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Shits and Giggles

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The Rich Guy Chronicles (I have a lot of money)
  Shakedown88, Aug 13 2008

The Rich Guy Chronicles
(I have a lot of money)

You are reading the inaugural entry of the RG chronicles. In this journal, I will take you through my gangsta, high-roller life and describe in detail all my expensive adventures. Oh what's that? You feel a slight tingle in your chest? Well that's the bitter tingle of jealousy. Get use to that feeling because there's a new diamond-encrusted pimp in town. That's right. Me. You want a small taste of my wealth? Last week, I upgraded my toilet paper to the quilted kind. You feel that discomfort in your ass right now? Guess what? I don't get that anymore. This morning, I had Lucky Charms for breakfast instead of that generic store-brand cereal that you poor poors get. But enough. I will stop here for now because an imported beer in my fridge is calling my name. Until next time, remember, you can always live vicariously through me.


The Rich Guy

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