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Psychologists help 9/11 truth deniers

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D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Sep 23 2011 10:06. Posts 688
The internal battle of your ego explained.

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Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

Zep   United States. Sep 23 2011 12:28. Posts 2292

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future. 

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Sep 23 2011 12:40. Posts 5328

that video explains how people become conspiracy theorists!

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 

NewbSaibot   United States. Sep 23 2011 13:10. Posts 4946

Wait, so 9/11 truthers believe in the conspiracy, and this video implies truth deniers, i.e. people who believe there was no conspiracy and indeed the ones in need of psychological help? Cant watch video at work so hopefully your title sums it up =/

bye now 

casinocasino   Canada. Sep 23 2011 19:47. Posts 3343

I cant beleive how perfectly the towers collapsed, they had no resistance in the desend, the resistance of the structure should of gradually slowed the towers as each floor fell progressively on eachother.

it was said that the fire never spread to floors bellow the impact site, some of the survivors mentioned that each floor bellow the impact site had structrual integruity and functioning mechanics such as lights, water etc.

its clearly impossible for the building to collapse the way they did, I dont understand why the 9/11 commission just choses to avoid such blatant evidence the the building was demolished, perhaps they fear the the investigation would lead into the military patented use of thermate that was found in the dust around ground zero

"Analysis of the chemical composition of dust samples provides further evidence of aluminothermic arson. For example, dust samples contained particles with high levels of manganese, zinc, and barium. 6 Barium is a toxic metal used in a number of industrial processes, but unlikely to be present in significant quantities in an office building. It is, however, useful as a catalyst and accelerant of aluminothermic reactions. Zinc, barium and sulfur are all common in military thermites"


"Thermate is a high-level thermite analog containing sulfur developed by the military (see Thermate combines aluminum/iron oxide (thermite) with barium nitrate (29%) and sulfur (typically 2% although more sulfur could be added). The thermate reaction proceeds rapidly and is much faster than thermite in degrading steel leading to structural failure. Thus, both the unusually high temperatures and the extraordinary observation of steel-sulfidation (Barnett, 2001) can be accounted for -- if the use of thermate is allowed in the discussion. Note that other oxidizers (like KMnO4) and metals (like titanium and silicon) are commonly used in thermite analogs."


 Last edit: 23/09/2011 19:49

Big_Rob_48   United States. Sep 23 2011 23:32. Posts 3432

I don't believe in 9/11 being a conspiracy, but I have not read about it too much to be honest.

What I do know is that there is a shit load of crazy stuff going on in the world today that most people do not know about.

People read history books about all kinds of crazy stuff that happened throughout the history of man. Yet they do not believe that sort of stuff can be happening in present day : /

Can someone please explain to me for a second what the incentive is for 9/11 to be a conspiracy? Is it so that we can have our freedom stripped with the patriot act or something like that? I really have no idea I haven't thought about it at all.

Here is my conspiracy theory for anyone interested, there is a lot of info out there to look it up. I think that psychiatric disorders and neurological disorders as well as various health conditions are actually caused by viruses, bacterias, and pathogens. There is much evidence for this. I believe that big pharma is trying to suck us dry with their current medications before the science becomes overwhelming and a medical revolution takes place where type of drug treatments change radically to more antibiotic/antiviral.

Also, autism is most likely caused by vaccines. In fact vaccines could possibly be a big cause of developing chronic health conditions later in life.

Also, a mouse virus called xmrv probably infects about 4% of the U.S. population and can be activated to cause cfs/me.

The first cases of autism coincided with the initial uses of vaccines almost exactly!

My AIM sn if you want to chat: YoRobbyMillerLast edit: 24/09/2011 00:03

blackjacki2   United States. Sep 24 2011 02:09. Posts 2582

  On September 23 2011 18:47 casinocasino wrote:
I cant beleive how perfectly the towers collapsed, they had no resistance in the desend, the resistance of the structure should of gradually slowed the towers as each floor fell progressively on eachother.

it was said that the fire never spread to floors bellow the impact site, some of the survivors mentioned that each floor bellow the impact site had structrual integruity and functioning mechanics such as lights, water etc.

its clearly impossible for the building to collapse the way they did, I dont understand why the 9/11 commission just choses to avoid such blatant evidence the the building was demolished, perhaps they fear the the investigation would lead into the military patented use of thermate that was found in the dust around ground zero

I hope you have a degree in mechanical engineering and/or physics in order to so confidently declare something an impossibility.

I am interested in hearing the reasoning behind your belief that the structures should have "gradually slowed the towers as each floor fell progressively on each other." If the floors are falling progressively on each other that means that each subsequent floor has 1 floor more weight hitting it than the previous floor. If the 56th floor got taken out by the 30 floors above it why would the 55th stand up to those 30 floors PLUS the 56th even better? That makes no sense. If anything, the collapse should have increased in speed as the added weight made it more easy to take out each additional floor.

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Sep 24 2011 04:19. Posts 688

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

kingpowa   France. Sep 24 2011 12:26. Posts 1525

  On September 23 2011 18:47 casinocasino wrote:
I cant beleive how perfectly the towers collapsed, they had no resistance in the desend, the resistance of the structure should of gradually slowed the towers as each floor fell progressively on eachother.

it was said that the fire never spread to floors bellow the impact site, some of the survivors mentioned that each floor bellow the impact site had structrual integruity and functioning mechanics such as lights, water etc.

its clearly impossible for the building to collapse the way they did, I dont understand why the 9/11 commission just choses to avoid such blatant evidence the the building was demolished, perhaps they fear the the investigation would lead into the military patented use of thermate that was found in the dust around ground zero

"Analysis of the chemical composition of dust samples provides further evidence of aluminothermic arson. For example, dust samples contained particles with high levels of manganese, zinc, and barium. 6 Barium is a toxic metal used in a number of industrial processes, but unlikely to be present in significant quantities in an office building. It is, however, useful as a catalyst and accelerant of aluminothermic reactions. Zinc, barium and sulfur are all common in military thermites"


"Thermate is a high-level thermite analog containing sulfur developed by the military (see Thermate combines aluminum/iron oxide (thermite) with barium nitrate (29%) and sulfur (typically 2% although more sulfur could be added). The thermate reaction proceeds rapidly and is much faster than thermite in degrading steel leading to structural failure. Thus, both the unusually high temperatures and the extraordinary observation of steel-sulfidation (Barnett, 2001) can be accounted for -- if the use of thermate is allowed in the discussion. Note that other oxidizers (like KMnO4) and metals (like titanium and silicon) are commonly used in thermite analogs."


This post is really funny : you gave as a source an analysis that actually goes against the idea that this was a demolition while supporting this idea. So you may read all the 911research source and see the flaw behind the thermate argument.

sorry for shitty english. 

NewbSaibot   United States. Sep 24 2011 13:04. Posts 4946

  On September 23 2011 18:47 casinocasino wrote:
I cant beleive how perfectly the towers collapsed, they had no resistance in the desend, the resistance of the structure should of gradually slowed the towers as each floor fell progressively on eachother.

If you have a tower of toothpicks, and drop a 20 lb weight on it, it will crush in X amount of time. Now what happens if you drop a 50 lb weight on it? The weight of the previous floors in the building compounded, therefore it is less likely the underlying floors can hold it up, not more likely to slow it down.

  its clearly impossible for the building to collapse the way they did, I dont understand why the 9/11 commission just choses to avoid such blatant evidence the the building was demolished

So why would they collapse the buildings in such an obvious manner? Why not just blow them up in a way that they fall to the side and crush 10 city blocks? I mean they are killing thousands of people, blowing up 2 jet airplanes, and knocking down gigantic buildings. Just go allin already. Or do you think this was some sort of oversight in their planning, and they just assumed nobody would question the manner in which they fell?

bye now 

casinocasino   Canada. Sep 24 2011 15:14. Posts 3343

@kingpowa yeah i realized my source is flawed. I also realized that reacted barium leaves barium-oxide, a residue off of barium-nitrate at elevated tempertures.

 Last edit: 24/09/2011 15:38

casinocasino   Canada. Sep 24 2011 15:16. Posts 3343


the photo above illustrates that the south tower certainly did not fall in on itself, how can the pancake theory be applied?

casinocasino   Canada. Sep 24 2011 15:37. Posts 3343

this proves that thermite does not leave a barium-oxide presense like I previously thought.

The aluminium reduces the oxide of another metal, most commonly iron oxide, because aluminium is highly reactive:

Fe2O3 + 2Al → 2Fe + Al2O3

The products are aluminium oxide, free elemental iron,[2] and a large amount of heat. The reactants are commonly powdered and mixed with a binder to keep the material solid and prevent separation.


Although it may be overlooked, the significance of these nearly microscopic iron-rich droplets is not difficult to grasp. Molten iron is one of the two principal products of the thermite reaction, the other being aluminum oxide, which tends to dissipate as an aerosol. The molten iron condenses and solidifies into particles whose size is a function of the thermite's reaction rate. Fast-acting super-thermites produce tiny droplets that become very nearly spherical due to surface tension.

The inescapable fact is that these spheroidal droplets in the WTC dust look exactly like the products of the combustion of nano-thermite explosives, and their discovery in consistently substantial concentrations in diverse samples of dust from the day of the attack weighs heavily against theories that they were generated by something other than the Twin Towers' destruction. Elemental analysis of these droplets described below would show that they are dead ringers for known aluminothermic residues.


 Last edit: 24/09/2011 15:40

Bejamin1   Canada. Sep 24 2011 18:16. Posts 7042

A little bit of information is a dangerous thing. All you have to do is place one little splinter in a persons mind about the plausibility of an event and make it sound dramatic in a scary voice-over and legions of morons will begin to believe. How do you think Scientology got started. It was literally two guys making a bet over who could come up with some ridiculous bullshit and get a group of people to follow it as religion before the other guy.

Sorry dude he Jason Bourned me. -Johnny Drama 

Big_Rob_48   United States. Sep 24 2011 21:17. Posts 3432

Yeah but benjamin, your argument does not really argue against 9/11 being an inside job. "These people are stupid/crazy that believe that" is basically your argument.

I am not saying that I believe in 9/11 as an inside job as I really don't want to research it now. But people need to stop doing this bullshit where they hear crazy things about our world that *might* be true and immediately dismiss it based on nothing but their present world view.

Basically, just provide some easy points to refute a wild claim, and move on. Maybe eventually you will find that your easy points start to not be such good evidence, and you will find something strange going on in this world.

My AIM sn if you want to chat: YoRobbyMiller 

auffenpuffer   Finland. Sep 25 2011 01:58. Posts 1429

big_rob if you are interested in actual arguments, many of which are technical, lengthy and boring, read . Somewhat less indepth analysis

  Maybe eventually you will find that your easy points start to not be such good evidence, and you will find something strange going on in this world.

Certainly a lot of strange shit is going on, it's just that 911 was not an inside job and people who think it was are either poorly informed or delusional.

 Last edit: 25/09/2011 06:32

casinocasino   Canada. Sep 25 2011 11:34. Posts 3343

truthfully i was just poorly informed, and with all the sketchy shit that goes on with our world its not hard to find yourself in a position where you sometimes question the truth.

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Sep 25 2011 12:15. Posts 688

wait, did casino just say that he initially was for 9/11 being an inside job and because of this thread he now believes the official story? lol

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

auffenpuffer   Finland. Sep 25 2011 12:21. Posts 1429

no, I think he was trolling, but you guys should give debunking911 a try. I mean I was symphatetic to 911 truth movement untill reading that site

casinocasino   Canada. Sep 25 2011 16:44. Posts 3343

Its not only because of this thread I had lengthy discussions through PMs aswell


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