FunkMastaJ on the 1/2 tables and some sng's occasionally
im very confused about all the abbriviations u guys are using but im trying , anyway thats me see you on the forum , bulletins or at the table.



LNinja   Canada. Sep 16 2006 23:31. Posts 328

Hey guys,

I've just started playing poker... made 5000$ with 200$ after winning 2 tournies finished 1st for 450$ and the other for 150$ and building it to 900$ then playing for 10/20 NL... only to lose it all the next day. I am now officially hooked and have not stopped playing since and realizing improvements, but still not profitable.

I remember when my friend from broodwar(Alu) with whom I played extensively with tried to convince me to start playing poker(he was claiming to be making 500$ a week or so but I didn't really believe him believing it was a game of luck), this was something like 2 years ago and boy should I have listened to him because I would probably be much better today but I didn't so here I am, a late bloomer just starting.

Since I hated gambling and relying on luck, and I believed poker to belong in that category, I could never see myself playing it.

I recognize a few lpayers that play bw here... like fayth, veg, loco and a few others....I played brood war alot... and joined Team Liquid a very long time ago... I think in 1999, when I beat Nazgul 3 in a best of 7 games I think. So he decided to invite me in his clan.

Simply wearing this tag has given me a notorious reputation on I hope I can do the same with Poker, and make lots of money...


n1ck   Bulgaria. Sep 17 2006 16:51. Posts 308

Hi guys,

I've been browsing this site for months but decided to post my first hands only a few minutes ago =).

As most of you I moved to poker after being a gamer for quite some time (the best Quake 3/4 player in my country).

I hope you will give me some support for becoming a decent poker player with any useful tips and advices =).

I'm currently playing at Full Tilt Poker at the lowest stakes (0.05/0.10) and I'm trying to build my way up to the higher limits.

Cu around

The cruelest dream, reality. 

seapal   United States. Sep 18 2006 17:44. Posts 178

i'm a failure a lot. got issues, you could say. i'll probably be dead in a few years.

but then i look at everyone else, and i feel pretty fucking good about myself. peace.

always been an ok gm fish 

lauchon   France. Sep 22 2006 01:53. Posts 2

hello guys
I'm new member here; and I wish play with you, in the forum i'm lauchon and in pokerstars my nick is lauchon28, I'm from argentina but now I'm living in paris
My best record in pokerstars: I finished in 2 place in the 25000 dollar guaranteed
so i see you in the tables and gl all

[GiTM]-Ace   United States. Sep 22 2006 10:19. Posts 1585

hi im Michael

Been a member of Tl.Net since about the 1st month it started.Registered to Lp. when it 1st was created but wasnt much into poker then. Now i am and im hooked to bad im not very good and i dont see how ppl's bankrolls keep going up while mine barely moves

[GiTM]- GoSu in the Making 

riversucks   United States. Sep 30 2006 07:33. Posts 2

hi im russ nice to meet u all im a pretty good pker player i think but if it wasnt for bad luck rivers i wouldnt have any lmao

take it like a man dont whine 

mfcmurray2   United States. Sep 30 2006 08:14. Posts 374

Hello, Im James, Im 20, and I like long walks on the beach and unprotected sex.

check raisin deuce hi 

Sham4n   Poland. Oct 03 2006 10:09. Posts 4

Hi everyone,

I switched to poker from Starcraft about 1 year ago. At first I was playing only freerolls, sometimes winning couple of $ and quite quickly losing it. In april/06 I won about $70 at bet365 but after a month I moved to Everest Poker. I've been playing at EP since then. Now I play NL100 at 4/5 tables.

Most of you probably play at PS or Party, so I dont expect to meet a lot of you at the table ;-)


If, after the first twenty minutes, you dont know who the sucker at the table is, its you.Last edit: 03/10/2006 10:16

Badbeat   Germany. Oct 03 2006 14:12. Posts 284


i am lucas from germany. and playing since my 18th(since one and a half months).hopefully i play next week on ftp at 50$ nl.
yeah thats all about^^


keine pasta ohne soße 

Cyrrix_   United States. Oct 04 2006 10:24. Posts 7

Hi I just got online, and made it in before the US ban goes big


malcolmknoll   Canada. Oct 04 2006 11:15. Posts 156

I'm Malcolm
I'm 19

I have no realistic goals in life. I'm enrolled in my second year of college, majoring in Finance, but it doesn't really interest me.

I started playing poker 2 months ago live and i've played a ton of sit-n-go's online but never won anything really. Deposited 90 dollars 2 months ago and still have it, but haven't been able to turn it into anything big.

I've been reading teamliquid forums for a couple years but never posted, and i've been reading these forums for about 6 months, so i'm pretty familiar with the community.

i just made the decision to grind out the penny tables and work my way up in the online poker world. wish me luck

meatcity   United States. Oct 10 2006 08:38. Posts 165

Im meatcity and I love meat

humPah   Finland. Oct 12 2006 10:04. Posts 1544

Hi, I'm mostly a TL-net user and still playing Brood War, at least some

Used that PartyPoker 50$ + 25$ deal and been playing for a month now. Got the 50$ to like 10$ then got the 25$, was like at 50$, then deposit 50$ myself so I could cashout but well kept playing, then had 120$ and now I'm down to like 85$ Losing hands that I shouldn't call and stuff heh, well we'll see, if I drop to 50$ I'll prolly cashout since I don't prefer to lose the money I deposit. Haven't done any freerolls, prolly should and will do in the future. Playing at 0.02$/0.04$ blinds.

Raising preflop more than 10% is somewhat wild. 5% is average. Less than 3% is passive. 

Mephistio   United States. Oct 12 2006 17:31. Posts 41

Hi, i am a huge donkey who sucks at poker and is currently grinding out the low limits at FTP. i have played poker for the better part of 3 years without being terribly serious about it till lately. But do to some luck i started a winning streak and now i am hooked on the damn game, oh and like just about everyone here i play broodwar (but is it bad if my multi table apm is higher then my zerg apm?).

anyways, my ultimate goal is to move from donkey, to dead money.

sniderstyle   United States. Oct 20 2006 08:17. Posts 2046

Hi, im billy.
I used to play starcraft and lurked the forums and switched to playing poker three or four years ago. Recently dropped out of school and quit my job to pursue this fulltime. So far decently succesful but there are definitely many leaks in my game. I generally play 1-2 , 2-4nl. I used to be a big time toureny poker player on Party Poker but now that PP is gone, its tough to find decent tourneys so I've switched to cash games almost exclusively. Big Balls recent video inspired me to make an account here. Looking foward to contributing and learning more about the game. Ok , see ya.

sniderstyle on PS and FT

Genginho: lose today 100 dollar only because of fishs they called and had luck on river 


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