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seapal   United States. May 25 2006 01:33. Posts 178

I have many names. You might have seen me on TeamLiquid. PM me if you want to talk about that.

I may try to learn poker someday so I can kill time with pennies instead of Broodwar. Ideally, I could play Broodwar for pennies... but I know of no such service.

I live in the United States. I have been in and out of Universities. There is something seriously wrong with society's ideas of education, money, and government--and the media.

But anyways, I'm pretty cynical about people in general. I won't bother mentioning what music I like or what state I'm in... because I don't even want to know the people that live in my building, and I already know what pretty much anyone will say. Why bother?

always been an ok gm fish 

Karma    Australia. May 25 2006 02:25. Posts 3538

Why bother?


fish mentality 

Ket    United Kingdom. May 25 2006 10:05. Posts 8665

hi stimey! VDP REPRESENT

mad1337nes   United States. May 25 2006 17:03. Posts 2414

my name is madleetnesssssss

and im a crack whore

 Last edit: 26/05/2006 03:58

mrgoblin   Netherlands. May 26 2006 03:53. Posts 39

Hi im Jack aka MightyGoblin @ sc orginal

Cu in the finals!

# op UGT-1


seapal   United States. May 26 2006 13:58. Posts 178

hey ket, what was your name

always been an ok gm fish 

Ibsu Bai Hui   United Kingdom. May 26 2006 14:06. Posts 3390

i wish you would, i made almost $2k in the last 2 weeks playing with pennies, it'd be nice if i could help you like that

Floofy says: my sis always goes around in bra but its annopyying to me 

LindseyMcLohan   Korea (South). May 26 2006 16:19. Posts 9

Hihi, I am LindseyMcLohan, Korean - American Popstar and Poker Cho Chobo.
I am gonna take after the steps of Rek and hope I win some money and uh. yeah.
Nice to meet everyone.

Genius is not the answer to all questions, it is the question to all answers. Word? 

Baalim   Mexico. May 26 2006 16:57. Posts 34267

american popstar?

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Ibsu Bai Hui   United Kingdom. May 27 2006 00:41. Posts 3390

glad to have you with us lindsey =] if you need any help my pm box is always open

Floofy says: my sis always goes around in bra but its annopyying to me 

EnorD   United States. May 27 2006 01:00. Posts 199

It's storming outside hard, so I better keep this short

ZaplinG on (recently broke 700 posts wooo) and Pokerstars (NL10 and 1/3$sngs)
played sc since the dawn of time (and war2 before sc was out), but i havnt taken it as serious as most people on tl do

I enjoy long walks on the beach, ice cream, and a good romance novel.

Im here all the time in between hands, but i dont post much.
Meatball is a turtle.


I'm extremely good at the UMS map V-tec Paintball (have beaten the likes of testie and other well known folks Op V-tec on east if you are interested) and won a bunch of Team Micro Arena tournaments.

I am currently watching an infomercial because it is 3:00am in the morning, but not anymore because my power just wen

Starcraft AkA: ZaplinG 

Ket    United Kingdom. May 27 2006 01:34. Posts 8665

  On May 26 2006 12:58 seapal wrote:
hey ket, what was your name

vdp]megaman and vdp]epiphany, twistedecho posts here too and i remember when our efforts to get u to change your name to something other than vdp]tampax were futile.. fun times

PseudoJew   United States. May 27 2006 01:55. Posts 12

Hi. I'm eighteen and going to college next fall. Pacifist and Fira introduced me to this ownage site and poker. Props to them.

Fuck outs. 

PseudoJew   United States. May 27 2006 01:59. Posts 12

Hi. I'm eighteen and going to college next fall. Pacifist and Fira introduced me to this ownage site and poker. Props to them.

Fuck outs. 

seapal   United States. May 27 2006 08:03. Posts 178

tampax in the hizzouse.. sup twisted. still play bw? im still so suck.

always been an ok gm fish 

Chase Fedina   Canada. May 27 2006 08:40. Posts 994

Hi, my name is Chase Fedina. Im 19 years old, I live in Edmonton, Alberta (Canada), and play predominantly on PS. I play 9 player sit and go's almost exclusively, and with the help of sharkscope, i make enough money that ive quit my part time job (i have few expenses).
I also achieved silverstar status for the first time just the other night which is nice, and with the 50% fpp bonus i can shoot for goldstar next month.
I will be attending college in september where im going to get my BA, majoring in economics, i think lol.

Just glad to find such an involving poker forum! :D

DooMeR: check/fold life 

Brigibaba   Hungary. May 27 2006 09:14. Posts 1

Hi, I'm Brigitta from Hungary. My husband & Me are big pokerplayer.
If u playing poker with us, then fold Your cards, pleaseeeeeeeee

Good Luck, My Friends ! 

Jucifer   Canada. May 28 2006 00:51. Posts 3

hello all. :|


Reed   United States. May 29 2006 09:11. Posts 106

Hi, I'm Tav. I used to be a professional poker player until two bad days and lost 100k. Now, I play a little for fun, but concentrating on a few other things.

artpoker_yo   . May 30 2006 11:43. Posts 1241

woah wtf reed =0


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