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PowerHausAA grinding PLO

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back at it again…..
  PowerHausAA, May 29 2012

it hasn’t been long enough but i’m back in the game of promoting my thoughts and myself once again, then again that never changes ……..and no one is listening b/c this is my first post on this site (not that anyone was listening in anyway before)

until next time when i actually have something to say……..


edit:i actually started blogging on my own website thought id post some here too good to see people are still alive and well........see some familiar names here and there. after 3 years of law and order marathons, chinese takeout, and crawled up sulking in bed like a bad sandra bullock movie im ready to grind, talk jibberish in run-on sentences, and pretend i know what the hell im doing


ps what hurt poker most ?? a)black friday b) starcraft 2 c)diablo 3

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stars for cash
  PowerHausAA, Jun 05 2009

stupid echecks arent working if u are in vegas anyone wanna trade me stars for cash i need about 4k ill give u a hundo on it

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Someone point me in a direction......
  PowerHausAA, May 08 2009

It's kind of sad to put all my stuff up on craigslist right now. I'm excited/scared/anxious/nervous/happy/sad every emotion i can possibly feel right now. I've been living in NY for over 15 years and just to pick up and move to Vegas and not know anyone or even have a place at the moment. I'm planning to sell/throw out everything and have laptop and one luggage to my name when i go there. I just feel that if i stay in new york my poker career will go no where. My online career is been a success to this point in my opinion but the thought of just doing this over and over was eating me up inside. What will change when i move to vegas........maybe nothing maybe everything, but all i know right now is that i have to take a step in any direction. You could say that this takes a lot of balls but in my opinion it takes more balls to not do anything.

Anyhow, as most my friends do not understand my lifestyle i thought id just vent/holler in cyberworld and for this i thank everyone here.

I actually forgot that the topic was "Someone point me in a direction......" if anyone could point me a direction to live or possibly room together in vegas thatd be greatly appreciated.

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