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book of eli - Page 2

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Xervean   United States. Dec 22 2010 21:21. Posts 682

You guys who don't think a blind dude can kill 20 guys clearly haven't seen Zatoichi!

 Last edit: 22/12/2010 21:22

LikeASet   United States. Dec 22 2010 22:39. Posts 2113

The movie did not glorify religion wtf, the movie acknowledged that religion can be a tool for controlling people, a weapon of mind control. Another thing, wtf why do people complain when people do crazy, unprobable things in movies? Its' a fuckin movie for god's sake. When I first saw the ending, the only reaction I had was wow really? Making him turn out to be a blind guy wasn't really necessary. Oh and about the whole thing about the girl being a bad ass in the end, she's just acting like a bad ass because she's probably still naive and thinks she is a bad ass for some reason, it's not like the last scene was the girl killing a group of gangsters by herself.

RaiNKhAN    United States. Dec 23 2010 03:15. Posts 4080

Really good movie, and yeah don't look too into movies otherwise youll just imagine every actor messing up then saying 'cut, let's do that again' and going off for a coffee break/use bathroom. I can't remember the last bad denzel movie since Fallen, so have to say keep it up man, and I loved American gangster too

ya, best scene of Book of eli is when he told the guy 'touch me with that arm again and you won't get it back' or something along those lines then proceded to take on the whole crew - soooo well choreographed

The biggest Rockets, Sixers, and Grizzlies fan you will ever meet! 

NighTLesS15   United States. Dec 23 2010 14:53. Posts 241

TLTR he wasn't blind, but the scene where she comes into the room and turns down the light cause it was to bright reasoned me to believe that he was going blind not actually blind and obv you don't have to be blind to read braille. movie sucked felt like i lost 2 hours of my life

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