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ADD Part 3 - The Rubifen Road to Riches - Page 2

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qwerty67890   New Zealand. Nov 05 2011 03:50. Posts 14026

Interesting, obviously finding a natural remedy towards stuff is optimal, but no matter what the environment ive been in nothing has panned out.

Ive been trying to keep a routine and started exercising daily a month ago and eating much healthier, the goal of that is to lose weight rather than to have a positive effect on this ADD.

Anti-depressants seem much more hardcore in terms of side effects and addiction/consequences of withdrawl.

Reading the wiki methylphenidate doesnt seem too bad, although it talks about having a high potential for abuse - although that tends to be higher milligram doses that are snorted or injected to achieve the euphoric state.

Its really wierd to be taking these, and its something i strongly considered, but i figure I can take a flop without too many long term side effects, if there isnt noticeable improvement then I will stop.

Ive basically had 26 years worth of symptoms, and im now a fully grown adult. Id be far more concerned if i was a child taking this based off some teacher observations.

The psychologist/psychiatrist work together, psychologist puts together a file and does a lot of the ground work and refers people to the psychiatrist, as well as providing life tips for staying focused etc.

ShLiM   United Kingdom. Nov 05 2011 03:59. Posts 940

btw watch this movie if u havent
i tried to find it on some site that u can see it online but its deleted from and cant recall any others, but if u have hard time finding it pm me ill upload it somewhere/somehow

Seat 5: patatino showed [Qd 2d] and won ($609,730) with a pair of Twos 

RaiZ   France. Nov 05 2011 07:55. Posts 1503

Just a question, do you do some sport ? It just feels really weird to have you take some medicine in order to prevent the ADD... :x I'm not sure what exactly you're having some troubles with... Like Rainkhan said, try to do some sport or finds any interest outside of internet, just so you can talk to the ppl. Obviously that doesn't mean you should stop using it since it's just too good to skip. but you can use it for the stuff related to what you've been talking to with ur friends. (Not sure if i'm clear...)

Edit : oh yeah btw, parties =/= talk.

Shin-il : Yeah it was very very very good for me too. Rekrul : YOU MOTHER FUCKING FUCKING SON OF A BITCHLast edit: 05/11/2011 07:59

BILAT_POWER!!!   Philippines. Nov 05 2011 07:58. Posts 1525

  On November 04 2011 23:02 byrnesam wrote:
Ill try playing poker, but only once im comfortable with the effect theyre having on me that im sure its not going to cause me to do anything wierd.

I took another and played QL, it didnt feel like the extra one had any effect, maybe they are. Its been 40 minutes since i took it. Also didnt turn me into Cooller lol

Maybe its kind of like when youre drunk and you think youre sober and then the next day you realize how drunk you were.

Might text the psychiatrist and ask him about the dosage i should experiment with.

I have no desire to snort them, they seemed to be doing all sorts of stuff to the pills to separate out the different chemicals to allow for maximum effect. Im not really into any of that. Also apparently it makes the inside of your nostrils red raw.

wait. are your pills uppers? i have a younger bro who has ADD and he used to use ritalin. it's an upper... i stole some and was snorting it back in college.

ADD medication are supposed to be good for poker and other mind games. go try playing, i think it might do your game some good.

 Last edit: 05/11/2011 07:58

RiKD    United States. Nov 05 2011 09:43. Posts 8903

you can check out to see if rubifen is on there. great website. my experience with stimulants is that proper dosage and sensitivity varies A LOT from person to person. i know ppl that can't even drink green tea and i know ppl that can't drink coffee fast enough to get any real effect. it's been the same w/ any stimulant and something like yohimbine is actually really crazy in that the no effect to overdose symptom window is like 100mg. another concern is that tolerance with stimulants becomes a pretty major issue. also, taking stimulants with food really kills the effects.

i completely agree with rainkhan. i don't have a lot of respect for the psychology/psychiatrist community.

i would also completely agree with your assessment of their retarded claims of "internet addiction." if someone locked you in a room you would be bored. you would probably wish you had the internet... or anything but it's not like anything degenerative is gonna happen. you aren't gonna get sick. you aren't gonna die. i doubt you were wishing for a computer when you were out at the pub having some pints watching new zealand kick some ass in the rugby world cup.

also, i'm not dissing stimulants or cognition drugs. they've helped millions of ppl including me be more productive for ages. coffee, green tea, tyrosine, creatine, fish oil are some much healthier alternatives i'm a big fan of. eating cleaner and working out will help a lot too. this is not to say i'm even against taking the rubifen. i have no experience with it but if you are honest and the positives outweigh the negatives then it's clearly wise to take it.

as for recs on what to do i would recommend looking into russian literature like dostoevsky or tolstoy. the books are generally very long and very wordy but once you get into them are stimulating and imo extremely worthwhile reads. plus if you get through something like crime and punishment or war and peace it gives you confidence and proves in a way you aren't some "attention deficient loser." i wouldn't necessarily start with either of those books and it's not like it even has to be russian lit. just try to find something short and highly-regarded that you think you would like and go from there. even just reading every article in a sunday paper from left to right has a similar effect, takes less time, keeps you connected, and gives you stuff to talk about with people.

 Last edit: 05/11/2011 10:52

ShLiM   United Kingdom. Nov 05 2011 11:37. Posts 940

I saw somewhere Dopamine is mentioned
here a video of how it works

Seat 5: patatino showed [Qd 2d] and won ($609,730) with a pair of TwosLast edit: 05/11/2011 11:38

terrybunny19240   United States. Nov 05 2011 14:14. Posts 13829

yo, I went to the psychiatrist on tuesday and was diagnosed with ADHD-inattentive as well. They prescribed me adderrall but there is some kind of fkn nationwide shortage so I can't try my treatment yet...

also I'm sure a lot of people in here (like me 2 weeks ago) have no idea that ADHD has different "types" with pretty distinct symptoms. The differences between the different types are big enough to where they are considering breaking out a whole new label for one set of them

its dumb because ADHD has Hyperactivity in the name, but inattentive is defined by being the opposite of hyperactive most of the time lol

when I found out about this it was kind of sick how well parts of it describe me/my life, or symptoms I've had to consciously adjust to in order to minimize their effects

kind of tilted that I can't try this adderall shit.. no pharmacy expects to have any for another two weeks.

look, another reason why we get along so well sam

 Last edit: 05/11/2011 14:30

Gumster   Sweden. Nov 05 2011 14:44. Posts 2291

your blog has made me realize that a friend of mine with 99% certainty has ADD, he is pretty sure himself but has not sought any kind of help, but im kinda curious byrnesam how much you have benefited from "seeking help" from professionals?

im wondering cuz he is so messed up in so many ways, it would be awesome if he could do something about his issues

Do not push the river, it will flow by itself. - Polish proverb 

tloapc   Pitcairn. Nov 05 2011 15:43. Posts 2591

becoming dependent on prescribed drugs is often times much worse and way more damaging than illegal drugs because you have let society convince you something is wrong with you or your brain and all you will need to function "properly" is some good external chemicals that only some legal pharmacy is capable of providing you in order for you to change yourself. tHiS iS 4 CoN j0b

for every action there is a reaction

in a nutshell byrn, anything in excess will kill you. drugs like these take away from the healthy and functioning parts of you to cover like a bandaid the inadequacies. they do not actually correct or rectify anything. after a prolonged enough period of time of taking whatever prescribed substance, what you took for granted & could once do easily and never thought about (e.g. eating / sleeping / staying calm / pooping ((all depends on drug)) start to become inadequacies themselves amongst other things that start to crop up like headaches or not recovering from minor sicknesses/injuries nearly as fast etc

eventually somewhere along this point, you will be forced to see yourself as double fucked since on the one hand if you quit taking the chemicals that you have relied on in order to cope with or function "properly", the bandaid will come off and you will not be able to conquer that stigma society has marked you with yet on the other hand if you keep taking the meds they will surely consume you as well
often times at this stage new or more drugs to counter those newly sprung up effects is what ppl think is the solution. alas this is the downwards spiral

if you can help it don't fall for this martingale strategy + hamster wheel like con.
taking something externally to permanently fix something internally is a fallacy at best - taking some pills everyday for the rest of your life is big business if the corporations can convince you to do it with the end result for you being some minor problem turning into a noncontrollable catastrophe

bet on something else - where there is a will there is a way

The probability of someone watching you is proportional to the stupidity of your action. 

terrybunny19240   United States. Nov 05 2011 16:00. Posts 13829

ADHD really isn't some minor problem, and medication along with other treatment has been shown to significantly improve people's quality of life. dunno why people want to paint all mental health + medication with such a broad brush.

its sam's blog tho so I won't butt in I s'pose

btw i can't believe I missed part 1 and 2 of ADD blogs

 Last edit: 05/11/2011 16:22

tloapc   Pitcairn. Nov 05 2011 16:37. Posts 2591

butt in all you want, byrn likes butts

"medication along with other treatment has been shown to significantly improve people's quality of life"

lol you sound verbatim to being a commercial insinuating medication as a lifetime solution

in the short term yes at times prescribed medication helps, but medication is rarely ever beneficial in the long term and what is looking to be applied here will become a long term band-aid type thing

and yes generally speaking ADHD is an American phenomenon turning a minor problem into big medical/science/gov business that creates a huge lifetime stigma onto ppl who believe what they are told - usually done at a young age

and ppl can't be faulted when it happens so young as it's very hard for even most adults to confront problems within
it becomes increasingly difficult when they are told it's not their fault and everything will be ok as long as you take this medication once or twice a day for the rest of your life

believe whatever you like but it's subtle conformity that is being presented here

The probability of someone watching you is proportional to the stupidity of your action. 

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Nov 05 2011 16:50. Posts 5328

  On November 05 2011 15:37 tloapc wrote:
butt in all you want, byrn likes butts

"medication along with other treatment has been shown to significantly improve people's quality of life"

lol you sound verbatim to being a commercial insinuating medication as a lifetime solution

in the short term yes at times prescribed medication helps, but medication is rarely ever beneficial in the long term and what is looking to be applied here will become a long term band-aid type thing

and yes generally speaking ADHD is an American phenomenon turning a minor problem into big medical/science/gov business that creates a huge lifetime stigma onto ppl who believe what they are told - usually done at a young age

and ppl can't be faulted when it happens so young as it's very hard for even most adults to confront problems within
it becomes increasingly difficult when they are told it's not their fault and everything will be ok as long as you take this medication once or twice a day for the rest of your life

believe whatever you like but it's subtle conformity that is being presented here

can you elaborate and provide some proof on why the medication works short term but not long term?

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 

tloapc   Pitcairn. Nov 05 2011 16:57. Posts 2591

if I was willing to not enjoy my weekend and you were able to define for me what would work as "proof" for you ... then depending on that ... yes perhaps I can

can you think of any instances of prescribed medication delivering lifelong benefits?

The probability of someone watching you is proportional to the stupidity of your action. 

k4ir0s   Canada. Nov 05 2011 17:02. Posts 3478

  On November 05 2011 13:14 Night2o1 wrote:
yo, I went to the psychiatrist on tuesday and was diagnosed with ADHD-inattentive as well. They prescribed me adderrall but there is some kind of fkn nationwide shortage so I can't try my treatment yet...

also I'm sure a lot of people in here (like me 2 weeks ago) have no idea that ADHD has different "types" with pretty distinct symptoms. The differences between the different types are big enough to where they are considering breaking out a whole new label for one set of them

its dumb because ADHD has Hyperactivity in the name, but inattentive is defined by being the opposite of hyperactive most of the time lol

when I found out about this it was kind of sick how well parts of it describe me/my life, or symptoms I've had to consciously adjust to in order to minimize their effects

kind of tilted that I can't try this adderall shit.. no pharmacy expects to have any for another two weeks.

look, another reason why we get along so well sam

you got prescribed adderall during your first appointment?? i find that odd, considering how much people abuse that stuff, it's also suppose to be worse for you long-term.

I'd like to eventually try adderall, since it's suppose to be more effective for the inattentive type. but i'm afraid of asking my psychiatrist for it so soon, i don't wanna seem like a druggy specifically asking for adderall :/

I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -Oly 

flounder44   United States. Nov 05 2011 18:05. Posts 916

I started taking adderall when i was 15.

ADHD is bs... There is no "you have it" or "dont have it". Im pretty sure 99.99% of ALL people "have it" at certain times of the week on a regular basis.

Here are some of the pros from my experience: helped me stay focused in class, write all nighters 8 pages np. Play poker for 14 hrs straight, drink alcohol much more than i usually could handle. Basically anytime you need to stay up pop some addies.

Cons: Clouds you from reality. 1) The fact that it alters your mood is prolly best support i can give for that statement. Things may "seem" ok when you're high but once you come off you realize that was just the drug talkin and you're still a low-life.
2) Playing poker for 14 hours straight.
3) Fucks your sleep schedule or dont sleep at all which is very bad when you actually have to do shit, talk to people etc.
4) Loss of appetite
5) Addiction, there was a point in my life where i had to be on it 24/7 and thought i felt like shit when i wasnt on it, but in reality i was fine. I remember driving 30 minutes to a visit a friend who was 1 hour away, and then i realized i didnt have the drug in my car so i took nearest exit, drove back to my appartment to pop some pills. I have friend who have similar stories to this.

I'd like to hear travis, rekrul, and tasteless view on this since i know they spoke about adderall in the past.

 Last edit: 05/11/2011 18:13

tloapc   Pitcairn. Nov 05 2011 18:21. Posts 2591

The probability of someone watching you is proportional to the stupidity of your action. 

terrybunny19240   United States. Nov 05 2011 18:28. Posts 13829

  On November 05 2011 16:02 k4ir0s wrote:
Show nested quote +

you got prescribed adderall during your first appointment?? i find that odd, considering how much people abuse that stuff, it's also suppose to be worse for you long-term.

I'd like to eventually try adderall, since it's suppose to be more effective for the inattentive type. but i'm afraid of asking my psychiatrist for it so soon, i don't wanna seem like a druggy specifically asking for adderall :/

Yeah, dunno if that is odd I really have 0 experience with psychiatrists previous to this. I think there were a few reasons he insta prescribed it for me:

1. I'm an adult (idk how old you are)
2. I presented a well-researched description of my own lifelong symptoms and how they relate to ADHD-I
3. I explained that I'm also utilizing non-medication adjustments (using a calendar etc)
4. He knew I was paying cash, and don't have insurance
5. I'm in the USA dunno lol.

 Last edit: 05/11/2011 18:29

qwerty67890   New Zealand. Nov 05 2011 19:20. Posts 14026

  On November 05 2011 06:55 RaiZ wrote:
Just a question, do you do some sport ? It just feels really weird to have you take some medicine in order to prevent the ADD... :x I'm not sure what exactly you're having some troubles with... Like Rainkhan said, try to do some sport or finds any interest outside of internet, just so you can talk to the ppl. Obviously that doesn't mean you should stop using it since it's just too good to skip. but you can use it for the stuff related to what you've been talking to with ur friends. (Not sure if i'm clear...)

Edit : oh yeah btw, parties =/= talk.

Right now all I do is jogging/walking.

Back at school i used to play rugby, football, field hockey, cricket etc.

  On November 05 2011 13:14 Night2o1 wrote:
look, another reason why we get along so well sam

hahah yes :D

  On November 05 2011 13:44 Gumster wrote:
your blog has made me realize that a friend of mine with 99% certainty has ADD, he is pretty sure himself but has not sought any kind of help, but im kinda curious byrnesam how much you have benefited from "seeking help" from professionals?

im wondering cuz he is so messed up in so many ways, it would be awesome if he could do something about his issues

Its pretty cool, I guess its a relief that you find out that all these things that for years resulted in you being called lazy or whatever actually had some reason behind it.

  On November 05 2011 14:43 tloapc wrote:
becoming dependent on prescribed drugs is often times much worse and way more damaging than illegal drugs because you have let society convince you something is wrong with you or your brain and all you will need to function "properly" is some good external chemicals that only some legal pharmacy is capable of providing you in order for you to change yourself. tHiS iS 4 CoN j0b

for every action there is a reaction

in a nutshell byrn, anything in excess will kill you. drugs like these take away from the healthy and functioning parts of you to cover like a bandaid the inadequacies. they do not actually correct or rectify anything. after a prolonged enough period of time of taking whatever prescribed substance, what you took for granted & could once do easily and never thought about (e.g. eating / sleeping / staying calm / pooping ((all depends on drug)) start to become inadequacies themselves amongst other things that start to crop up like headaches or not recovering from minor sicknesses/injuries nearly as fast etc

eventually somewhere along this point, you will be forced to see yourself as double fucked since on the one hand if you quit taking the chemicals that you have relied on in order to cope with or function "properly", the bandaid will come off and you will not be able to conquer that stigma society has marked you with yet on the other hand if you keep taking the meds they will surely consume you as well
often times at this stage new or more drugs to counter those newly sprung up effects is what ppl think is the solution. alas this is the downwards spiral

if you can help it don't fall for this martingale strategy + hamster wheel like con.
taking something externally to permanently fix something internally is a fallacy at best - taking some pills everyday for the rest of your life is big business if the corporations can convince you to do it with the end result for you being some minor problem turning into a noncontrollable catastrophe

bet on something else - where there is a will there is a way

I dont know who you think has convinced me. I went to a psychologist who specialized in ADD and a medical professional with 26 years worth of symptoms throughout childhood into adulthood. I have to pay them regardless of treatment. Im not claiming these are magic pills that everyone should run out and grab. No drug company has told me I need XYZ to succeed.

I guess its hard for some people to understand how little i get done or how hard i find it to complete even trivial tasks. Once again, if you felt this way you might feel more receptive to treat things if your life is slumping and grinding to a halt and you cant apply yourself to anything for extended periods of time.

tloapc   Pitcairn. Nov 05 2011 20:07. Posts 2591

hey ultimately it's you that convinces you
it's your life, your decisions; you do what you think you should

never was good at telling ppl what they wanted to hear anyhow

The probability of someone watching you is proportional to the stupidity of your action. 

waga   United Kingdom. Nov 05 2011 21:41. Posts 2375

I'm quite sure ADD is some psycholgy bullshit.
I would be diagnosised ADD for sure too , but people who have ADD , are kids who were really smart and were bored really fast by everything.


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