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Bitcoin's and the future of online banking - Page 9

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BILAT_POWER!!!   Philippines. May 25 2013 18:02. Posts 1525

bitcoin could fail. but it started something (in the finance world) like what napster did to the music industry.

rumor: genjix is now a bitcoin millionaire.

 Last edit: 25/05/2013 18:03

waga   United Kingdom. May 25 2013 18:19. Posts 2375

Holy shit Bilat is back
We need byrnesam now !! :-(

BILAT_POWER!!!   Philippines. May 25 2013 21:33. Posts 1525

why, where is he?

whamm!   Albania. May 26 2013 01:17. Posts 11625

I dunno man. Maybe lurking haha. No one can quit this place

BILAT_POWER!!!   Philippines. May 26 2013 01:23. Posts 1525

lol. hi sam! and fuck you.

spets1   Australia. May 26 2013 05:13. Posts 2179

hows it going maen?
namecoin ftw


BILAT_POWER!!!   Philippines. May 26 2013 09:15. Posts 1525

hahaha. good good. no money in namecoin. litecoin ftw!

capaneo   Canada. May 28 2013 15:35. Posts 8465

There has been a HUGE news out today about a money laundering bust which is beside the point.
But there are some massive warning signs that you should take seriously. When you see Post, NYtime, USATODAY etc etc. (conventional Washington wisdom) are talking about the same thing it is usually because there is a leak directed by the administration to them, but obv there is also a great connection with the news in this case. This is how government usually prepare the ground work for actions that are about to follow in the future. It might take 1-5 years. But I have a great feeling that they are coming for Bitcoins.

Washington Post Article

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In US everyone is happy as long as all the prices are rising. Unless its crude oil - Marc FaberLast edit: 28/05/2013 15:45

maryn   Poland. May 28 2013 16:40. Posts 1208

looks like usa didnt like that somebody else besides them was printing money

 Last edit: 28/05/2013 18:49

uiCk   Canada. May 28 2013 16:41. Posts 3521

Yea mainstream news will try and demonize Bitcoins as much as possible to the public eye.

Nice little doc about bitcoins in Argentina i watched, dude to forbes news actually.

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

capaneo   Canada. Jun 07 2013 17:20. Posts 8465

"Central banks looking at Bitcoin as real threat to dominance"

Here is another sign.

In US everyone is happy as long as all the prices are rising. Unless its crude oil - Marc Faber 

Buddy2011   United States. Oct 29 2013 20:30. Posts 1

Perhaps someone could let Steal City know about this..?

 Last edit: 29/10/2013 20:32

Garfed   Malta. Nov 13 2013 07:45. Posts 4818

$400 barrier broken, it's skyrocketing way too fast, I guess next big crash is incoming some time soon.

ugly   . Nov 13 2013 07:55. Posts 162

welcome to Wallstreet

napoleono   Romania. Nov 13 2013 08:15. Posts 771

Dat graph. So fking sick.300% in a month.

 Last edit: 13/11/2013 08:17

2c0ntent   Egypt. Nov 13 2013 10:47. Posts 1387

a new platform for institutional investors is going to be released

huger than huge for bitcoin


Achoo   Canada. Nov 13 2013 11:09. Posts 1454

  On April 16 2011 02:54 Arirang wrote:
You know, this bitcoin thing may become something really incredible as years to come. But right now, it feels like fantasy money, like rupees. I'm also interested to know how it would grow to compete in a commercial setting. It seems that bitcoin is very ... uh.. "for the people" kind of thing. My question is, can the gov't and banks make money off of this new currency in some shape or form.. because the introduction of bitcoins sounds like it's going to hurt a lot of ways businesses make money (like transfer fees and such).

1 rupee isn't worth 220 euros, a swedish guy (was it ?) bought 5000 BTs a couple of years back, the value had increased to 600k (real euros not virtual) when he sold them. Bitcoin is kind of an experiment, based on people using it, which means it should be considered as an investment and like investments, the market can go up (as it did for the last couple of years) or it can go down (when people stop using it which will trigger a devaluation of its value). If i could make a jump back in time I'd load myself with Bitcoins and I'd probably be typing this in my brand new 1 mirrion dollars home now ...

Some people said it was a ponzi scheme, which is not entirely false, the whole system is based on more people joining/using it thus increasing the value of bitcoins as a currency.

edit: didn't pay attention to the fact that it was an old thread which was unburried, anyway the last part stands true

Odds are exactly 50%: it either happens or notLast edit: 13/11/2013 11:11

iron77   Poland. Nov 13 2013 14:32. Posts 75

  On November 13 2013 10:09 Achoo wrote:Some people said it was a ponzi scheme, which is not entirely false, the whole system is based on more people joining/using it thus increasing the value of bitcoins as a currency.

Just to clarify, bitcoin price going up is indeed "based on more people joining/using it", however system itself won't implode, just because there is no more people joining. And that stands for pretty much any asset on Earth: gold, water, real estate, you name it.

 Last edit: 13/11/2013 14:34

Gnarly   United States. Nov 13 2013 15:30. Posts 1723

I don't know... something is weird about bitcoins. Part of me think that the smart money is trying to make bitcoins so expensive, it's only for those with money. Kinda like the DJI.

Diversify or fossilize! 

whamm!   Albania. Nov 13 2013 18:27. Posts 11625

Whos buying up this shit? Or is it the same guys pumping up the price?
So sick genjix gave me 5 btc long ago just to test it
Anyway im done with get rich quick thoughts. Lol


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