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Mood killers....
  C Huuustle, Jun 09 2008

Hands like this just ruin my day...

Submitted by : C Huuustle

Full Tilt Poker Game #6763148375: Table Liberty View - $0.25/$0.50 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:59:21 ET - 2008/06/09
Seat 1: Lagunator ($18.45)
Seat 2: riffraff999 ($41.80)
Seat 3: themoj777 ($18.05), is sitting out
Seat 4: MrTreeFarm ($49.20)
Seat 5: russdigga ($49.45)
Seat 6: zinnamon93 ($20)
Seat 7: VaStriker1 ($52.30)
Seat 8: C Huuustle ($52.95)
Seat 9: Lundehund ($97.10)
riffraff999 posts the small blind of $0.25
MrTreeFarm posts the big blind of $0.50
The button is in seat #1

Dealt to C Huuustle 6d4d
russdigga folds
VaStriker1 raises to $1.50
C Huuustle calls $1.50
Lundehund folds
Lagunator folds
riffraff999 folds
MrTreeFarm folds

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $3.75)

VaStriker1 checks
C Huuustle bets $2.50
VaStriker1 calls $2.50

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $8.75)

VaStriker1 checks
C Huuustle bets $3.50
VaStriker1 has 15 seconds left to act
VaStriker1 raises to $9
russdigga has been disconnected
russdigga has reconnected
C Huuustle raises to $30.50
VaStriker1 raises to $48.30, and is all in
C Huuustle calls $17.80
VaStriker1 shows 6h4h
C Huuustle shows 6d4d
russdigga has been disconnected

River (Pot : $105.35)

VaStriker1 shows a flush, King high
C Huuustle shows a straight, Seven high
VaStriker1 wins the pot ($102.35) with a flush, King high

Total pot $105.35 | Rake $3
Board:  3dKh2h5s7h
Seat 1: Lagunator (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: riffraff999 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: themoj777 is sitting out
Seat 4: MrTreeFarm (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: russdigga didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: zinnamon93 is sitting out
Seat 7: VaStriker1 showed 6h4h and won ($102.35) with a flush, King high
Seat 8: C Huuustle showed 6d4d and lost with a straight, Seven high
Seat 9: Lundehund didn't bet (folded)

0 votes

Comments (3)

Monkey TILT
  C Huuustle, Jun 08 2008

SO about a week ago i moved up to 50NL. Since then i've been going up and down non-stop. Im still trying to get use to these stakes. I think im tilting again even tho i never tilted at 25NL. I think that its because having more money on the tables and being able to lose more money and faster. I just finished a session down 130. I took 2 bad beats and lose a coin flip and ended up down 150. Then i felt like i tilted by being super aggressive. I actually made back a bit and decided to call it quits at that point. I cant stand the variance at 50NL compared to 25NL. Oh well, tomorrows gonna be another day...

Submitted by : C Huuustle

Full Tilt Poker Game #6750742433: Table Momentum - $0.25/$0.50 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:37:29 ET - 2008/06/08
Seat 1: Scorpio_NC ($41.75)
Seat 2: Larmsy ($37.80)
Seat 3: C Huuustle ($31.55)
Seat 4: FLAHCKY ($52.15)
Seat 5: nemesis100 ($47.40)
Seat 6: 8 table man ($17.50)
Seat 7: sgillon203 ($50)
Seat 8: dluong ($38.75)
Seat 9: stipey169 ($60)
Larmsy posts the small blind of $0.25
C Huuustle posts the big blind of $0.50
The button is in seat #1

Dealt to C Huuustle AsAd
nemesis100 folds
8 table man folds
dluong calls $0.50
stipey169 folds
Scorpio_NC folds
FLAHCKY stands up
Scorpio_NC stands up
Larmsy calls $0.25
fatmoreone sits down
C Huuustle raises to $2
fatmoreone adds $20
dluong calls $1.50
Larmsy folds

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $4.50)

C Huuustle bets $3
dluong raises to $36.75, and is all in
C Huuustle calls $26.55, and is all in
dluong shows 3dQh
C Huuustle shows AsAd
Uncalled bet of $7.20 returned to dluong

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $63.60)


River (Pot : $63.60)

dluong shows two pair, Queens and Threes
C Huuustle shows a pair of Aces
dluong wins the pot ($60.60) with two pair, Queens and Threes
push-da-pot2me sits down
C Huuustle adds $50
push-da-pot2me adds $10

Total pot $63.60 | Rake $3
Board:  5dQdTd9c3h
Seat 1: Scorpio_NC (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: Larmsy (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: C Huuustle (big blind) showed AsAd and lost with a pair of Aces
Seat 4: FLAHCKY is sitting out
Seat 5: nemesis100 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: 8 table man didn't bet (folded)
Seat 7: sgillon203 is sitting out
Seat 8: dluong showed 3dQh and won ($60.60) with two pair, Queens and Threes
Seat 9: stipey169 didn't bet (folded)

i guess ill end my rant...
any tips for a player struggling with 50NL?

0 votes

Comments (6)

Good or Bad fold here???
  C Huuustle, Jun 03 2008

Finally a winning day at 50NL... 50NL is definitely different than 25NL. Ive seen sooo many people who cant fold TP/TK with AK and get stacked off. It happens to me as well but i'm working on it. I need some advice for this one hand. This was actually my last hand of the session so i kinda lost focus and just wanted to see my results.

Submitted by : C Huuustle

Full Tilt Poker Game #6684315333: Table Vern (deep 6) - $0.25/$0.50 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:13:14 ET - 2008/06/03
Seat 1: PEPSIEZPARCBWC ($25.40), is sitting out
Seat 2: albedo ($111.35)
Seat 3: Jubester3 ($119.50)
Seat 4: C Huuustle ($146.65)
Seat 5: Jackfruit Pony ($50)
Seat 6: wackaloo13 ($50)
albedo posts the small blind of $0.25
Jubester3 posts the big blind of $0.50
The button is in seat #1

Dealt to C Huuustle QhQc
C Huuustle raises to $1.75
Jackfruit Pony folds
wackaloo13 raises to $7
albedo folds
Jubester3 folds
C Huuustle calls $5.25

Flop (Pot : $14.75)

C Huuustle checks
wackaloo13 has 15 seconds left to act
wackaloo13 bets $10.35
C Huuustle calls $10.35

Turn (Pot : $35.45)

C Huuustle checks
wackaloo13 bets $32.65, and is all in
C Huuustle has 15 seconds left to act
C Huuustle has requested TIME
C Huuustle folds
Uncalled bet of $32.65 returned to wackaloo13
wackaloo13 mucks
wackaloo13 wins the pot ($33.70)

Total pot $35.45 | Rake $1.75
Board:  5s7s2hJs
Seat 1: PEPSIEZPARCBWC (button) is sitting out
Seat 2: albedo (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: Jubester3 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: C Huuustle folded on the Turn
Seat 5: Jackfruit Pony didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: wackaloo13 collected ($33.70), mucked

Any Comments????

0 votes

Comments (8)

Got a bit greedy and this is what i get...
  C Huuustle, Jun 02 2008

I got greedy preflop by not raising more but i mean.. COME ON.... I hate whining like this so ill end it there...

Submitted by : C Huuustle

Full Tilt Poker Game #6665025447: Table Regena (6 max) - $0.25/$0.50 - No Limit Hold'em - 14:07:33 ET - 2008/06/02
Seat 1: vticehokie ($4.65)
Seat 2: FGEasiest ($48.80)
Seat 3: franky01hu ($49.40)
Seat 4: C Huuustle ($40.20)
Seat 5: SHORETHING ($69)
Seat 6: crescentbeach ($97.90), is sitting out
franky01hu posts the small blind of $0.25
C Huuustle posts the big blind of $0.50
The button is in seat #2

Dealt to C Huuustle AdAh
vticehokie raises to $4.65, and is all in
FGEasiest folds
franky01hu has 15 seconds left to act
franky01hu calls $4.40
C Huuustle raises to $10
franky01hu calls $5.35

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $24.65)

franky01hu checks
C Huuustle bets $17
franky01hu has 15 seconds left to act
franky01hu calls $17

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $58.65)

franky01hu checks
C Huuustle bets $13.20, and is all in
franky01hu calls $13.20
C Huuustle shows AdAh
vticehokie shows As6s
franky01hu shows Ks4s

River (Pot : $85.05)

C Huuustle shows a pair of Aces
franky01hu shows two pair, Kings and Fours
franky01hu wins the side pot ($69.75) with two pair, Kings and Fours
vticehokie shows Ace King high
franky01hu wins the main pot ($13.30) with two pair, Kings and Fours
vticehokie is sitting out
C Huuustle adds $50

Total pot $85.05 Main pot $13.95. Side pot $71.10. | Rake $2
Board:  4c2c5c7cKh
Seat 1: vticehokie showed As6s and lost with Ace King high
Seat 2: FGEasiest (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: franky01hu (small blind) showed Ks4s and won ($83.05) with two pair, Kings and Fours
Seat 4: C Huuustle (big blind) showed AdAh and lost with a pair of Aces
Seat 5: SHORETHING is sitting out
Seat 6: crescentbeach is sitting out

0 votes

Comments (3)

Moving Up Sucks...
  C Huuustle, Jun 01 2008

So recently i've been taking my shots at 50NL both 6M and FR. So far the results having been going my way at all. Im pretty much at the point where i have to drop down and grind my way back at 25NL but as most of you know, its just too hard to move back down. Yesterday i was playing pretty badly and dropped a few buyins, mainly because i wasn't use to the amount of money on the tables, but today i felt like i played pretty well. I watched a few cardrunners video to get me into the poker mood and then started to multi FR. Bad beats left and right left me down a few BIs after a 2 hour session so i called it quits. I really dont know if i should be moving down right now. Im confident that i can beat 50NL but the chart says to move back down. Any suggestions???

0 votes

Comments (5)

Getting Serious...
  C Huuustle, May 31 2008

So heres the deal, I've been playing poker as a hobby for a few years now and not really taking it serious. Playing without proper BR management, no discipline and not really trying to improve my game. Last month, for some reason i decided to fiiiinally follow some BR management. Im using the Stairway to HIGH STAKES method of BR management.

I gotta say this method is amazing, last month I turned $40 into over $1500. I can't believe how dumb i have been all those years playing recklessly outside my BR. The best thing about having a proper BR is that when you go on downswings, you can still stay on even keel, as opposed to me going insane before every time I get 2 outtered for half my BR.

Anyways, I've decided that from now on I'm gonna take poker more seriously and really try to improve my game. Ive been reading some of the blogs of the high stakes players on LP and got really motivated. Which means time to set some goals...


-Play at least 30K hands
-Cash out at least $500
-Build my BR up to 1500 again

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