today + yesterday
Python817, Feb 17 2008
running at 18/15/3 and 36% win at showdown T.T
started today off at hand 760 -$100 in the first 6 hands
Python817, Feb 13 2008
started playing nl100 today had a bumpy start being card dead and not hitting much so we'll see how it goes and I still don't have pahud T.T
I don't know many people who play poker so if anyone wants to add me on msn and discuss some poker related stuff feel free to add me
Swingy day
Python817, Feb 09 2008
Started off so so then things went downhill. Had a few coolers and made a couple of bad calls. I also made a shove that I now realize is bad since the guy never folds.
Heres the Graph.
The big pots I lost today. Set vs straight
QQ vs JJ ai pf vs shortstack
KK vs 2pair the hand right after QQvsJJ against same guy ehh same guy running like god
short session
Python817, Feb 06 2008
Yesterday I just ran like shit and spewed quite a bit losing $230. Today I played better and ran decent. The result was pretty good ended +$105 after a hour and 10 minutes. Heres some of the hands I lost/won today. misclicked preflop but still pretty gay this guy was playing like 50-60% of hands and raised me on flop last 2 times.
got aces one time this session and got cracked This guy was playing pretty tag and everytime he's had QQ+/AK he 4bet pf or just shoved. Also I've 3bet him and raised him on flop a lot also stacking him twice before this happened.
This is just a calling station but I've seen him minraise bluff or with a weak hand. When he bluffed he just checked behind on turn and he'd bet really weak with 2nd pair or tpnk. Since I hit an ace I knew I had the best hand and was gonna shove river anyway the 10 just made it more difficult for him to call but he did anyway. guess he was trying to bluff KK vs AK
same guy in the JJ and KK hand
probably could've got more value out of this by betting turn or minraising river but didn't
Overall I played pretty tight 18/15/3.2 with a infinite river aggression . Also my $ won at showdown % increased to a 61% from the 17% yesterday.
lol showdown win %
Python817, Feb 05 2008
I'm getting constantly floated and losing so much getting it in against draws. Was playing 20/16 today got some decent hands pf but never hit anything. I went 26% showdown after 1.1k hands and the won $ at showdown was 17%. Down a total of 4 buyins today could've been less but I bluffed off a stack against a guy that led weak all 3 streets and turned out he had top set. Lost another stack against a loose station that floated on flop and hit runner straight.
I guess I could've saved myself $20 on that hand but him having a 6 didn't make much sense to me and he would've definitely called with TP.
hope tomorrow goes better
eh down 5buyins today total .. -.-
I have a problem
Python817, Feb 03 2008
I've noticed that when I'm winning I'd usually just stop after a hour or so. But when I'm losing I'd go on playing for 6-7 hours. I think losing just motivates me to play more and try to improve. So basically I hate losing and winning bores me. I hate money??
I'm running at 9/6
Python817, Feb 01 2008
whining because I play bad
I am weak
Python817, Jan 31 2008
If I don't get hungry I'd go on for 10 hours more . I ran so fucking bad today espically at the beginning. Later I was just carddead but I moved to fullring and played like 8/6 to reduce variance and stuff. Anyways after my food break I'll be back for more and hopefully make this graph a nice big V"
o and I got platinumstar yay
shitty way to end the month
Python817, Jan 31 2008
been playing for almost 2 hours now down 5 buyins -.- still gonna keep playing for a while and see how it goes
January coming to an end
Python817, Jan 30 2008
I started with $0 and 1000 play money in Dec 20 something and I believe I've made pretty good progress. I didn't really play that much because I'm lazy and was busy with some things. In February I hope to play at least 2x as many hands and hopefully be winning at nl100 maybe even move up to 1/2.
Heres the graph since January 1st I think its missing about 5-6k hands where I won like $200 or so.
that breakeven stretch was pretty gay and I switched to 6max only at the 52k hand mark as opposed to 6max + fullring
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