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Live No-Limit Hold 'Em, Part 2 - Page 2

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okyougosu   Russian Federation. May 25 2007 16:09. Posts 963

  On May 25 2007 14:14 SpoR wrote:
I think tells are overrated. For a few reasons

1-A stupid player can give these strong tells even when they hold something weak like bottom pair. and vice versa with weak tells.

2- Decent players know about these kinds of tells and fake them on you.


Yes it's prolly overrated a bit, but you just need to know that you can easy apply this to a non-regular fishies and some players who you know play mostly online like you yourself. Also from what I've played live (and I put lot of hours) the best thing u can do is to define how your current opponent usually playing certain hands. What does he do with draws, strong and mediocre hands. Note that default offline casino players are tend to keep the same line depend of what they hold no matter what u'r table image is, like they always call with only top pair+minraise with strong draws+call with weak combodraws+always raise big with two pairs or better.


SpoR   United States. May 25 2007 18:26. Posts 1254

Yea, but those aren't 'Tells' those are just adapting to playing styles. Which is really what matters.

Honestly there is only a couple of times I got real good tells on my regular friends playing home games.

One was when I watched my friends eyes as the flop came down I saw his eyes instantly flick to the 8c and I knew he had A8.


pooper-scooper   United States. May 25 2007 20:13. Posts 1127

Amazing, amazing article myth... thank you.

Good... Bad... Im the guy with the Gun. 

PoorUser    United States. May 25 2007 21:57. Posts 7472

your certainly vying hard for the title of top corwin at LP
very nice article

Gambler Emeritus 

wobbly_au   Australia. May 26 2007 04:05. Posts 6540

lol comparing daniel N to midstakes online players was really funny. I'd love to see you vs daniel in online HU any the stake of your choice. lol

The Last Laugh. 

bohus04   Czech Republic. May 26 2007 05:07. Posts 536

Great as usuall . Thanks.

Trust me, I am a poker player.Last edit: 26/05/2007 05:07

Critterer   United Kingdom. May 26 2007 05:34. Posts 5337

very nice

LudaHid: dam.ned dam.ned dam.ned. LudaHid: dam.ned northwooden as..hole 

lorenzo   France. May 26 2007 21:09. Posts 4

It reminds me Caro's tips on GG

NeillyJQ   United States. Jun 07 2007 19:29. Posts 8947

suicide u ever play with Buddha at the trop?

good friend of mine when i was in AC, good 2/5 player, dealer also. I'll be goin to AC again soon with a friend on his BDay, we'll have to play some

Just remember you need to be god damn sure about their tendencies. -Artanis11 


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