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Diary of a tilting monkey

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100NL is hard!
  Rhaegar, Dec 18 2007

Lol, it's not that easy to adjust to the 50c-1$ games. I find that there is a larger variety of players and you have to be careful to separate the good ones and not pay them off. I find that most people reraise really tight, so getting it in with JJ and even QQ on dry flops will not be profitable against them and 4betting AK will be a complete disaster. In fact I think its often best to just fold AKo to a reraise oop to a good player.
Another thing is - the game varies in difficulty a lot with different sites and different times. Playing at night at i4 I was up 6 stacks in 500 hands not really paying attention at all. But playing at other sites or during the day at the same site was very different. Some of the regulars in those games will definitely be winning players at 2-4 and 3-6.
And you have to put a lot of notes, as unlike play on higher limits, where people generally play similar, on the midstakes different players think very differently about the game. I mean, their thinking is mostly wrong, but its not that predictable. Like some player will play tight and suddenly reraise you from the blinds with 25o. Things like that.
My biggest mistakes were mostly getting it in weaker overpairs (JJ,QQ) and a curious river call here and there.

Ah, and some of the players play their hands so obvious, like theyre screaming at you they have a monster. I think you should be able to fold some pretty good hands against them. Saying "Yeah, it looks like he has it, but I cant fold it - this is 100NL" is completely wrong. Exactly because its 100NL you should find some more folds. Better players won't let you get away so easily.

***3 votes

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A challenge to myself
  Rhaegar, Dec 16 2007

Since my game has been steadily deteriorating in the last 2 months, I've decided I need a break. But after only 2-3 days without playing I feel I'm going insane, I've decided to start playing. I came up with a challenge. I'll start playing 50c-1$ and will need to win 20 buyins to go to the next level. That means 100 buyins to be able to play higher than 5-10. This will definitely keep me busy in the next month. I intend to post every single mistake and comment on it, this will definitely keep me focused.

I'm about finished with my first article, I have to restructure it a bit and I'm still not sure if I want to add a few things or leave them for another article.

So, im off to play 100NL.. ;]

**2 votes

Comments (8)

  Rhaegar, Dec 13 2007

So, I finally decided to make a blog.

Main reason is, I promised Naz, I'd write several articles for the site and it'd be cool to see if I can get any good suggestions. So if you have something good in mind, plz let me know.

Another reason is that it'd be nice for motivation and tilt control I guess.

For the first article, I'm thinking about writing about the fundamental stuff and see what misconceptions people have about the most basic things in poker. Coming up in 3-4 days.

*****1 votes

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