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Highcard   Canada. Apr 27 2011 12:43. Posts 5428

good job man keep up the writing. Very interesting

I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the time 

terrybunny19240   United States. Apr 27 2011 14:04. Posts 13829

nice blog, I'm definitely going to be coming at you and edzwoo for some e-commerce advice soon.

CirCa   Canada. Apr 27 2011 16:24. Posts 1249

good read man

YoMeR   United States. Apr 27 2011 16:36. Posts 12438

very interesting read. Maybe we can chat more about e-commerce in private sometime?

Would be interested in transitioning some of my current business that has a retail location into an on line store sometime in the future.

eZ Life. 

Jas0n   United States. Apr 27 2011 18:43. Posts 1866

yeah, sure. I'll try and answer whatever questions you guys might have

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Apr 27 2011 19:30. Posts 8649

nice post

is selling coupons still a viable way to make some passive income? i'm going to pm you too i want in on this scam

edit- is there any reading material on the topic of e-commerce you would recommend?

Truck-Crash LifeLast edit: 27/04/2011 19:39

Jas0n   United States. Apr 27 2011 19:51. Posts 1866

  On April 27 2011 18:30 bigredhoss wrote:
nice post

is selling coupons still a viable way to make some passive income? i'm going to pm you too i want in on this scam

To be honest, I have no idea. I did a quick search for Kohl's coupons on eBay and I see only 86 listings running, half of which are not even the same coupons I used to sell. Back when I was selling there would be well over 300 listings up everyday for the $5 off coupons. It's been close to two years since I've stopped selling these coupons, so I'm sure a lot has changed. As far as I know, the process of signing up for the newsletter is still the same as before, however what process Kohl's use to send out the coupons will likely have changed by now. eBay is also likely to have implemented new hidden policies regarding selling coupons, policies you won't know about until you actually break them. Gmail, yahoo, hotmail and pretty much every big email client have much better security against multiaccounts now, making them impossible to use to harvest the coupons. Not to mention their prices have increased significantly so it wouldn't be worth buying the email accounts anyway.

But if you can figure out the system, there is an absurd amount of money to be made from these coupons. I am positive it will be much more difficult to do so these days then it was two years ago when I was still selling, but that just means it will be harder for other sellers to figure out how to enter the market as well.

edzwoo   United States. Apr 28 2011 10:33. Posts 5911



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