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Timing Tell Concepts - Page 2

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Frile   Croatia. Apr 26 2008 12:17. Posts 36

good read. ty myth

JizzleSmitts   United States. Apr 26 2008 12:29. Posts 1217

vn thanks myth

SpoR   United States. Apr 26 2008 14:10. Posts 1254



thundza   United States. Apr 26 2008 15:09. Posts 2001

well written .

nice to see another article!

pausing stinger video to google ninja porn - myth 

SemPeR   Canada. Apr 26 2008 17:24. Posts 2288

  On April 26 2008 01:19 n0rthf4ce wrote:
or pretending to think ^^

I felt I might add with the effectiveness of simply waiting a bit before acting to make you harder to read. On sites like party with no auto timebank, just wait until the timer counts down if you're afraid you're giving away important information on your actions that an observant player might pick up on. The good it does me at 10nl though. T_T

ManaBlue   Canada. Apr 26 2008 18:12. Posts 36

Wow Myth, that was a really really good read.
Nice stuff.

Thank you poker, I will never be good at SC now. 

BenGb   Canada. Apr 26 2008 19:00. Posts 421

Thanks for that article.


D_Zoo   Canada. Apr 26 2008 19:48. Posts 4013

too many big words!

You aint a poet ur just a drunk with a pen 

[GiTM]-Ace   United States. Apr 26 2008 19:56. Posts 1585

yea I agree with GP those quick calls usually mean they are on a draw. And the other day when I hit my set on turn a guy folded his overpair cause I took to long to bet lol I was mad

[GiTM]- GoSu in the Making 

DarkDevildog   United States. Apr 27 2008 02:28. Posts 1764

very good read

I have a cabin in joshua tree =] going to morongo tomorrow actually... i'm not a balla like you though, i'll only play 1/3

If she touches you 60% of the time, and is aggressive with her tits, you have it get it in before she crushes your nuts on the turn 

[vital]Myth    United States. Apr 27 2008 12:39. Posts 12159

  On April 27 2008 01:28 DarkDevildog wrote:
very good read

I have a cabin in joshua tree =] going to morongo tomorrow actually... i'm not a balla like you though, i'll only play 1/3

probably better to buy in somewhat short to 2/5, the 1/3 structure is awful and the rake is huge

Eh, I can go a few more orbits in life, before taxes blind me out - PoorUser 

k2o4   United States. Apr 27 2008 16:55. Posts 4803

great read, keep up the good work myth. more articles on timing tells would be awesome. Since I started playing less tables I've kind of instinctively noticed some of the things you mentioned and am only recently becoming conscious about them. 

Cray0ns   United States. Apr 29 2008 02:32. Posts 993

<3 so sexy

marigoLd   . Apr 29 2008 13:19. Posts 43

Or like when someone is 3betting you pre. If it's folded to you, you open and get instantly 3bet by some dude, then he often has a nut hand. Reasoning is that he was gonna play his hand 100% sure no matter the action and was already ready and eagerly waiting to raise or reraise before the betting even started.
If he had like 56s, would he really insta-3bet your "unexpected" open? He would at least evaluate the situation for a few seconds, check out the action, check out your stats, your position, ...

marigoLd   . Apr 29 2008 13:26. Posts 43

I also use it to my advantage sometimes. Like for example when I open a hand like AA, and some dude 3bets me IP, I'll often just insta jam AI in less then 1 sec, trying to rep AK.

insta jamming is ultra scary post-flop too, but then it's more the other way around and you'll be suprised how much more FE you get by raising/jamming like less then 1 sec after they bet.

MARSHALL28   United States. May 05 2008 17:25. Posts 1897

  On April 29 2008 12:26 marigoLd wrote:
I also use it to my advantage sometimes. Like for example when I open a hand like AA, and some dude 3bets me IP, I'll often just insta jam AI in less then 1 sec, trying to rep AK.

insta jamming is ultra scary post-flop too, but then it's more the other way around and you'll be suprised how much more FE you get by raising/jamming like less then 1 sec after they bet.

the reasoning for this is because it appears as if it was something that you had planned to do, and since you arent taking any time to consider what the ensuing card might have changed, it looks REALLY strong. If you don't do it instantly, it's to be taken that you aren't sure what to do (or are hollywooding) .. but most of the time it should be taken as if you have a genuine decision and arent sure how to play your hand or what decision to make just yet. this makes stuff like jamming the river after a lot of thought seem to be a bluff or weaker hand in general between two thinking players who have history, that is of course, unless you think by pretending to think that it is the case that you will get a weaker call. regardless, this is all dependant accordingly upon the level u think your opponent is thinking on, and his current psychological state.

JohnnyMoss   . May 07 2008 18:36. Posts 257

Great article..learn a lot

Darki   Peru. May 07 2008 21:42. Posts 687

nice read good job : ) actualizado 2013!! 

androidmetro   United States. Jun 02 2008 05:00. Posts 140



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