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Brief religious rant - Page 2

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KeanuReaver   United States. Mar 28 2011 19:32. Posts 2022

couple goes through a terrible life experience, how dare they mention god. i hope the stupid bitch husband dies and the cancer jumps to her fat ass so they can both die in agony...i think that's a suitable karmic end for that dastardly email that would dare to thank god. obviously that email proves she probably spit on her doctors rather than heaping praise upon them, after all, an email thanking god and calling it a miracle means no one else got any thanks or received any credit what-so-ever and that isn't a logical fallacy AT ALL.

reminds me that my best friend's mother recently and unexpectedly passed away. his distraught father came up for the weekend to be with his son, and we hung out for a little while. in between fits of crying and anguish at losing his wife of 26 years he told me he supposed the good lord decided it was her time to go. inside i immediately started laughing and had to do my very best not to blow up in his face about how pathetic he was to mention god after having his entire world literally turned upside down. instead, i just smugly walked sure he could tell how much more enlightened i am than him and im just as sure he'll end up in a horrific car accident and burn to death, that would serve him right LOL.

you know what you should do, you should gather all your co-workers and her together and tell her how you really feel. im sure she'll realize what a fool she's been and will immediately reject a belief structure that has been indoctrinated in her since she was a child, a belief structure that has almost certainly helped her through all sorts of difficult times with the only drawback being that whiny little atheists throw a tantrum on internet forums if she ever mentions it. that way, when something else horrible happens (and it will, karma bitch LOL), she'll get to feel just a little bit more helpless and alone.

and the endurance required for MMA, which has actions like punching and kicking bone and muscle with 1000-2500 PSI. - Taco 

Baalim   Mexico. Mar 28 2011 19:40. Posts 34261

  On March 28 2011 16:45 dnagardi wrote:
I dont think there is any difference between an atheist and a christian, they are both believers of their beliefs and since none of them can prove that they are right ( God exists, doesnt exist) I find it very pathetic when they are trying to make the other look like an idiot.

just my 2 cents.

no thats idiotic for two reasons.

First atheist do not "believe", they dont unless evidence proves otherwise, basically skepticism.

And second most atheist simply say a judeo-christian god (among all the main deities) cannot exist, based on logic, a loving and caring god cannot exist when you look how this world is, a perfect wouldnt need people to pray to him since only an ego based being would desire acknowledgment ETC.

So we are just rationalist, is there a super powerful being in the universe with a conscience way beyond ours, that we dont know, theres a big man with a white beard very concerned where i stick my penis, nope... cannot be true.

If you are a weak agnostic (claiming Jesus can exist) then you must consider of equal likeliness that the universe is ruled by any ludicrous thing i just come up with.. like the flying spaghetti monster.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Baalim   Mexico. Mar 28 2011 19:46. Posts 34261

  On March 28 2011 18:32 KeanuReaver wrote:
you know what you should do, you should gather all your co-workers and her together and tell her how you really feel. im sure she'll realize what a fool she's been and will immediately reject a belief structure that has been indoctrinated in her since she was a child

you mean like they do?

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Baalim   Mexico. Mar 28 2011 19:48. Posts 34261

  On March 28 2011 14:43 jewlian wrote:
Hello NewbSaibot! I've read your a post a couple times and I'd like to respond. I know that you said it was a rant and rants usually are loaded with passion and emotion; two factors which may lead to some skewed reasoning. I'm not trying to prove you wrong but perhaps highlight another perspective.

In Christianity, prayer is very important but faith without action is considered to be a huge no-no. James 2:26 states: "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also." Basically what that verse is saying that you need to back up your prayers with action. You can't just pray and hope for the best - this might be contrary to what you've seen and heard but in terms of the Christianity I know, you need to act. Whether it be wearing a seatbelt or abstaining from habitually consuming high cholesterol foods, you are not exempt from caution as a Christian. To exercise recklessness would be to test God and that's is also a big no-no.

In the case of this woman, yearly check ups would be an example of action. Just because it's gone does not mean it will not return. Why God would do this is another completely different topic that we can get into if you wish.

As for religious people being more obese, I believe this is the study you were referring to (google fu'd it quick). This is a very small sample study and I'd actually think that it has more to do with the high general obesity rates in America than religion. Working at an office is a passive action; does this mean office workers are more likely to be fat? Perhaps there is a higher chance but the average would probably be quite far from being medically obese.

I don't know the full story of that woman and for all we know, she could be a horrible person that discredited the skill of her surgeons. However, I think that making a blanket statement of "dumb fat fucking ass with her dumb fucking religion" unfairly lumps the majority of Christians who do give credit to doctors/surgeons who perform amazing feats with their talent.

Again, I know your post was just a rant and people do get angry; I have definitely said more horrible things in my worst moments. It's always good to blow off a little steam but before you spew hateful words, it's good to stop and think about other people for a second


EDIT: Double post below me, don't know how to delete

Ok so then why its logical to attribute the guys recovery to god, but not his initial illness?

God is all poweful and omniscient so anything that happens in this universe happens because he wills it, so cancer or Tsunamis that kill thousands of people happen because gods wants them to happen.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

KeanuReaver   United States. Mar 28 2011 19:49. Posts 2022

  On March 28 2011 18:46 Baal wrote:
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you mean like they do?

oh my
comparing (edit)NewbSaibot to westboro baptist's
don't be so hard on him

and the endurance required for MMA, which has actions like punching and kicking bone and muscle with 1000-2500 PSI. - TacoLast edit: 28/03/2011 20:09

NighTLesS15   United States. Mar 28 2011 20:01. Posts 241

Hebrews 12:6-7: "...the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son. Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father?"

Duh... so obviously "God" can do anything he wants and he is just being fatherly... you know like those fathers who shoot their entire family kids..wife..parents.. and then themselves because they got fired.

I believe this short 1 minute video sums up the entire conversation very well

Frinkx: 1k on mario cart? PoorUser: Snap call Last edit: 28/03/2011 20:02

El_Tanque   United States. Mar 28 2011 20:03. Posts 360

  If people like her were forced to survive and reproduce through the harsh process of natural selection

I dont get this. People can choose who they mate with...thusly natural selection is at work?

Baalim   Mexico. Mar 28 2011 20:29. Posts 34261

  On March 28 2011 19:03 El_Tanque wrote:
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I dont get this. People can choose who they mate with...thusly natural selection is at work?

Our society isnt ruled by survival of the fittest, the most clear example is "women and children first", we save the weak, thus from a genetic standpoint we weaken our gene pool.

not that i agree with survival of the fittest in our society, just saying.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Holly23   United States. Mar 28 2011 21:06. Posts 150

  On March 28 2011 18:32 KeanuReaver wrote:
you know what you should do, you should gather all your co-workers and her together and tell her how you really feel. im sure she'll realize what a fool she's been and will immediately reject a belief structure that has been indoctrinated in her since she was a child, a belief structure that has almost certainly helped her through all sorts of difficult times with the only drawback being that whiny little atheists throw a tantrum on internet forums if she ever mentions it. that way, when something else horrible happens (and it will, karma bitch LOL), she'll get to feel just a little bit more helpless and alone.

From an atheist point of view, I understand that prayer helps people cope with difficult times, depression, or even times of illness. There are plenty of studies to back this up. It's really amazing what you can brainwash into people psychologically and the effects it can exhibit physically. I think the problem here is that in the email she associated her husband recovery "to the grace of god" vs modern science. If you really truly believe that god heals then why continue to go to a doctor if god is responsible for any changes health wise? Why not put yourself in God's hands completely? Sounds to me to be a religion of convenience.

Throughout history people actually did reject medical science. Probably why so many died of disease, illness, etc. In fact they believed that "god saved" so much to the point that they persecuted and killed those that attempted to study science. Why did they do this???? Because they were introduced as children into a belief system to "question nothing". It's really sad actually. This whole mentality level has held us back as a human race. You would think that in today's society people would be intelligent to know that some imaginary friend they call "God" is not responsible for anything in their lives. You would think they would understand that free will, genes, and so many other factors are responsible for what occurs.

I also think it is pretty evil and selfish to believe that something good in life is result of prayer or going to church. So many shitty things go on in the world. What about those people? Did they not prayer hard enough? What kind of god allows genocide, people to suffer for disease, etc, but then grants some supposed miracle to some overweight middle class piece of shit American? What makes him so much deserving. Religion is such a fucking joke.

 Last edit: 28/03/2011 21:08

jewlian   Canada. Mar 28 2011 21:56. Posts 153

  On March 28 2011 18:48 Baal wrote:
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Ok so then why its logical to attribute the guys recovery to god, but not his initial illness?

God is all poweful and omniscient so anything that happens in this universe happens because he wills it, so cancer or Tsunamis that kill thousands of people happen because gods wants them to happen.

Good question! This is a very difficult question to answer and there are people who are far more educated than me that have attempted to do so. However, I will try to come up with the best explanation I have from research and my own contemplations. If you find my answer insufficient, you can always Google it up and see if it satisfies you or not.

The existence of disasters, terminal illnesses and serial murderers commonly cause doubt non-believers and believers alike. We can more or less classify these things under the term evil. Now the 1,000,000 question arises: How can a divine, omniscient/omnipresent and good God allow evil?

Let's try to tackle the issue of murderers. Imagine a world where there is no evil and it is impossible to do a heinous act - big or small. This includes murder in the first degree and even stealing a piece of candy. Evil thoughts aren't allowed and they don't even exist because no one offends each other. Even if you wanted to be offended, it would be impossible because you would always be good. What you're noticing here is a clear lack of free will; you're no different from an automaton. This is not to say evil is needed in this world but if you want to allow small "evils" such as a white lie or taking money from poker from a man who is broke, all evil must be allowed. You can't just pick and choose what is allowed and what isn't...who is the one that determines what is good/bad? According to Christianity, God gave us free will in order for us to choose whether we are good or bad. It's up to us to decide. My analogy might be little confusing but I hope you kind of get my drift.

Now onto natural disasters and illnesses: I believe the Earth is largely independent in itself. This means that although God can do whatever he/she wants, the Earth was "designed" in a way that it can function without any divine assistance. Just as a car can function without a mechanic by its side, the Earth can operate on its own but is also subject to interventions by the "mechanic". Informed Christians cannot deny that science has helped to unravel how the tectonic plates work, or how cancer spreads to the body. Science claiming to understand these processes do not conflict with Christianity. If you believe in an intelligent designer, you must assume that this designer is "smart" enough to make it logically fit some sort of scientific (aka logical) framework.

When natural tragedies occur, it is due to the world operating as it should be. Many Christians point fingers at the people and say they're sinners and they deserved it: I find that to be very abhorrent, un-compassionate behaviour which contradicts the teachings of Jesus. According to Christianity, everyone is at fault and no one is above each other. But I digress, why doesn't God intervene and save everyone? Again, it comes down to free will. If God saves everyone that we believe deserve saving, there would be no autonomy within our own lives. We would be fully subject to a God who would be controlling every aspect of our lives - even death. That is not to say he cannot control our lives but gives us free will so we can. This might sound very unsensitive to people who have lost loved ones due to accidents or illnesses but even science claims it is just the cycle of life. God created it so we have freedom but with freedom comes consequences.

I am sure there are many holes in the argument I hastily typed up but I hope you see some of the rationale behind Christian thinking. There are many more questions that arise out of this and trust me, I have asked many myself. Many of the misconceptions stem from Christians who unfairly represent religion and God. I hope my answer helped you understand Christianity a little bit.



Maynard!   United States. Mar 29 2011 00:18. Posts 4453

Holy shit you're an asshole.

Now I really am a busto. Thanks FTP. 

NewbSaibot   United States. Mar 29 2011 00:29. Posts 4946

I dont mind the idea of a chill god who created the universe for his own amusement, set it in motion, and then sits back to marvel at his own work. But why believe this in the first place? You cant prove invisible unicorns dont exist either, but whats the fucking point?

  Science claiming to understand these processes do not conflict with Christianity.

They dont conflict with religions so long as it's convenient. Science has conflicted plenty of times with religion in the past, and you know what religion did? It simply adjusted. Again, whats the point in believing at all if you're just going to shift your views every time it becomes inconvenient?

What pisses me off are all these "miracles". Stop calling disasters with a single survivor a "miracle." When 103 people die, but one lives, that's not a miracle. That's God blowing a no-hitter in the bottom of the ninth.

bye nowLast edit: 29/03/2011 00:42

superfashion   United States. Mar 29 2011 01:35. Posts 918

shoving here as a bluff at 50NL is like explaning calcalus to a 6 month old cat wtf are you thinking - TalentedTom 

atateconst   United States. Mar 29 2011 08:00. Posts 132

  On March 28 2011 20:56 jewlian wrote:
small "evils" such as taking money from poker from a man who is broke

wtf dude?

dnagardi   Hungary. Mar 29 2011 10:44. Posts 1776

  On March 28 2011 18:40 Baal wrote:
Show nested quote +

no thats idiotic for two reasons.

First atheist do not "believe", they dont unless evidence proves otherwise, basically skepticism.

And second most atheist simply say a judeo-christian god (among all the main deities) cannot exist, based on logic, a loving and caring god cannot exist when you look how this world is, a perfect wouldnt need people to pray to him since only an ego based being would desire acknowledgment ETC.

So we are just rationalist, is there a super powerful being in the universe with a conscience way beyond ours, that we dont know, theres a big man with a white beard very concerned where i stick my penis, nope... cannot be true.

If you are a weak agnostic (claiming Jesus can exist) then you must consider of equal likeliness that the universe is ruled by any ludicrous thing i just come up with.. like the flying spaghetti monster.

but this is exaclty my point, you believe in what you just wrote. And for the record im not religious.

 Last edit: 29/03/2011 10:45


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