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Exhilarate   United States. Feb 27 2011 18:14. Posts 5453

yeah this game sucks now, especially if you can't run good/win.
good luck in finance, and hopefully it brings you the happiness you're looking for

nlloser60   . Feb 27 2011 20:27. Posts 304

wow, I still remember you teaching me and now you're gone. GL dj.

SemPeR   Canada. Feb 27 2011 20:34. Posts 2288

LemOn, if possible (PM if you want even), could you elaborate a little on what exactly was stressful about the work situation you were describing? I'm completely new to this and "reports and regulatory things" seems a little ambiguous for me to relate.

About to get on a plane so can't reply in detail, but I'd love to bounce a few thoughts off you sometime. I think about this stuff almost constantly now. Where my mind used to drift to poker (or starcraft before that), goals/direction/life in general tends to take the forefront a lot more. Every time subjects like this are brought up with most people it just kills the convo. =p

I guess I'll note in passing that we all want security and freedom, only perhaps in different ways or different interpretations. The problem I see with making that declarative "this is what will give me the x I want", you just get into this weird diminishing returns scenario where you're never satisfied. When you get more you have more to manage because it'd be a waste not to use it to get more. More for more's sake. They're such abstract concepts. I don't even know what 'security' is anymore. It seems the more you work to attain 'security' in many situations, what results is more to 'protect' and a kind of paranoia.

I can't really get into it without rambling a ton and sounding a little esoteric and new-agey, but maybe it has nothing to do with what 'path' you take. I know it sounds like 'settling' and 'finding a way to be content with the pointless grind', but I'm more getting at 'finding a point where your mental state has nothing to do with external factors and you're just a 'together' human being'. This obviously isn't something that prevents success in poker or anything else, it's just a way to live life. Fuck I'm probably making no sense.

Yea, keep us posted at least! You gonna blog about happenings in your new career?

thumbz555   United States. Feb 28 2011 01:20. Posts 3281

Make it happen DJ; I came to the same conclusion awhile ago and applied to grad school, found out on Monday I got it gogo physical therapist!

I click buttons. 

Achoo   Canada. Feb 28 2011 02:50. Posts 1454

  On February 27 2011 12:55 LemOn[5thF] wrote:
Having already worked in a finance dept. of a major insurance company and I have to say that doing that has been signifficantly more stressfull than poker. And I worked in a BURF/Sarbanes Oxley unit, people like actuaries had it even worse than us. Maybe it was due to out integration we were undergoing after a high profile merger and the shity economic climate, but the 1.3 years have been the most stressfull in my life, and playing poker is a breeze in comparison (even though I am in VERY bad state poker wise right now). Yes, I did get stable income, but you get swarmed by regulation, reports and regulatory things and tons of forms that you need to fill before you can even focus on the core of your job. It was also a super busy period with major lay offs and people swapping places, and there were tons of projects going on and many of the 'non-vital' that would actually improve the way we do things and that you actually want to do went unfinished.

Even directors 8 levels above me (the eventual top of the ladder) had a fuckton of regulatory non-core bullshit on their table day in day out (I know, I was chasing them), I found out that this isn't what I want, I know that when I am at the top, I want to focus on what I am good at and what is fun for me, like you know, directing, and not having to spend 30+% of my time on non value adding bs 8-9.

With poker I can focus on doing what adds the most value 100% of the time, spend time with my girlfriend and doing things I like and I can put as much or as little focus into improving and working towards my goals as I want to. I am in peace with variance tilt issues and being broke (this especially. As long as I can sustain my gf/family and I am happy money is not a factor for me at all), and when I stand up I don't feel depressed even though I didn't win in ages. I couldn't see the same when I had a major personal initiative/project at work and it got killed in mundane day to day work.

So I do not see finance or any work when you work for 'standard' corporations with fixed work time as an option. Poker or Enterpreneurial focus are a way out for me. Maybe your experience will differ, I dunno, best of luck to you.

Sorry but your arguments are made unvalid by the fact that: A) You play micros and B) You're at best breakeven or a marginal winner at those thus you can't compare a real job to being a reg at decent stakes (to make a living).

Very honest and insightful account on what it is to grind for a living dj, even if you're passionate the game still got depressing and overall had had a negative impact on your life. Courageous decisions were taken, I wish you the best of luck in your new lifestyle !

Odds are exactly 50%: it either happens or not 

hellokittery   United States. Feb 28 2011 04:31. Posts 1399

good read man. really wish you the best

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Mar 04 2011 06:03. Posts 15163

  On February 28 2011 01:50 Achoo wrote:
Show nested quote +

Sorry but your arguments are made unvalid by the fact that: A) You play micros and B) You're at best breakeven or a marginal winner at those thus you can't compare a real job to being a reg at decent stakes (to make a living).

Very honest and insightful account on what it is to grind for a living dj, even if you're passionate the game still got depressing and overall had had a negative impact on your life. Courageous decisions were taken, I wish you the best of luck in your new lifestyle !

I don't get this. Poker is my only source of income, how is that something I can't relate to? I guess having more winning days and being able to buy new clothes/have a car/afford holiday is more stressful than just barely grinding rent at micros

93% Sure! Last edit: 04/03/2011 06:07


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