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Fighting IRL now tougher with MMA around

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whamm!   Albania. Jun 28 2011 22:32. Posts 11625
I've seen so many guys who were practitioners of karate,taekwondo,jujitsu,boxing,judo get owned against an untrained opponent in bar, school and street fights. Seems to me the most composed fighters, whatever the discipline, come out on top more often than not. In general though I've witnessed guys primarily trained in karate(shotokan,mudokwan,tangsudo,etc) and taekwondo get raped the most in a fistfight, and guys who just "know" boxing or are good in Judo pretty much pwn. I'm not talking about random 4 punch club or street affairs where the other guy either gets KO'ed right away or fight gets broken up prematurely (gay obv), I'm talking about full-blown fights that followed thru till the end where one guy was left standing or obviously in a very dominant position (mounted, raining down punches or other guy's legs totally gone running purely on "intent" to fight)

With the advent of MMA and the seemingly adverse effect is has on the fun of fighting(or watching fights) in public is that you never really know if the guy has some MMA background (chances are he knows some). It's like partypoker then uigea/cardrunners, RL fight fish then MMA/UFC.

I dont see where I'm going with this(lol) but I'd like to hear other guys views on what they think are the most useful things disciplines that are really useful IRL self-defense. I watch youtube vids and it seems the other guy always throws these super-telegraphed kicks/punches or idiotic wide open strikes just to make the whole thing look good. Imo boxing and/or jujitsu would be it, I've seen good boxing training IRL being used and I can attest to its effectivity, with Jujitsu though, I think its pretty clear that long fights will always go to the ground eventualy so its pretty self explanatory.

*muay thai/kickboxing

*capoeira (ROFL)

Has the RL fight scene changed for majority of our juvenile brothers where variance has become really high now?

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 Last edit: 29/06/2011 22:57

SugoGosu   Korea (South). Jun 28 2011 22:42. Posts 1793

i havent been in a fight since 7th grade. took taekwondo and found it pretty useless. got my blackbelt and halfway through my second degree when i quit. all i learned was im mad unflexible. i tried to get in a fight a few months ago with this guy who said something while i was semi-drunk. but he pretty much ran into his car screaming taunts at me while he drove away.

but thinking about martial arts, they're not all about teaching you how to fight. it's more about the mental idea of being calm, collected, and focused. You spar here and there but i just found it to be all fun and games really. It's a lot of pushups, air kicks and punches while memorizing "forms" (kick this way then punch here, back kick there etc...) It's not like teaching you how to fight in a boxing match or something. For that, I'd take boxing. Taekwando teaches you mental calmess and gets you healthy/in shape as opposed to "if some guy is going to grab your girls ass grab a chair and smash it over his head while you drink a beer and scream how you like dem apples" those fights i find stupid and boring.

It's funny how as a society we have moved away from beating each other with clubs to decide who gets to put their dick where. We preach sympathy and friendliness while one of the most popular sports involves punching eachother until they call uncle.

Say this outloud! Why was six afraid of seven?......Because Seven Eight NineLast edit: 28/06/2011 22:49

whamm!   Albania. Jun 28 2011 23:01. Posts 11625

lol. i did hear of just one guy here who was really good at fighting and sparring, he was a karate practioner much like how machida fought and surprisingly went on to fight in MMA singaporean league and did well at first. i live in a small city so we know who the "tough" guys were back in the day (80's lol).

yeah i used to remember when fights broke out it was really not taken seriously since most people had useless or had zero training. it was quite the spectacle and people just gassed out, all my life ive only witnessed one fistfight which was a thing of beauty to watch, my mate pwned the other guy in a straight up fight and it just fukn lasted forever (15mins), there were stops and the mob circled around the whole thing and kept moving as they were , people screaming shouting and cheering. good times

Now i could imagine fights being more serious (might be wrong) since people know about MMA , but then again it becomes less fun and more predictable and probably more decisive, brief and conclusive.

Arirang   Canada. Jun 28 2011 23:13. Posts 1673

I think depending on the style... karate is actually very useful. Like.. I'd imagine Kyokushin Karate to be super useful and I know that a lot of big Russians that are into MMA train that shit. The style values high level of realism, so they wear no guard gears or whatever when training/sparring.

Pretty sure Kung Fu is not even a style of any sort. It's just like..Chinese Martial Arts.. and I'd hardly believe it if they are not useful. I guess you'd have to come to the point of training where you just execute the proper moves without any thought involved; achieving the state of mushin. I remember watching this YouTube video of a guy demonstrating Wing Chun, and the master broke his student's fucking ribs just trying to demonstrate and failed to properly measure his strength. It doesn't even look like the guy hit him hard at all.

As far as like..the most useful martial arts goes... probably Kendo? I mean,'s a weapon thing, but an expert Kendo practitioner will beat the shit out of you before you even have a chance to touch his clothes.

TKD sucks, yeah.

PplusAD   Germany. Jun 28 2011 23:17. Posts 7180

  On June 28 2011 21:32 whamm! wrote:
blabla ....

*muay thai/kickboxing


--------- *wrestling -------------------------------


I am an MMA Fighter myself and i have been in the Cage
I dont fear anyone in the streets except for super strong wrestlers

Getting slammed on Asphalt is no Problem for you ?

Aikido obviously is completely useless ....
Wrestling + Boxing >>> All

U see what i did there with A8 ? He 4 bets and there we go insta jam A8 : ---booooom -- . hahahaha ( Krantz)Last edit: 28/06/2011 23:27

whamm!   Albania. Jun 28 2011 23:23. Posts 11625

yea among the karate styles id take kyokushin since its a lot more hitting while getting hit and seems to apply practical and realistic simultaneous motion while fighting which is rarely the case for most martial arts, and because of it's emphasis on full contact no guard sparring.

i think with "elite" status in martial arts basically you will be tougher to be up against in general, even kung fu. but with ur average black/brown belt i dunno.

i would fear any "super strong" anything man
yea i thought about the wrestling thing, might be close but i would need added input about that since Ive never really known wrestling where I live

 Last edit: 28/06/2011 23:27

RiKD    United States. Jun 28 2011 23:50. Posts 8906

i don't think wrestling is useless. take down defense and clinch and dirty boxing is extremely valuable.

boxing/kickboxing can make a huge difference. a lot of ppl have no clue how to throw a punch or even that the chin is where you are aiming.

getting on your back in a street/bar fight is not a good place to be. still bjj would teach you how to minimize damage/avoid it. a lot of ppl have no clue what a guard is. it won't matter if it's 3v1 but 1v1 it's probably ridic easy to find a choke or a joint. in highschool we used to fuck around and you could sprawl/guillotine the fuck out of all the wrestlers unless they were a lot bigger/stronger.

-the crazy fuck all-state linebacker/all-state heavyweight wrestler is kicking pretty much everyone's ass
- tai kwan do is shit.
- yellow belt bjj from shit school tough guy is gonna get his ass kicked a lot. especially if he talks a lot of shit and/or weighs 140.
- crazy fuck big irish guy w/ gold gloves is kicking pretty much everyone's ass

probably most interesting is what happens when the amateur 140-185 lb mma guy fights the 200-240 lb crazy irish gold gloves guy or crazy college linebacker/wrestler w/ some boxing guy or 350 lb bouncer guy?

whamm!   Albania. Jun 29 2011 00:15. Posts 11625

In a bar with no rules and premature stoppages:

random good boxer vs brown/black jujitsu in a bar is basically coinflipping
No referees and rules "brock lesnar" types ducking their head plowing thru crowds to get to you will rape any skill
trash talking 140 - 180lbs "tough guys" will get fucked up by anyone with decent fight background

 Last edit: 29/06/2011 00:17

NighTLesS15   United States. Jun 29 2011 00:48. Posts 241

i have to doubt wrestling extremely hardcore in party/bar or whatever situation fights... because i've only ever seen two wrestlers i knew who were good in high school both made state, and 1 wrestled college.. but two separate instances they both got punk'd out by the same guy who was just a street fighter who knows boxing from always being in fights... both wrestlers did exact same thing after getting punched in the mouth 2 or 3 times or w/e tried to take it to the ground, 1 time the guy just flat side stepped them and and proceeded to stop him out the other time the wrestler took a knee to the jaw and it was sleepy time... so i would prefer boxing if i got to choose lol.

Also to pplusad if your an mma fighter not sure at all why you would be scared of bar fights with wrestlers cause you know how to rape them... no? ... and I have never seen a wrestler do anything but try to tackle someone... i'm not much of a fighter myself but it seems clearly obvious that throwing a kick to the face or body as hard as you can when they try to tackle would be end game... wrestlers are used to not having to deal with a foot to their dome or ribs when their training.. or am i mistaken lol

Frinkx: 1k on mario cart? PoorUser: Snap call  

KeanuReaver   United States. Jun 29 2011 01:01. Posts 2022

personally think boxing is probably the best street fighting skill to possess. combo of being able to end a fight extremely quickly, little to no long term damage (outside of a broken nose maybe, compare to military martial arts like krav maga that incapacitate opponents in any way possible), amazing for handling multiple opponents, amazing for keeping yourself from getting hurt.

kickboxing prob second, badass appeal is better than boxing (knee someones face off and you won't be fucked with ever) but i think the potential to off-balance yourself and get yourself into trouble, as well as less concentration on boxing fundamentals, makes it more dangerous.

judo third, tossing someone six feet up onto their face on asphalt will wreck them.

bjj a distant fourth. amazing for handling a single opponent (a blue belt in bjj will essentially never lose or even get hurt vs a random on the street) but almost useless vs more than one. and lets face it, if you devote yourself to a martial art even the useless ones will enable you to beat most randoms on account of just being in good shape and having good confidence and not being as nervous.

just the common mma ones, can probably sub in similar ma's in similar spots. wrestling around judo (although below prob since it doesn't have any sub focus which is prob useful) etc.

and the endurance required for MMA, which has actions like punching and kicking bone and muscle with 1000-2500 PSI. - Taco 

PuertoRican   United States. Jun 29 2011 01:09. Posts 13104

Trying to guess or assume which fighting style is best when it comes to fighting outside of the ring is kind of useless.
In real life fights out of the ring, its going to come down to how you take that first punch.

Knowing some type of martial art is good, but if you cant take a punch, it doesn't really matter what you know or how good you are at it.

Also, even if we all came to the conclusion that one martial art was definitely the weakest out of them all, I still wouldn't want to piss off a guy who is a top level fighter in that discipline.
What we see in pro MMA fights and what we'd see on the street from that same fighter is totally different, since there's different factors you have to take into account, like:

1. How pissed off is this person.
2. Has this person been drinking.
3. What type of training does this person have, etc.

In a street fight, you got pure anger/rage coming out from at least one of the two fighters, and when you're raged up in a street fight you're usually not thinking to clearly and just want to completely destroy the other person, so if I swung and broke the guys nose with one shot, I wouldn't care if he was bleeding and fell back and obviously was KO`ed, I would continue pounding on him until I felt like stopping. If a guy who knew BJJ and was drinking and got into a fight with some random guy who only knew basic boxing and got him to the ground, then got him into an arm bar, I doubt that BJJ guy is waiting for the other guy to tap, I'd expect to see a broken arm.

Basically there's too many variables when you're fighting a street fight and a professional MMA fight.
As a clueless American, I'd say Tai Chi is my pick for the weakest martial art.


I'm not even going to get into the other variables of your surrounding, like cement curbs, cars, glass bottles, etc.

I also agree with PplusAD, boxing + wrestling is best in street fights.

Rekrul is a newbLast edit: 29/06/2011 01:12

qwerty67890   New Zealand. Jun 29 2011 01:17. Posts 14026

kick to the balls
knee to the face

you get sucker punched, hit with a bottle, slammed head-first into concrete, kicked in the balls, bitten, eye-gouged and beatdown by a group.

DvoBoardRider   Afghanistan. Jun 29 2011 03:03. Posts 849

my philosophy: if you aren't sure you gonna win a fight... get a couple of friends and beat him up when he least expects it.

edzwoo   United States. Jun 29 2011 03:45. Posts 5911

whamm!   Albania. Jun 29 2011 06:02. Posts 11625

it's just that i hear most martial arts were used by "warriors" before etc. the fact its so shit to use IRL now makes me think the forefathers of most martial arts were just trolling ppl.

PplusAD   Germany. Jun 29 2011 06:08. Posts 7180

  On June 28 2011 23:48 NighTLesS15 wrote:

Also to pplusad if your an mma fighter not sure at all why you would be scared of bar fights with wrestlers cause you know how to rape them... no? ... and I have never seen a wrestler do anything but try to tackle someone... i'm not much of a fighter myself but it seems clearly obvious that throwing a kick to the face or body as hard as you can when they try to tackle would be end game... wrestlers are used to not having to deal with a foot to their dome or ribs when their training.. or am i mistaken lol

Good luck trying to stop a takedown with a kick to the face unless u have world class timing !
Its 10 times easier to close distance and clinch by simply running through than otherwise to stop a shooting person with a kick to the face
And u only have that 1 shot to hit him and knock him out. If u miss that 1 chance only by a slightest bit ure in a clinch situation vs a wrestler which means u gonna get slammed within seconds.

Ofc when u are really good at Kickboxing/Muaythai/Boxing and have a great sense of timing it is definitely doable.
However u need to be really really good.
Its difficult as hell ! trust me

Just imagine a big Dog running at you who has the intention of killing u
Well just kick him hard in his nose
Dogs get Koed by that

GL trying ^^

U see what i did there with A8 ? He 4 bets and there we go insta jam A8 : ---booooom -- . hahahaha ( Krantz) 

DvoBoardRider   Afghanistan. Jun 29 2011 06:24. Posts 849

  On June 29 2011 05:02 whamm! wrote:
it's just that i hear most martial arts were used by "warriors" before etc. the fact its so shit to use IRL now makes me think the forefathers of most martial arts were just trolling ppl.

^ basically what bruce lee was trying to say over and over and over.

Jhyun88   United States. Jun 29 2011 06:47. Posts 1383

Wrestling is like the single most important thing in current MMA meta-game...

DvoBoardRider   Afghanistan. Jun 29 2011 07:21. Posts 849

  On June 29 2011 05:24 DvoBoardRider wrote:
Show nested quote +

^ basically what bruce lee was trying to say over and over and over.

and if he were alive today and see the way mma practitioners fight, he'd be saying the same thing. cos the thing with bruce lee's philosophy is to adapt be ahead of your opponent/s.

he was truly ahead of his time.

dogmeat   Czech Republic. Jun 29 2011 07:58. Posts 6374

no money in fighting irl

ban baal 


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