Raidern   Brasil. Jul 12 2011 08:44. Posts 4243 | | |
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TheHuHu3   United States. Jul 12 2011 12:01. Posts 5544 | | |
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YouGoTGoT   United States. Jul 12 2011 17:55. Posts 1118 | | |
Read some updates. Corwin Cole out and Daut doubled up |
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PuertoRican   United States. Jul 12 2011 18:17. Posts 13162 | | |
Cole Deck
Corwin Cole got his last 15,000 or so in preflop, and Kevin Okeefe re-shoved behind him. The action folded around, and the hands were opened.
Cole: JJ
Okeefe: KK
Okeefe held, and Cole was eliminated from the tournament.
Daut - 44,000
n0rthf4ce - busted |
Rekrul is a newb | Last edit: 13/07/2011 02:12 |
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Fayth   Canada. Jul 12 2011 20:43. Posts 10085 | | |
just busted TT vs KK for my last 25bb |
Im not sure what to do tomorrow when I see her, should I shake her hand?? -Floofy | |
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PuertoRican   United States. Jul 12 2011 23:41. Posts 13162 | | |
Rekrul is a newb | Last edit: 13/07/2011 09:29 |
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Zlasher   United States. Jul 13 2011 00:58. Posts 14 | | |
Anybody know about Grr...'s status? |
@Zlasher and @Zlasher12 for tournament updates | |
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Daut   United States. Jul 13 2011 04:47. Posts 8955 | | |
me and grrrr both busted. really frustrating day, oh well, gl to everyone whos still in |
NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, Daut | |
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PuertoRican   United States. Jul 13 2011 06:07. Posts 13162 | | |
LP.net players who advanced past day 2B
thewh00sel - Julian Parmann - 77,600 (started the day with 48,950)
LP.net players who busted on day 2B
[vital]Myth - Corwin Cole - busted
GiYom - Guillaume Patry - busted
Fayth - Josue Sauvageau - busted
Daut - Ryan Daut - busted
n0rthf4ce - Eric Liu - busted
MezmerizePLZ - Clayton Maguire - busted
Ben Lamb, the 14th place finisher of the WSOP 2009 main event, finished day 2B in first place with 551,600 chips.
LP.net players who play in Day 3
FrinkX - Evan McNiff - 179,800
into2ndwind - Russell Thomas - 157,300
Kiwikaki - Jonathan Garneau - 143,000
PoorUser - Stephen Costello - 140,300
thewh00sel - Julian Parmann - 77,600
teej1985 - Thomas Bentham - 54,400
Day 3 seating assignments for LP.net players (Name/Chips/Room/Table/Seat)
+ Show Spoiler +
Vanessa Rousso - 41,000 Pavilion / 19 / 1
Kenneth Coppens - 48,000 Pavilion / 19 / 2
Darren Woods - 236,000 Pavilion / 19 / 3
Philipp Harti - 87,300 Pavilion / 19 / 4
FrinkX - Evan McNiff - 179,800 Pavilion / 19 / 5
Gregory Vogelsong - 159,800 Pavilion / 19 / 6
Zachary Fahmie - 163,000 Pavilion / 19 / 7
Ben Roberts - 69,500 Pavilion / 19 / 8
Jeremiah Vinsant - 217,600 Pavilion / 19 / 9
+ Show Spoiler +
Robert Deluna - 76,200 Amazon / 298 / 1
Norberto Korn - 120,800 Amazon / 298 / 2
Sebastien Roy - 97,400 Amazon / 298 / 3
Kiwikaki - Jonathan Garneau - 143,000 Amazon / 298 / 4
Markus Ross - 177,800 Amazon / 298 / 5
James Gorham - 201,500 Amazon / 298 / 6
Enoch Nadler - 83,400 Amazon / 298 / 7
Morrisha Hudgons - 33,000 Amazon / 298 / 8
Griffin Malatino - 172,700 Amazon / 298 / 9
+ Show Spoiler +
Dong Yang Yan - 383,400 Amazon / 289 / 1
PoorUser - Stephen Costello - 140,300 Amazon / 289 / 2
Michael Minetti - 140,000 Amazon / 289 / 3
Humberto Brenes - 157,900 Amazon / 289 / 4
Benjamin Sarnoff - 70,400 Amazon / 289 / 5
David Farber - 104,300 Amazon / 289 / 6
Farid Vaghefi - 34,600 Amazon / 289 / 7
Anthony Bodnar - 77,500 Amazon / 289 / 8
Sharon Levin - 116,000 Amazon / 289 / 9
+ Show Spoiler +
Adrian Passfield - 119,900 Amazon / 306 / 1
Chris McClung - 313,600 Amazon / 306 / 2
Anders Osterstrom - 29,500 Amazon / 306 / 3
John Blomstrom - 208,200 Amazon / 306 / 4
DID NOT REPORT - 34,600 Amazon / 306 / 5
Kim Chee - 67,200 Amazon / 306 / 6
Scot Bodnar - 87,800 Amazon / 306 / 7
Mark Newhouse - 46,500 Amazon / 306 / 8
thewh00sel - Julian Parmann - 77,600 Amazon / 306 / 9
+ Show Spoiler +
Joseph Parrish - 58,500 Pavilion / 13 / 1
Jeff Rogers - 36,500 Pavilion / 13 / 2
Arkadiy Tsinis - 68,800 Pavilion / 13 / 3
Peter Holder - 96,700 Pavilion / 13 / 4
Steve Rosen - 44,100 Pavilion / 13 / 5
Zbigniew Pakleza - 90,500 Pavilion / 13 / 6
Court Harrington - 122,700 Pavilion / 13 / 7
teej1985 - Thomas Bentham - 54,400 Pavilion / 13 / 8
Konstantinos Mamaliadis - 180,100 Pavilion / 13 / 9
+ Show Spoiler +
Pavel Chalupka - 101,200 Amazon / 300 / 1
Annette Obrestad - 90,500 Amazon / 300 / 2
Nobody listed for seat 3
Troy Quenneville - 226,200 Amazon / 300 / 4
Jonathan Seelbach - 135,100 Amazon / 300 / 5
into2ndwind - Russell Thomas - 157,300 Amazon / 300 / 6
George Rahme - 241,500 Amazon / 300 / 7
Daniel Bertelsen - 45,200 Amazon / 300 / 8
Geremy Eiland - 139,600 Amazon / 300 / 9
Rekrul is a newb | Last edit: 13/07/2011 08:46 |
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chris   United States. Jul 13 2011 08:02. Posts 5505 | | |
russell thomas is into2ndwind and he has 157k (and he is LPer) |
5 minute showers are my 8 minute abs. - Neilly | |
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chris   United States. Jul 13 2011 08:03. Posts 5505 | | |
also whats up with patrick stemper (bigred0000) ? |
5 minute showers are my 8 minute abs. - Neilly | |
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PuertoRican   United States. Jul 13 2011 08:35. Posts 13162 | | |
Patrick Stemper isn't in the day 3 list, which means he busted.
As for into2ndwind, does he still post here? I don't remember seeing his name around anytime in 2011.
I can add his name to the list, but if he used to post here at one time but doesn't anymore, its not really worth adding him since he isn't relevant.
+ Show Spoiler +
Pavel Chalupka - 101,200 Amazon / 300 / 1
Annette Obrestad - 90,500 Amazon / 300 / 2
Nobody listed for seat 3
Troy Quenneville - 226,200 Amazon / 300 / 4
Jonathan Seelbach - 135,100 Amazon / 300 / 5
into2ndwind - Russell Thomas - 157,300 Amazon / 300 / 6
George Rahme - 241,500 Amazon / 300 / 7
Daniel Bertelsen - 45,200 Amazon / 300 / 8
Geremy Eiland - 139,600 Amazon / 300 / 9
Rekrul is a newb | Last edit: 13/07/2011 08:45 |
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Raidern   Brasil. Jul 13 2011 09:30. Posts 4243 | | |
| On July 12 2011 22:41 PuertoRican wrote:
Brett Richey WSOP 2011 rap: http://bcove.me/kf7scz0g
If an admin edits the link within the spoiler, the video should work. Remove spoiler when done.
<object id="flashObj" width="486" height="412" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,47,0"><param name="movie" value="http://c.brightcove.com/services/viewer/federated_f9?isVid=1" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF" /><param name="flashVars" value="videoId=1049842290001&playerID=3230433001&playerKey=AQ~~,AAAAAFwP6oQ~,knsiPG9otGYP1wlR9NfWpmPQTjPUUuYS&domain=embed&dynamicStreaming=true" /><param name="base" value="http://admin.brightcove.com" /><param name="seamlesstabbing" value="false" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="swLiveConnect" value="true" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><embed src="http://c.brightcove.com/services/viewer/federated_f9?isVid=1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" flashVars="videoId=1049842290001&playerID=3230433001&playerKey=AQ~~,AAAAAFwP6oQ~,knsiPG9otGYP1wlR9NfWpmPQTjPUUuYS&domain=embed&dynamicStreaming=true" base="http://admin.brightcove.com" name="flashObj" width="486" height="412" seamlesstabbing="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" swLiveConnect="true" allowScriptAccess="always" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash"></embed></object> |
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chris   United States. Jul 13 2011 11:46. Posts 5505 | | |
cutsss hasnt posted here for years. elky hasnt posted here in forever. i've never even heard of that kiwikaka guy. vital myth hasnt posted here in a long time, same as raszi, etc etc.
he used to post some, he wasnt ever really that active. |
5 minute showers are my 8 minute abs. - Neilly | |
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chris   United States. Jul 13 2011 11:47. Posts 5505 | | |
mez hasnt posted here in ages either  |
5 minute showers are my 8 minute abs. - Neilly | |
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asdf2000   United States. Jul 13 2011 14:01. Posts 7708 | | |
| On July 13 2011 10:46 chris wrote:
cutsss hasnt posted here for years. elky hasnt posted here in forever. i've never even heard of that kiwikaka guy. vital myth hasnt posted here in a long time, same as raszi, etc etc.
he used to post some, he wasnt ever really that active. |
kiwikaki is a sc2 player |
Grindin so hard, Im smashin pussies left and right. | |
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Fraser   Canada. Jul 13 2011 14:07. Posts 4605 | | |
| On July 12 2011 07:10 chris wrote:
friend of mine, Russell Thomas, aka into2ndwind, (woodbrave's brother) has about 157k going into day 3
Chess master |
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Zlasher   United States. Jul 13 2011 19:41. Posts 14 | | |
| On July 13 2011 10:46 chris wrote:
cutsss hasnt posted here for years. elky hasnt posted here in forever. i've never even heard of that kiwikaka guy. vital myth hasnt posted here in a long time, same as raszi, etc etc.
he used to post some, he wasnt ever really that active. |
Kiwikaki is one of the best SC2 players in the world right now, former top WC3 player, played low-mid stakes poker for a few years and now plays SC2, top 2 Canadian SC2 player, top 5 north american player. Not sure how much Poker he's played in the past 18 months but hey, he seems to be doing okay for now. |
@Zlasher and @Zlasher12 for tournament updates | |
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FrinkX   United States. Jul 13 2011 21:24. Posts 7562 | | |
damn my table sucks for a wsop table. bad seat too
its ok heater 1 time ez |
bitch on a pension suck my dong | |
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kiwikaki used to crush mid stakes but ive never seen him post on liquidpoker... and those guys never had to much interest in this community from the start, not like they come here and check the forums and post their hands.. |
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