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Cannabis Cures Cancer - Page 2

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k2o4   United States. Jan 11 2011 15:41. Posts 4803

Palak, yes marinol and sativex are both on the market. But neither work as well as natural marijuana. Marinol and Sativex are test tube marijuana, and as the biochemist Paul Hornby PhD said,

  "You can make a synthetic THC in a test tube, it will have exactly the same number of atoms and the same arrangement, but how in the test tube can you put the electron spins together, the subatomic quirks and quarks if you like, of that compound in the same way that a biological enzyme system can put it together? It can't happen."

If you take a 1 of the 60+ cannabinoids in MMJ and make a synthetic test tube version, then you can patent it and make money off of it. But if people grow their own plant and smoke it, make food with it, make milk with it, make tinctures with it, make hash with it, etc, then there's no profit for big pharma. When you realize that MMJ is effective on over 200 medical conditions, that's a pretty big threat to big pharma. If people could grow their own plant to deal with those conditions instead of paying shit piles of money to big pharma for their pills, then that's a big loss of business. In 2005 pharma made $251,000,000 in prescription drug sales. This is big money and they don't want to give any of it up.

Am I saying that the only reason MMJ is illegal or isn't being used to treat cancer is because big pharma is against it? No, it's not that simple. Pharma is one of the obstacles. The others are the US gov, alcohol / tobacco companies, companies that produce paper and fibers, and drug warriors who have conservative morals and think all drugs are bad. But pharma does play a role in keeping MMJ out of our hands for medical use.

For anything to become an approved medicine it takes a bunch of studies that go through all sorts of reviews, etc. It costs a lot of money to get that process completed and if big pharma doesn't pick up on a product and push it through, there's really not anyone who can afford to pay for the process. Also, it's tough to do MMJ research because of the restrictions the US gov puts on access to weed to research with. Until the late 90's NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse, in charge of distributing MMJ in the US for research) would only provide weed to research being done on drug abuse, and refused to give weed to scientists that wanted to test for medical benefits. There's still a lot of politics going on that make it really difficult to do weed research in the USA or at institutions that would normally take on studies of new medicines.

  Also from what I can tell in like 30 mins of research nothing in the creams is unique to pot.

I'm not sure what you're talking about here... the creams are the pharma answer, pot is the natural answer. They should be different, right? He was using hash oil, not hash cream, so I'm assuming you're talking about the chemo creams. Clarify a bit here plz, I don't think I'm understanding you =)

  So both of the most beneficial chemicals in marijuana are already being prescribed to people for many different conditions and pharmaceutical companies are making tons of money

Everything I've read about marinol and sativex in the USA is that doctors don't like to prescribe it because it's a pain in the ass (due to the legal situation and all the extra forms that need to be filled) and doesn't really work better than most other treatments. Patients who have used both sativex/marinol and natural MMJ vastly prefer natural MMJ because the results are better and they don't have as intense of a high. Also, like you said, these pills are giving us 2 cannabinoids, but when we use the plant we get at least 60. It's the way these cannabinoids work together that is special. Making things like marinol and sativex are more of a way to make money than a way to help people, since natural MMJ works better. So to argue that since they allow marinol and sativex therefore pharma isn't against MMJ is very wrong imo. They are only for MMJ if they can make money, and they only way they can make money is with synthetics that don't work as well as the natural cure and which are hard to get. Plus, the synthetic versions are WAY more expensive than natural pot.

  O for a different argument, it is legal to trademark/copyright things that come from plants

Yes, things that come from plants, but not a plant. They can't patent the plant which means if pot was legal, we could all go pick up a pot plant and grow it in our house and have our own medicine that we only had to pay for once. Plus we have that plant for the rest of our lives. Imagine a 1 time fee on medicine for over 200 conditions instead of visiting a doctor and paying for prescription pills for each one.

  Anyhow these chemicals have been on the market for a while and cancer is still a problem, what a surprise

Because we're not using them right. The crazy thing about cannabis is that different preparations have different results. I can smoke a bowl and it won't treat my pain as well as if I made MMJ butter and put it on toast. Also different strains are stronger in different cannabinoids, and having a higher percent of CBD will be better for pain than a high percent of THC, etc. I'm not surprised that having 2 cannabinoids in a pill that is intended to treat nausea in chemo patients and wasting syndrome in aids patients hasn't led to a cancer cure. More research is needed but it isn't being picked up as strongly as it should be because the profit incentive isn't there.

Let's be honest about who we're referring to - big pharma. These are the guys who pay companies money if they delay putting a generic out on the counter. For anyone who doesn't get what that means; pharma makes money by patenting medicines. A patent lasts 20 years and during that time you can charge whatever you want cause you've got no competition. This is where the big money is made in the pharma model. Once the patent runs out, anyone can make a generic version of your drug. Generics are EXACTLY the same as the big name pills, and they're required to be by law. So if you see advil and next to it a plain bottle saying "ibuprofen", they're exactly the same. Advil just costs more cause of the brand name. To prevent the competition, pharma will bribe companies to delay their generic from arriving on the shelf.

This is one of the many shady practices pharma uses to make profit. To think that they're above doing the same thing with MMJ is ludicrous to me.

  For the crap about how the gov't new about this since 1974 and did nothing. The government funded the study, that study directly went on to the creation and FDA approval of Marinol which as I said before is simply concentrated THC taken orally ( )

They did nothing to move forward on using natural cannabis to cure cancer. Instead the US gov put all research in the hands of the pharma companies with the order to create synthetic MMJ that had no "high" and could be used to treat nausea and increase appetite. The Gov put pharma in charge of all medical research in this area, and they dragged their feet and came up with a crap product that they could make money on. Again, Marinol and Sativex are shitty examples cause they're crappy versions of a good thing that costs a lot of money and are hard to get.

  Further none of the anti cancer studies have been done using pot smoke or marijuana, they are all done using concentrated samples of CBD/THC/etc which are injected into animals/cells. The concentrations shown to have a negative effect on tumor growth are all way higher then can possibly be achieved via smoke/vaporizing. Studies directly on pot smoking have only show no negative side effects.

Agreed. I never said that smoking will cure cancer. Different preparations could do it though. Some have had great results. More research needs to be done.

  The video is very misleading in that it shows the same 2 patients about 10 times each which makes the effects seem worse then they are

It shows 2 patients 10 times cause it's showing the effects over time. It wasn't trying to say "look at all these people who had bad reactions" it was saying "this is the result that these 2 people got". Also, for that survey, what was their choice? Would you take this treatment again and be healed or not take it and die? Maybe if they were given the option of using an alternative medicine like hemp oil which also worked with much less side effects and in the same amount of time then they wouldn't be so favorable of that cream.

InnovativeYogis.comLast edit: 11/01/2011 15:54

palak   United States. Jan 11 2011 16:45. Posts 4601

"I'm not sure what you're talking about here... the creams are the pharma answer, pot is the natural answer. They should be different, right? He was using hash oil, not hash cream, so I'm assuming you're talking about the chemo creams. Clarify a bit here plz, I don't think I'm understanding you =)"

I merely meant there have been other instances of people using weeds to treat skin cancer the exact same way people in the video use pot. Just with a different weed which is legal (i can't remember the name of it).

"It shows 2 patients 10 times cause it's showing the effects over time. It wasn't trying to say "look at all these people who had bad reactions" it was saying "this is the result that these 2 people got". "

Yes it's what 2 people had over the course of about 10 days or so. It is a perfectly normal reaction to the cream made to look like it lasted these people an extrodinary amount of time. I have no clue what the survey question was

For MMJ giving 66 cannibinoids but only 2 being given to us via prescription. Medical research has only shown that 5 or 6 have a positive effect from what i know and the rest are still up in the air as to what they do. It is just likely they don't hurt people.

"It shows 2 patients 10 times cause it's showing the effects over time. It wasn't trying to say "look at all these people who had bad reactions" it was saying "this is the result that these 2 people got". "

I agree there needs to be more research done. But saying a different preparation could do it is just hoping. The only way a combination of chemicals from pot to cure cancer would end up being a cure or major source in reduction of tumor growth is if THC/CBD/(whatever other chemicals prove to help cancer) are all isolated, purified, mixed back together in proper amounts, and given to the patient intravenously. This is due to the only times THC/CBD have shown effects against tumors is when in high dosages injected into the cells. The process is extremely expensive and I doubt highly doubt it would be possible to achieve the levels of necessary purity in a home lab. So pharma companies would still be able to make mass amounts of money on whatever the concoction would be. The studies showing that THC/CBD effect cancer are also very new 2009/2007 respectively. I guarantee that more research is being done right now over it after those papers were published. It will just take a while before any more results are published. Anytime there is a chemical shown to help cancer there is a ton of research immediately invested into it, the race for a cancer cure which can be made for a pharma company is to much of a good for humanity for scientists to not attempt to study it.

If MMJ was that big of a threat to pharma companies then it would be completely illegal instead of being legal in 15 stats and DC. Pharma companies make a fuck ton of money in other places to have to worry about MMJ as much as people would like to think they do. The fight against legalization of pot for recreational use is a different subject where the obstacles are not pharma but all the other ones you named, mainly just ppl who are set in their ways. Since 2000 7 states and DC have had medical marijuana, this makes up about 20% of america (i think). Since then pharma companies have continued to make more and more money each year. If MMJ was expected to have a drop in pharma companies profits it surely would have shown a drop in profits when 20% of america legalizes the drug. Also it woud make for incredibly poor lobbying on pharma comapnies parts to have something they care about so much become legal. More realistically pot is something they scoff and just let ppl do whatever, maybe throw a little money in to stop it, but nothing big. Trying changing the laws on drug patents to 5 years instead of 20, or make it so that any drug after the 20 years automatically become generic instead of allowing pharma brand name creation. Then you will see what the might of those companies can truly do. Pharma may lose a small amount of money, but nothing large. This stands in constrast to alcohol companies who stand to lose a lot more money on pot legalization since it could very well lead to a large decrease in drinking as everyone just gets high instead.

"Imagine a 1 time fee on medicine for over 200 conditions instead of visiting a doctor and paying for prescription pills for each one."

meh you make it seem like people constantly go get prescription pills and such. Pharma makes a lot and i'm almost willing to wager most of it's money on otc pills.

Your main idea seems to be "pot has been shown to cure x" or "studies have proven home marijuana can treat x horrible disease". Both of these arn't true. There has been no study showing marijuana stops a condition, each study which has been done is not on marijuana but on the specific chemical compound. Marijuana in home from, vap/smoke/eat helps with a lot of conditions and is fun. But when it gets down to real major diseases the concentrations needed are not possible in home use and the combinations have not been clinically tested.

"Also, like you said, these pills are giving us 2 cannabinoids, but when we use the plant we get at least 60. It's the way these cannabinoids work together that is special. " That statement may end up being true, but as of now it is not scientifically proven. Also possible are lethal amounts at high concentrations. e.g. 100% THC+100% random other cannibinoid found in pot ends up being fatal, meanwhile the plants ratio of thc to random cannibinoid is not fatal. Admittedly this is extremely improbable but until research is done we won't know for sure what the answer is.

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

whamm!   Albania. Jan 26 2011 20:36. Posts 11625

why do i feel pot users are just doing this so they can smoke more pot? lol


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