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SpeedyJack   United States. Nov 10 2010 16:27. Posts 618

-Increased estrogen levels
-Poorer lung function

k2o4   United States. Nov 10 2010 18:29. Posts 4803

  On November 10 2010 15:27 SpeedyJack wrote:
-Increased estrogen levels
-Poorer lung function

munchies are the only true one. I'd never heard the estrogen thing, only that it lowered testosterone. Both are lies. God, so many lies! 

NewbSaibot   United States. Nov 10 2010 21:43. Posts 4946

It's funny, I grew up in a relatively anti-drug childhood. We had the D.A.R.E. classes a few times, and obviously I picked up the idea to avoid drugs from somewhere, but I cant really remember where. As a result, none of those medical myths were ever pushed on me. Aside from the obvious health risk of inhaling smoke, I never once avoided or was told to avoid marijuana because of the aforementioned reasons. We just didnt do it because it's what the bad kids did (and they really were bad lol).

bye now 

tloapc   Pitcairn. Nov 11 2010 00:39. Posts 2591

my time is limited but people who output the "gateway drug" logic are correct but have only taken one small step into the reasoning

pot is a gateway drug because it is ILLEGAL
and once a person tries it they often found out.... hey it's not so bad ...oh wow lol actually this feels good and whoa its fun (especially the first time u actually get high)

so when they wake the next day not feeling groggy, hungover or anything then they often finalize it's all just a bunch of nonsense and thus become much more prone to try other "BAD" stuff that really can screw them up

on another note - you might (dunno) find this interesting

^ came out yesterday and I'm currently searching for the international scientist study thing mentioned at the end as it's probably more of what you are looking for and could use but so far not finding it

The probability of someone watching you is proportional to the stupidity of your action. 

sawseech   Canada. Nov 11 2010 01:38. Posts 3182

inhibited memory formation and effective loss of recall
laced product

lets go fucking mental la la la la lets go fucking mental lets go fucking mental lala la la 

spets1   Australia. Nov 11 2010 06:15. Posts 2179

I havnt read any other replies. But here goes mine:

Smoking anything is bad. - Use vaporizer or something like that.
I work in Rail industry - so if I get busted Im fired. Thats a risk. So i dont use MJ anymore.
Also makes me a little shizo. I was suspecting that im getting spied on for a little while. But thats also added toi the shit that was going on in my life. That was weird on its own anyway.
Also sometimes it made me antisocial. And think too much of everything I say and other people say. I would sit there and overanalyze what people say.

But if you dont smoke it everyday i think its fine. Much better than alcohol.

Also I dont think it demotivates too much. When I was in uni I used to fail half my subjects almost every semester, I did smoke pot occasionally. But the last few years of uni when I smoked the most pot, I didnt fail any subjects. This isnt saying that MJ made me study better. Just saying that it didnt demotivate me to study when I wanted to pass shit.

btw link up the paper when you write it up.

Also I would suggest interviwing people who dont support Mj like christians or something like that.

holaLast edit: 11/11/2010 06:20

spets1   Australia. Nov 11 2010 06:24. Posts 2179

I used to try to convince my friends that weed isnt bad and should be lagalised but they are jsut too brainwashed.
Main thing for them i believe is - its illegal therefore its bad.


qwerty67890   New Zealand. Nov 11 2010 07:33. Posts 14026

  On November 10 2010 14:19 k2o4 wrote:
1) It kills brain cells
2) It weakens your immune system
3) It lowers sperm count
4) kills your long term memory
5) Is a gateway drug
6) Causes you to be lazy and a worthless bum
7) Stunts growth

Doesnt everything do this?

The argument isnt whether its healthy or not, thats a different argument, but if we look at things which are legal which do some of or all of the things you listed:

Nicotine, Alcohol and Fast Food all achieve some of these, but no one really gives a shit. Its accepted that you can have eat MacDonalds, Drink a few beers and have a few smokes on the weekend. Its far less accepted that you can do any of the above and get stoned, pretty much for the reason listed above "Its illegal, therefore its bad"

People often forget that most foods these days are chemically enhanced so you literally have no shot. "Once you pop you cant stop" isnt just a witty slogan by pringles, their chips are packed full of shit which makes your brain scream out for more.

Nicotine is obvious, but society has kind of taken the "if you want to, do it" approach. Its legal, but there are strict regulations on advertising and they show the health risks.

Alcohol is a big part of most western culture these days, and its not going to change any time soon.

They all have negative effects associated with extended and excessive use of any of these products. If you eat 2 kilos of salt, you will kill yourself, but its still used to enhance the flavour of everything we eat.

Not to mention the huge economic benefits that would arise from legalization of weed.

k2o4   United States. Nov 11 2010 10:42. Posts 4803

I think a poker forum is a bad place to get idiotic views on pot, cause most of you guys are not idiots, are internet savy so you have access to legit info and research for yourselves, and already take part in something that other people try to ban cause they find it morally wrong, so you understand the plight of marijuana and how to be in favor of something that society tries to demonize.

So yeah, not getting so many idiotic brainwashed comments which is good cause it makes me feel like the world is sane, but it's bad cause it gives me nothing to use for my paper, haha.

Anyway thanks to everyone who has replied. I exaggerate when I say it doesn't help, it definitely does help to hear your input. 

boreHM   Netherlands. Nov 11 2010 15:15. Posts 1595

you could become addicted to tobacco if you use that to smoke weed i guess


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