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k2o4   United States. Nov 10 2010 11:07. Posts 4803
Hello friendly LP people.

I'm writing a paper on... you guessed it, cannabis (marijuana). I need some help from the general public though, which is where you guys come in. I want to know what the general public believes the dangers of marijuana are. So it would help if you could reply to this question:

What are the dangers/risks of using marijuana?

Thanks to anyone who replies, it is much appreciated =)

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longple    Sweden. Nov 10 2010 11:14. Posts 4472

atleast in sweden, alot of ppl dosnt know and think that its super deadly

most young ppl have a more realistic view on it though, but will take atleast like 10 years more for sweden to catch up with most other countrys realizing that its not deadly

other than that the usual stuff, "but it can lead into worse drugs, criminality" blablabla

but ppl think that u can take like an overdose and die instantly t_t

thats atleast what i though a couple of years ago, before i started smoking myself ^_^

maxousek   Czech Republic. Nov 10 2010 11:19. Posts 464

Everyone is smoking here in czech. Noone gives a shit

PanoRaMa   United States. Nov 10 2010 11:23. Posts 1655

the only danger associated with marijuana is getting caught by the police 

devon06atX   Canada. Nov 10 2010 11:24. Posts 5459

it's enables the upward mobility of blacks

nah, but really, it does lead to a sedentary lifestyle and is pretty damn bad for students. aka - it does kill the determination/drive factor. at least, it did for me when i was a big pothead

NewbSaibot   United States. Nov 10 2010 11:31. Posts 4946

Six degrees of separation says if you trace the source of your marijuana purchase, you find this guy:

bye now 

Gigabeef   United Kingdom. Nov 10 2010 11:33. Posts 111

As far as I'm concerned I'm not totally sure. I'm a non smoker, and I'm of the belief that it can effect some people mentally but only if they are pre-destined to have a condition/have a condition already if that makes any sense. I mean like, I'm pretty sure that it doesn't do anything to 99% of the people who take it.

However I think that if people smoke it then that obv can have bad effects, smoke just isn't great for us generally and also that people can definitely get mentally addicted to it but that is the same for alcohol and a lot of other things too. It can get in the way of peoples lives making them unproductive as well if they used it too much but again that is the same for alcohol.

lebowski   Greece. Nov 10 2010 11:40. Posts 9205

It's a gateway drug to chocolate

new shit has come to light... a-and... shit! man... 

longple    Sweden. Nov 10 2010 11:55. Posts 4472

the only true bad thing with smoking is that u might get fat eventually ^_^, for all the candy and chips u buy while stoned

damn, everytime i get like snacks and stuff before smoking, everytime i tell myself "this time im gonna buy so much its gonna be enough.." but always, no mather how much u buy u wantzzz more!

so it might make u fat

allthough, somehow, almost no one gets fatter, all my friends who is smoking alot can eat like 200$ worth of snacks and candy like 4-5 times a week, sit on their asses playing games and never get fat ^_^

 Last edit: 10/11/2010 11:59

PoorUser    United States. Nov 10 2010 12:05. Posts 7471

biggest concern with most people around here is that they say it is a gateway drug

Gambler Emeritus 

xkyodaix   Malawi. Nov 10 2010 12:18. Posts 19

i dont see any danger that alchohol can't trump 10x times over. but it does make one dumber longer than society would want. personally i dont like talking to stoned people if im not stoned myself.

qwerty67890   New Zealand. Nov 10 2010 12:20. Posts 14026

When i was at school there were a bunch of stoners who seemed incapable of talking about ANYTHING but weed/things related to weed.

So if you conversed with them, it would be about:

- The stitch bucket they pulled last night
- The giant sack they made
- The sweet gack they bought
- Bongs

It was very boring.

But Carl Sagan smoked weed, so whats the fucking problem?
Getting stoned is awesome. Laughing uncontrollably at Americas Funniest Home Videos and eating a whole bar of rocky road chocolate and a family bag of chips and dip. What a great day.

thewh00sel    United States. Nov 10 2010 12:30. Posts 2734

I just don't wanna look like this guy so I've never tried it

A government is the most dangerous threat to man’s rights: it holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims. - Ayn Rand 

qwerty67890   New Zealand. Nov 10 2010 12:40. Posts 14026

  On November 10 2010 11:30 thewh00sel wrote:
I just don't wanna look like this guy so I've never tried it

Yeah this guy looks a lot like the guy who i was talking about in my post. I think this had a subconscious effect on my desire to smoke a lot of weed.
That, and I find the taste repulsive.

I think everyone should try weed though. Ive tried it, enjoyed it a handful of times but have no desire to use it regularly and have only smoked about a dozen times over the last decade.

the song "The Irony of It all" by The Streets pretty much sums it all up.

qwerty67890   New Zealand. Nov 10 2010 12:42. Posts 14026

As a side note, stoners seem way more generous.

Stoners are always to share their weed with you to have a session, Ive rarely experienced this with an alcoholic sharing his drink.

Ket    United Kingdom. Nov 10 2010 13:20. Posts 8665

To the OP, I'm going out on a limb and guessing the underlying theme or point your paper is gonna try to make is to show that the general public is misguided about the real dangers of cannabis maybe due in part to govt/media propaganda/smear campaigns. Which is fine, this may indeed be a real problem still. But for most people I know well that are close to me this doesn't seem to be the case and we're all pretty aware of the real medical risks and that claims of it being a 'gateway drug' are somewhere between dubious and totally bogus, and that if alcohol is legal and weed is not that is arguably a pretty big inconsistency.

Despite this, in my mind weed still can be dangerous for many and here is what I feel the biggest danger of weed is: If it's so enjoyable to do on occasion u might decide it suits your lifestyle and makes you happier to start doing it more than just on occasion and maybe even eventually on a daily basis. You'd start to feel more relaxed, peaceful and content with life on a day to day basis. Following this you may lose a lot of your motivation and drive to constantly strive to improve in all areas of your life from your career to health/fitness and other hobbies/pursuits. You may tend more towards leading an unproductive and unbalanced lifestyle where too much recreational time is spent blazing up instead of having a more balanced and healthy range of recreational pursuits, and too little time will be spent putting in the hard work and effort it takes to achieve higher levels success in your career and being in good shape, both being very important for a good life in the long term.

Oly   United Kingdom. Nov 10 2010 13:31. Posts 3585

I just typed a post and then bothered to read Ket's and he's got it bang on. Too much weed makes too many people content with being bums. Doing stuff in a balanced way should be obvious though.

Researchers used brain scans to show that when straight men looked at pictures of women in bikinis, areas of the brain that normally light up in anticipation of using tools, like spanners and screwdrivers, were activated. 

NewbSaibot   United States. Nov 10 2010 13:45. Posts 4946

Speaking of the bum angle, here's another tidbit of fully debatable evidence;

Of all the people I have ever met who smoked pot, none of them were very productive, and all of them lived sedentary bum type lifestyles. They had lame jobs, no ambitions, didnt give a shit about anything, enjoyed making minimum wage, and will live in apartments the rest of their lives.

As a non-smoker I obviously dont know too many people who smoke. I'd say I guess 15-20 in my lifetime. But they all fit the bill. And every time I was just like "well I wont be associating with him in the future". Now I know there are intelligent financially successful smokers in this world too, so thats why I dont like to draw conclusions, even though every time I seem to be right. Hopefully you're one of those people k2o. I mean, you're not 27 living with 3 roomates still are you?

It's sorta like walking through the bad area of town, you know the one with all the black people. Are black people dangerous? No. Are you stupid to walk through compton at night? Yes. Why? Because it's full of black people. I dont think marijuana users have been made outcasts entirely by some elaborate smear campaign by whomever. If that were so, I wouldnt keep bumping into people who have at one point or another lived off welfare or tried cocaine for fun one night.

bye now 

longple    Sweden. Nov 10 2010 14:33. Posts 4472

  On November 10 2010 12:20 Ket wrote:
To the OP, I'm going out on a limb and guessing the underlying theme or point your paper is gonna try to make is to show that the general public is misguided about the real dangers of cannabis maybe due in part to govt/media propaganda/smear campaigns. Which is fine, this may indeed be a real problem still. But for most people I know well that are close to me this doesn't seem to be the case and we're all pretty aware of the real medical risks and that claims of it being a 'gateway drug' are somewhere between dubious and totally bogus, and that if alcohol is legal and weed is not that is arguably a pretty big inconsistency.

Despite this, in my mind weed still can be dangerous for many and here is what I feel the biggest danger of weed is: If it's so enjoyable to do on occasion u might decide it suits your lifestyle and makes you happier to start doing it more than just on occasion and maybe even eventually on a daily basis. You'd start to feel more relaxed, peaceful and content with life on a day to day basis. Following this you may lose a lot of your motivation and drive to constantly strive to improve in all areas of your life from your career to health/fitness and other hobbies/pursuits. You may tend more towards leading an unproductive and unbalanced lifestyle where too much recreational time is spent blazing up instead of having a more balanced and healthy range of recreational pursuits, and too little time will be spent putting in the hard work and effort it takes to achieve higher levels success in your career and being in good shape, both being very important for a good life in the long term.

yes laazy ppl who use weed everyday will get even more laazy
fat people will get fatter and die for eating fast food

and i like the tickeling feeling from bungyjumping so now im gonna go jump from a bridge!

in all seriousness all ur saying is true, i agree with it to the fullest, the only problem with weed really is that it will make people more laazy, prolly fuck up school for alot of young guys that rather sits at home watching how i met your mother / playing wow while smoking weed or w/e then going to school

but that is also true for everything else but weed, laazy ass ppl who cant control themself will always fail at what they do, its either drugs or alcohol or food or xx insert anything

its all a personal thing, its not like people who smokes alot of weed will insta lose the grip on their life and ambitions

 Last edit: 10/11/2010 14:37

k2o4   United States. Nov 10 2010 15:19. Posts 4803

Thanks guys.

If you're still reading comments, people who have posted, could you maybe post any thing you were told by parents, teachers, police, etc, while growing, about how weed was bad? Even if you know it's not true, it would help me to know the things you were told. I know I personally was told that:

1) It kills brain cells
2) It weakens your immune system
3) It lowers sperm count
4) kills your long term memory
5) Is a gateway drug
6) Causes you to be lazy and a worthless bum
7) Stunts growth

Of course I now know all of those things were lies and not a single one of them is true. Did you guys hear similar stuff?

In regards to the lazy argument, I agree to a certain extent. Without a doubt when I smoke I get lazier overall, especially if it's an indica (sativa's get me more active and focused, so they are great for going on a hike or doing homework). When I get high I often want to just have fun, not work. Though sometimes for me having fun is doing research for school which is work and fun at the same time, heh. The thing is, most of the pot smokers who are lazy slackers are easy to identify as pot smokers. They don't hide it. But the active, productive pot smokers tend to keep it secret cause they're usually doing jobs where it could cause them trouble if their pot smoking came to light. I think that is why we build that stereotype.

Once I started smoking pot consistently I began to meet others who do the same, and I now know many more productive members of society who smoke on a regular basis than loser slacker stoners. When I was younger it was opposite.

Ket the worry you had about daily use is EXACTLY what I was scared of when I first started smoking. As I started smoking more often, progressing from 1 time a month, 2 times a month, 1 time a week, multiple times a week, and then to where I am now where it is daily, I remember getting really scared everytime I started to smoke more. But as I did more research and saw that all the risks were lies I went for it, mostly worried about the lazy thing. What happened? I get up very day at 6:30am and head to school so I can be there when the library opens, and I sit and study for a few hours, then attend classes, then go home, study for a bit, and once all my work is done, I smoke and relax for the evening. That's my daily use. Results? My memory has improved, my immune system is the strongest it has ever been, and i'm less stressed and happier than any other time of my life. And I have straight A's in all my classes (3 of those 5 classes I literally have 100% or more). So it's clear that daily weed smoking doesn't CAUSE laziness, but lazy people who smoke weed daily will obviously be more lazy.

The bottom line is the people who were going to be lazy bums anyway are the ones who smoke weed and are lazy bums. Just like how we all decide whether to have excessive amounts of coffee or eat hamburgers 3 meals a day for a year, it's about living life in balance. A person who plays too many video games and disregards his regular life responsibilities is the exact same as a pot smoker. Yes this is a fun thing to do which can be a distraction, but only if you let it, just like movies are a distraction. It's about the person, not the pot. 


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