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Moving to Poland

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rS.Wisdom[9]   United States. Dec 20 2010 15:33. Posts 1288
Hey guys,

I haven't blogged much on here, but thought I'd share my rough life plans for the immediate future, and a bit of how I got there. I've lived in the Chicago suburbs my entire life, went to school in Illinois, and figured I'd get a job in Chicago, have a family, and live that traditional life. I found poker my last year and high school and played in college, coming at the perfect time where I could make some money part time while in school. I applied for internships and started working after I graduated, but after ~3 months after I started, the company I was with couldn't keep me on. I'd have to rely on poker for money while I continue looking for a job.

Poker went pretty well, and I really loved the freedom of doing what I wanted everyday. Wake up as late as you want, go on a trip somewhere anytime in the week and not worry about when you'll get back (I hated having to use my 2 days off on a weekend for a trip, it almost felt like I wasted my weekend where I like to have some time to sit on my ass). About 4 months later, I got a call from 2 companies, one of which I had worked for before, and its competitor, both essentially offering me a job to get into their program where they'd train me on the job for ~1-1.5 years and then be on board full time. I thought it over for every moment for about 2 weeks, talked with some friends and family each giving their own suggestion. Eventually I turned them both down, and decided to stick with poker. It wasn't as much about wanting an 'easy' life or something people might imagine with poker, but the freedom and flexibility was very attractive, and I found I REALLY liked figuring out a way to live my life different from all my peers. This is the same point I realized I don't have to do what was expected of me by others, I can play poker rather than get a job, go shopping for different styles of clothing than the polo shirts / khakis / etc. that my friends and I often wore in the past. Anything I could do that was different became really attractive to me.

Fast forward a bit later, 2 friends of mine from my starcraft playing days are going to get married (one of which most of you know eriador / liquid`drone), and I'm invited to go to their wedding in Poland. I don't know much about Poland or know anybody who's been there really, so I figure sure why not? I go there for almost a full week of wedding celebration and PoorUser of LP fame was there as well, making us the only Americans there. It really was a blast, one of the best times I've ever had, and at the wedding I met a Polish girl.

I come home and I keep talking to this girl on msn, and we get to talking about how I really wanted to do a euro trip kind of thing, to travel across lots of different countries, but didn't really want to do it on my own. She has interest in this too, so only about 1.5 months after I got home, I fly back to Poland to meet her and begin traveling across Europe. We do that for 2 weeks, cramming as much sight seeing in as possible into a short window, and then I stayed with her for 1.5 months in Poland. I was worried I'd get sick of the area (or of her ) after a while, but when it was time to come home, I didn't really want to leave.

I came home, and I felt stagnant, like I wasn't progressing anywhere in my life. I really was missing being around this girl, but I never was going to get into a relationship with her since we live so far apart. I missed a lot of things about being in a foreign country, being around a different language, so many differences between cultures, etc. and I thought, why can't I move to Europe? Why do I have to keep living where I've always lived? Poker provides me this luxury.

So I'm moving. I just picked out an apartment in Poznan, Poland. Looking forward to learning a new language and living a different lifestyle. All my friends and family members in the US have a certain view of the world which isn't accurate, and for Poland they all think of it as suuuuper cold like Siberia, and pretty much think it's the same kind of country as Soviet Russia. Kinda sad.

I'm looking forward to going there, and I'm not sure if I just wanted a change in my life, or if it'll lead me to want to live in lots of different cities and countries throughout my life. Anyway, that's my story for today.

If anyone lives in or near Poznan, feel free to contact me, maybe there are some LP'ers over there

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anon   Lithuania. Dec 20 2010 15:39. Posts 5965

very interesting decision. I wish best of luck to you. For the money you spent in USA a month, in Poland you will be able to live like a semi-king and that is just another advantage and the best thing you can come back to USA whenever you get disappointed. So really EV+ decision and gl with the girl

Doyle Brunson: Fights with your wife or girlfriend are not healthy for you bank roll 

casinocasino   Canada. Dec 20 2010 15:41. Posts 3343

how old are u?

mnj   United States. Dec 20 2010 15:46. Posts 3848

lol good luck.

gambolz on the women!

hope you win big though

rS.Wisdom[9]   United States. Dec 20 2010 15:47. Posts 1288

i'm 23

sequent   . Dec 20 2010 15:56. Posts 5

Brave decision. I live in Poland and that's really great place with beautiful girls I can promise that You will feel there amazing.

thewh00sel    United States. Dec 20 2010 15:57. Posts 2734

Good stuff, look forward to hearing the next update in a few months, maybe some pics of the new apartment etc. GLGL

A government is the most dangerous threat to man’s rights: it holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims. - Ayn Rand 

MiPwnYa    Brasil. Dec 20 2010 16:05. Posts 5230

movin to Brazil was by far the best life decision Ive ever taken. Nice move by you imo. GLGL

edzwoo   United States. Dec 20 2010 16:09. Posts 5911

Oh SNAP, gl with that man.

You gotta let me know all the good places to visit and eat if I decide to take a trip!

moneypoker   Poland. Dec 20 2010 16:09. Posts 693

You should have chose Wroclaw. It's nicer than Poznan imo

you win some, you lose some... 

player999   Brasil. Dec 20 2010 16:12. Posts 7978


Browsing through your hand histories makes me wonder that you might not be aware these games are possibly play money. Have you ever tried to cash out? - Kapol 

iop   Sweden. Dec 20 2010 16:34. Posts 4951

Great read, I'm sure you're glad you chose to go to that wedding.

I've never been to Poznan, but I've been to Krakow, and I really like Poland. Beautiful girls & good food!

Chicago is such as awesome city, I'm there like twice a year, and I enjoy it more and more for every time.

Milkman lol i didnt spend half a thousand on a phone so i could play it cool and be all stealth 

iop   Sweden. Dec 20 2010 16:49. Posts 4951

BTW if you're interested in football/soccer, you should check Lech Poznan out

Milkman lol i didnt spend half a thousand on a phone so i could play it cool and be all stealth 

Highcard   Canada. Dec 20 2010 17:12. Posts 5428

please do not suck at updating, this will a very interesting read on how it goes, GL

I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the time 

mKey_Qm   Poland. Dec 20 2010 17:13. Posts 9

I don't post much, but I read everything on LP for sth like 2 years now and I have moved to Poznan myself (from another polish city) So if u need any info/help, get out for a beer feel free to pm me and I would be more than happy to help )

rS.Wisdom[9]   United States. Dec 20 2010 17:13. Posts 1288

haha yes, i went to a lech poznan game while i was there. they got screwed by the refs though and lost to zagłębie 1-0 :D and moneypoker: i spent a good amount of time in wrocław, my gf actually commutes to work there. On my previous visit I went to Poznan, Warszawa, Wrocław, Krakow. I really liked them all.

Senti   Poland. Dec 20 2010 17:13. Posts 57

welcome in poznan then ^^;

PoorUser    United States. Dec 20 2010 17:24. Posts 7471

straks tebake for now.

enjoy poznan. i have no doubt that you'll do whatever it is you want to do there

Gambler Emeritus 

Fayth    Canada. Dec 20 2010 17:32. Posts 10085

wow that's sick, best of luck dude

Im not sure what to do tomorrow when I see her, should I shake her hand?? -Floofy 

BangYu   United States. Dec 20 2010 17:58. Posts 251

wtf u live in chicago, so do i. Ive played with you before (starcraft) but never knew u lived in chicago. Never met anyone who actually lived in chicago or around it. I live about 25 minutes from downtown chicago


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