k4ir0s   Canada. Jun 11 2019 03:20. Posts 3478
Roma was excellent. Some very creative cinematography techniques used that makes you feel like a voyeur. The film also doesn't follow the typical formula of having a clear plot, which i found refreshing. No clear protagonist and antagonist. It's a visual treat. Def one of my favs in the past few years
I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -Oly
Last edit: 11/06/2019 03:21
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Jun 12 2019 22:36. Posts 9634
This has to be the best depiction of a novel ever.
George Clooney is the director. The script is perfect and if you have horrendous memories of how long the book went into the dialogues while Yossarian was in the hospital... those are very short here
QQBET368   Indonesia. Jul 25 2019 09:29. Posts 10
--- Nuked ---
whammbot   Belarus. Aug 27 2019 01:55. Posts 523
I enjoyed this Korean movie a lot. I like how Koreans always tell stories in a weird and quirky reflection of how they are as a people, it throws me off but really gets me interested. This is great Korean Han storytelling lol
Last edit: 27/08/2019 01:56
Baalim   Mexico. Aug 27 2019 02:20. Posts 34262
I'm not sure what was the message of that movie, is it a critique about the unjust nature of hierarchies since they all seem more than capable of doing the tasks? I guess it kinda is since the thing about smell is a big deal and is in fact one of the more hurtful ways to denigrate somebody.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
whammbot   Belarus. Aug 27 2019 02:44. Posts 523
Yeah it really threw me off how that part of the story seemed to drive x character to that. But like I said, Korean movies are a direct reflection of their culture which is why they're so damn interesting and puzzling at times. Same goes for other "foreign" movies in Hollywood. Korean movies though are very unapologetic and brutally honest which is probably why a lot of their movies get a lot of attention
read two reviews now and the hype is pretty crazy. People saying it's Joaquin Phoenix' best performance (and he's always great). IGN operates on a 0-10 with decimal system and they gave a perfect 10.
On August 27 2019 01:44 whammbot wrote:
Yeah it really threw me off how that part of the story seemed to drive x character to that. But like I said, Korean movies are a direct reflection of their culture which is why they're so damn interesting and puzzling at times. Same goes for other "foreign" movies in Hollywood. Korean movies though are very unapologetic and brutally honest which is probably why a lot of their movies get a lot of attention
Babble. There's nothing unique to "Korean culture" in there. It's a film that explores class warfare/the consequences of social stratification (the gaming logic and the precariousness and desperation it breeds) privilege and patriarchy. That is happening nearly everywhere. The weird this is that this is a poker website and most of us played poker, i.e. lived like parasites for as long as we could for the same obvious reasons these people lived this way, so it shouldn't be hard to grasp this movie. What's ironic is that a bunch of you guys complain about leftism--which offers this same critique--yet that movie's core messages completely goes right over your heads. There's also the theme of trying to flee from debt creditors in this movie just like Burning (which was my favorite movie of the year). It's meant to remind people that in such a predatory society their fates can be sealed due to circumstances outside of their control.
*edited, Burning was made by Lee Chang-dong
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
Last edit: 08/09/2019 03:18
Stroggoz   New Zealand. Sep 02 2019 04:16. Posts 5330
Joker looks like complete trash imo. Most superhero movies get like 80%+ on rottentomatoes, apparently super hero movies are the pinnicle of culture according to film critics.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ash_Is_Purest_White watched this, decent. This guys movies are pretty good imo. 'A touch of Sin' is a decent movie if u wanna see a critique of chinese state capitalism.
parasite looks pretty good. I've seen some pretty messed up but imo very good korean movies. (old boy).
One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings
On August 27 2019 01:44 whammbot wrote:
Yeah it really threw me off how that part of the story seemed to drive x character to that. But like I said, Korean movies are a direct reflection of their culture which is why they're so damn interesting and puzzling at times. Same goes for other "foreign" movies in Hollywood. Korean movies though are very unapologetic and brutally honest which is probably why a lot of their movies get a lot of attention
Babble. There's nothing unique to "Korean culture" in there. It's a film that explores class warfare/the consequences of social stratification (the gaming logic and the precariousness and desperation it breeds) privilege and patriarchy. That is happening nearly everywhere. The weird this is that this is a poker website and most of us played poker, i.e. lived like parasites for as long as we could for the same obvious reasons these people lived this way, so it shouldn't be hard to grasp this movie. What's ironic is that a bunch of you guys complain about leftism--which offers this same critique--yet that movie's core messages completely goes right over your heads. There's also the theme of trying to flee from debt creditors in this movie just like in his previous movie Burning (which was my favorite movie of the year). It's meant to remind people that in such a predatory society their fates can be sealed due to circumstances outside of their control.
Korean culture in particular have "Han" ingrained in their culture. It is somewhat based on oppression, rage, revenge, fighting, Korean wave, not giving up, etc. It's not exclusive to them but if you ask any Korean about it they'd be the first to tell you it exists and permeates in every aspect of life. All their movies are either about romance or Han really. I've watched enough Korean movies and tv shows in my life to see this as an obvious characteristic of their cinema no matter what the genre.
I don't get why you think "Joker" is trash. I like the idea that it's not really sold as a superhero vs supervillain story (yet). It sure as heck looks pretty enough to watch, I like the colors used in there very much
Joker hardly seems like a superhero movie. One of the reviews I read drew strong parallels to taxi driver - none to any superhero movies. It's not part of the 'DC continuum', it's a standalone movie, and I don't think there are any superpowers featured.
Talk of the Joker being this watershed moment for comicbook superhero movies (which have grown a bit tiresome). Reviews are in and so far they're mostly raving about the movie as expected. Todd Philipps calls this movie like "DC Black" which is kind of what they have in comicbooks. I havent watched it yet but I'm sure I'll enjoy it at least as far as it being a "fresh" take on superhero movies.
Stroggoz   New Zealand. Sep 02 2019 22:02. Posts 5330
I just think the social commentary part of the movie looks like pure trash, much as the dark knight series was. Just complete trash, no brains and no heart. It's extremely obvious to me just from watching the trailer. Found one reviewer who seems to agree with me and they saw the movie: https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/joker-movie-review-2019. I won't be watching this garbage because my IQ would go down every minute and i'd be retarded by the end of it.
I'm sure the acting and technical aspects will be good tho because that actor has performed well in the past, it is just the social commentary part which im sure i would hate with a passion.
Hollywood in general sickens me to the stomach, especially the war movies they make.
One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings
It's kind of an obvious thing to say though.. no shit Hollywood doesn't really care about any of those stuff. He's not really reviewing the movie though, he s reviewing Hollywood
I very much doubt you'd see the movie for the 'social commentary' or any other movie for that matter
Also feel kind of sad I read that... didn't notice Todd Phillips was the producer until this article... how fucking stupid do they have to be to give the guy that did something as shitty as The Hangover a movie that is supposed to be dark
Last edit: 02/09/2019 23:57
Stroggoz   New Zealand. Sep 03 2019 04:55. Posts 5330
I watch some movies for social commentary, there are some very intelligent ones out there. None made by hollywood. And the things i mention appear to be not obvious at all for a lot of people.
One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings
On September 02 2019 07:10 Liquid`Drone wrote:
Joker hardly seems like a superhero movie. One of the reviews I read drew strong parallels to taxi driver - none to any superhero movies. It's not part of the 'DC continuum', it's a standalone movie, and I don't think there are any superpowers featured.
yep, it seems very much like driver.
I think its the perfect timing in the random-shooter era, this explores in a teatrical way the process of societal alienation driving someone with ultra violent dispositions into genoncidal actions empowered by anger.
Many narrowsighted people will think its just a white-guy-to-shooter movie not realizing in its core its an alike process in many hate-driven ideologies like white nationalism, islamism, radical feminism, antifascism why weep for humanity when you can bring it down and rebuilt it anew, the intoxicating scent of anger makes you feel so powerful and driven, it shut downs all the sorrow, all the sadness, insecurities and doubts, the ultimate drug.