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Bitcoin's and the future of online banking - Page 17

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cariadon   Estonia. Dec 05 2013 15:47. Posts 4019

Bitcoins price is like an English tap. Hot or cold, or a weird mixture of both.

Bigbobm   United States. Dec 05 2013 22:54. Posts 5512

in the process of building a machine to mine Lite Coins. near impossible to do though as almost any graphics card with a good mining capability is sold out everywhere you look

Its time to stop thinking like a bitch and think smart like a poker player - ket 

Gnarly   United States. Dec 05 2013 23:25. Posts 1723

That's what bitcoins have helped out, how could I not see that?

Diversify or fossilize! 

Gnarly   United States. Dec 06 2013 22:21. Posts 1723

Everyone is getting fucked lol. I'm reading that a lot of exchanges and wallets are canceling their services and not allowing anyone to cash out due to price volatility. It's at 720 right now.

Diversify or fossilize! 

whamm!   Albania. Dec 06 2013 22:54. Posts 11625

Cant think of anyone buying past the 100 mark but the nasty price fixers so no surprise. The other coins are better and cheaper

Daut    United States. Dec 07 2013 05:35. Posts 8955


NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, Daut 

cariadon   Estonia. Dec 07 2013 06:36. Posts 4019

  On December 06 2013 21:54 whamm! wrote:
Cant think of anyone buying past the 100 mark but the nasty price fixers so no surprise. The other coins are better and cheaper

I remember Daut willing to buy at 300 and there are surely others. Don't be such a pessimist. It has even further upside potential.

Gnarly   United States. Dec 07 2013 14:40. Posts 1723

>even further upside potential
>when exchanges aren't paying anyone out due to volatile prices
>and the chinese investment bankers are playing everybody that tries to buy in
>and businesses are now starting to not accept bitcoins anymore

Yeah, no. There is absolutely no upside to bitcoins. Another coin, perhaps, and it could be the quark, since I've heard it is verified in less than a minute, as opposed to bitcoins which can take days if not weeks.

Bitcoin is ded
and u?

Diversify or fossilize! 

Gnarly   United States. Dec 07 2013 15:56. Posts 1723

Quite an interesting read. Wonder how illegal the thefts were.

Diversify or fossilize! 

cariadon   Estonia. Dec 07 2013 16:13. Posts 4019

The chinese government banning bitcoins essentially validifies the realness of the bitcoin. Funny how peoples views change depending on the direction the wind blows from.
Bitcoins have potential becoming an even bigger force as a disruptive technology in financial services. The question is when the price is right to buy.

nerdonpoker   . Dec 07 2013 16:41. Posts 414

The time to buy is now. Remember what happen in cyprus? Peoples funds got seized and they threw all there cash in Bitcoin. Thats only 1 country with a small population. Imagine a country like greece or turkey getting there funds seized adn there only viable option to safeguard funds is crypto currency. Gonna be ridiculous. People need ways to send money. They need a currency that is valued and easily transmittable into tangible goods and services. Bitcoin is basically there already. History shows bitcoin has some crazy ups and downs but through the rocky waters always ends up back on top eventually. I dont see anything happening that could change this. Unless... The governments of the world unite and try and shut it down? But even still how do you shut down something like bitcoin.

nerdonpoker   . Dec 07 2013 16:46. Posts 414

Its funny did you guys see the uptrend of Quark Coin? Whats everyones opinion on Quark? It jumped like 400% as soon as they got economist Bill Still on the ball. But i hear the creators of Quark own like a huge share of the coins already mined. And you can only buy Quark with bitcoin. I feel like it sjust a pump n dump. BUt even if this was the case i still feel like some money can be made with Quark in the short term. Bill Still is the creator of "THe MOney Masters" for anyone who doesn't know who he is. And if you havent seen "the Money Masters" its a must watch. Its pretty long though so I recommend watching it in segments. Its interesting as fuck though.

Anyways quark was at 5cents a coin. As soon as bill still told all his followers to buy it jumped up to 20 cents a coin lol.

Gnarly   United States. Dec 07 2013 17:02. Posts 1723

LTC/CNY now exists. Interesting.

>but muh chinese ban on btc

Diversify or fossilize! 

cariadon   Estonia. Dec 08 2013 04:30. Posts 4019

What the fuck does this > muh bla bla bulshit even mean? You are making no sense, babbling like a child who can't yet talk. Attempt at a sentence please.

Tesla accepts bitcoins

JonnyCosMo   United States. Dec 08 2013 05:59. Posts 7292


Everyone needs to see that you are king of the castle - PoorUser 

cariadon   Estonia. Dec 08 2013 07:34. Posts 4019

  On December 08 2013 04:59 JonnyCosMo wrote:



Gnarly   United States. Dec 08 2013 11:14. Posts 1723

  On December 08 2013 03:30 cariadon wrote:
What the fuck does this > muh bla bla bulshit even mean? You are making no sense, babbling like a child who can't yet talk. Attempt at a sentence please.

Tesla accepts bitcoins


>muh prupah gwamuh

Even though the "ban" china introduced came out a couple days ago, ltc/cny has become even more relevant now.

Diversify or fossilize! 

Daut    United States. Dec 08 2013 13:03. Posts 8955

  On December 08 2013 04:59 JonnyCosMo wrote:


NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, Daut 

2c0ntent   Egypt. Dec 08 2013 16:28. Posts 1387


+-Last edit: 11/12/2013 18:26

jchysk   United States. Dec 08 2013 19:48. Posts 435

  On December 08 2013 15:28 2c0ntent wrote:
I'm buying a bitcoin the second my account is validated with my exchange.

Then it is going to sit there for a very long time in all likelihood.

I'm definitely in favor of keeping bitcoin for the long game, but keeping it on an exchange for a long time isn't the best of plans. Exchanges, although now better than they ever were, are still fairly unreliable. You see them come and go, get hacked, or whatever else happens. After you purchase some you should research a little bit into how you can go about putting them into cold storage and having backups. I keep half my coins in cold storage, and the other half I trade with across 5 separate exchanges. If any one of those exchanges is down or hacked or becomes insolvent it sucks, but I'm spreading my risk.



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