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WhoAmI   . Jul 26 2011 14:37. Posts 41

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palak   United States. Jul 26 2011 15:10. Posts 4601

pop you actually know how much of our debt is owned by china?

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

WhoAmI   . Jul 26 2011 15:20. Posts 41

double post srry

 Last edit: 26/07/2011 15:21

WhoAmI   . Jul 26 2011 15:20. Posts 41

now and not in the future?

out of the 4.5 trillion owned foreign debt , China owns about a third

palak   United States. Jul 26 2011 15:36. Posts 4601

honestly surprised u actually got that right and didn't just blurt out some absurd number like some ppl who i've heard say "china owns 2/3 of americas debt" when they own roughly 8-13 depending on the source n time n blah. the whole notion which this video has at the end bout us going in debt trillions more or even a substantial amount to china is ridiculous. Its doubtful any single country will ever own more then 20% of americas debt.

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

WhoAmI   . Jul 26 2011 16:38. Posts 41

It's totally ridiculous to think that the USA is going to go further in debt...

hahaha ok

palak   United States. Jul 26 2011 16:40. Posts 4601

We r going to get more in debt, but china will never own a large amount. It will always own a fraction of the debt held by the public.

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

Jedeye   United Kingdom. Jul 26 2011 16:42. Posts 188

america in infallible! fuck all who say otherwise! U S A U S A!

WhoAmI   . Jul 26 2011 16:44. Posts 41

thank you for showing how the con game works and why it must be kept going forward on blind faith and confidence

The M Show   Canada. Jul 26 2011 17:47. Posts 278

thought this was gonna be about mdma

blackjacki2   United States. Jul 26 2011 18:05. Posts 2582

not bad

traxamillion   United States. Jul 26 2011 18:10. Posts 10468

  On July 26 2011 15:40 palak wrote:
We r going to get more in debt, but china will never own a large amount. It will always own a fraction of the debt held by the public.

r u obama?

palak   United States. Jul 26 2011 18:41. Posts 4601

No its just common sense...china would need to purchase the next
7 trillian or so in US debt for them to start approaching public levels. It boggles me that this debt ceiling is even an issue. Every article written by an economist ive read say the debt ceiling needs to be raised. I have yet to even hear of an economist saying the US should default. Yet over 50% of americans according to most polls would rather have the US default then raise the debt ceiling. So many ppl who have only recently even heard of the debt ceiling r now thinking they know more about the world economy then ppl who study economics for a living. Its also a fake issue that ppl dont really care about, otherwise where was all this debt ceiling panic the last 30 yrs where we raised the ceiling 32 times. Sure the US needs to curtail spending and increase revenues. But the idea of just saying fuck it and defaulting on the debt is insane.

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

Graisseux   Canada. Jul 26 2011 19:06. Posts 474

I think the ceiling was raised 5 times under the bush years... Funny how republicans look like dogmatic, opportunistic liars to the whole planet except for 50% of americans.

palak   United States. Jul 26 2011 19:24. Posts 4601

^7 times under bush jr, 5 times under bush sr, 17 times under reagan.

Also worth mentioning that reagan raised taxes during a bad recession and the economy improved immediately afterwords.

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquariumLast edit: 26/07/2011 19:25

ShadowDrgn   United States. Jul 26 2011 19:26. Posts 1156

  On July 26 2011 17:41 palak wrote:
Its also a fake issue that ppl dont really care about, otherwise where was all this debt ceiling panic the last 30 yrs where we raised the ceiling 32 times.

The economic well-being of the country should be the most important issue in government, not the gay rights / abortion media circus we get every election cycle. The debate over the debt ceiling is just a proxy for the budget in general, and the American people are finally getting fed up with the endless wars and wasteful spending that are eroding our way of life and fucking up the world to line the pockets of the rich and powerful.

blackjacki2   United States. Jul 26 2011 19:31. Posts 2582

Also worth mentioning that Obama voted against raising the debt ceiling when Bush was in office

palak   United States. Jul 26 2011 19:34. Posts 4601

  On July 26 2011 18:26 ShadowDrgn wrote:
Show nested quote +

The debate over the debt ceiling is just a proxy for the budget in general, and the American people are finally getting fed up with the endless wars and wasteful spending that are eroding our way of life and fucking up the world to line the pockets of the rich and powerful.

I agree w/ that. But the key is that default on the loans isn't going to fix anything, it'll just make things worse. The budget has issues and there are some cuts that need to be made but never will (at least $250 bil from the military for example). The talk of saying "don't raise the debt ceiling" is completely misguided.

  On July 26 2011 18:31 blackjacki2 wrote:
Also worth mentioning that Obama voted against raising the debt ceiling when Bush was in office

Yes he did, once in 06. When asked about it though he admitted that it was nothing more then a political move since he knew the bill would pass anyway. So that's coming back to bite him in the ass, but imo its pretty good of him that instead of making some excuse like (now is different then back then) he just admitted he was playing politics in the first place.

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquariumLast edit: 26/07/2011 19:36

WhoAmI   . Jul 26 2011 20:11. Posts 41

Thank you guys for also proving that the left/right paradigm is a myth & showing that both sides of the establishment look to bury this country further into the serfdom debt hole as the establishment has no principles that it holds on to because it is aiming to create and obtain control of a "global world financial market" or "world economy".

With the debt ceiling (which isn't what the original video was only about btw) the left/right have just been doing theater to try and make the majority fall in line under fear; nothing more.

Surprise   United States. Jul 26 2011 20:28. Posts 275

-Eliminate bush tax cuts on the wealthiest americans

-Take USA military out of Afganistan on schedule or sooner. Then cut it hard after we're out of all wars, its very technologically advanced and we have no real enemies that we're likely to fight in a conventional war. Anyone big enough to require our military to stay the same size has nuclear weapons and our conventional forces are not likely to be useful during a real nuclear war.

-End War on Drugs, instead tax them. Any addictive drugs cannot be advertised and will be legal but socially non-acceptable (like tobacco). Anyone who sells the addictive/harmful drugs must set aside a portion of their profits to run the rehab centers for users that get hooked, like how casinos must pay for gambling addiction centers.

-Obv legalize online poker

Pretty sure that gets us back to even and we didn't even have to rob old people of their social security.

the games you own at, end up owning youLast edit: 26/07/2011 20:40


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