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damn it
  Robinson47, Oct 19 2010

so last night its a friends birthday and theres a pub quiz on, good excuse for a piss up. we drank lots while the quiz was on, and we won . first prize was a £50 bar tab, by this point there is only 5 of us left, so we just spend it on a few beers a few shots and what not.
I live in a town and pubs shut at 12, but asda is open 24 hours, so we go there to get some more alcohol. we storm about in asda behaving drunk and obnoxious as to be expected, get some alcohol and leave.
At this point i jump in a trolley and get my mate to push me about, its all a bit hazy now but somehow the trolley has gone straight into a empty trolley bay, i smashed straight through see through plastic and crashed my face into a pole, could lose my 4 front teeth at the top. i look like a hill billy :x Will i get in trouble for smashing a trolley bay? got a friend of a friend to drive me to a hospital 90 minutes car journey away. I feel a bit guilty making her drive all that way at 1 in the morning, i shudda just got a taxi.

past week i ran good in some mtts, was really happy with my play came 7th in warm up for 19.5k, 11th in 55 rebuy losing a race for chip lead, 2nd in a 5$ rebuy for 3k and 2nd in 109 rebuy for $13k.

Thats basically all ive won this year about $34k + 16k$ bonuses on stars and most of it came from my run good last week. won some money on some various other sites.

if anyne can swap 1500 of my stars for 1500 on full tilt, pm me grateful to anyone that can help.

Drink responsibly kids.

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100 buy ins ;)
  Robinson47, Jul 21 2010
i won 100 buy ins at $220+10 husng

ive had a rough year made about $16k at the tables , about 5 months in i was break even....

most of my losses come from 550 hu and mtts and $2000 in hyper turbos. now ive put a limit on my account to stop me playing the 550s and i just been avoiding the hyper turbos like the plague. I wasnt sure whether or not to knock mtts on the head. I was hoping for a $75k year after mtt scores were coming thick and fast at the tail end of last year. Not looking likely at all.

ive earnt 230k vpps this year and got 680k fpps to play with. got over $5000 in milestone bonuses and BOP bonuses so its not all bad.

I just felt the need to brag about winning 100 buy ins. I Have ok stats for $110 and $220 hu and if there is any players that want to step up from the 33-55s im happy to let you watch me play and watch you play for a bit see if i would do anything differently. PM me if interested.

Gl all

ps upload images button is not working, maybe someone can sort that out?

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Comments (8)

  Robinson47, Feb 10 2010

so i been playing the hyper turbos on full tilt, took my 2k roll up to 8k in past 2 days
then this morning i thought it would be a good idea to lose $6000 OF THAT, lost $2000 on pokerstars last night and just done $1500 on roulette, so thats like $10000 in 24 hours. Super tilted right now, time for call of duty.

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Comments (8)

january round up + buying sunday million action
  Robinson47, Jan 31 2010

Shouldnt do a round up until after all the tourneys today but i woke up early and got an hour before football. Not played any cash this month mostly high stakes sit n goes and medium stakes mtts, happy with my end results after a woeful start.

Made 25000 vpps this month so made a nice slice of rakeback in the form of cuddly sharks and awesome hoodies. Going to go for 300k vpps this year.

Lookng forward to tourneys this sunday going to play most of the big grtees on stars and tilt, so that could be $2000+ off my months profits but im hoping it will be +$500,000 for me.

If any lowstakes player who have a ticket for sunday million and wants to sell some action i will buy action up to 50 percent depending on ability. Send me PM
played a £30 ($50) live tourney down casino came 1/32 got £360 back Only played for abit of live experience. Gambled £100 on roulette whilst i was at casino, got £1250 back. so was a successful night. Shame im down £20000 lifetme on roulette i would estimate.

Also lost ten pounds in january had lost over a stone but a heavy weekend has taken its toll, most of it was just christmas weight still a fat mother fucker but ten more pounds and im a 'healthy' weight according to the height/weight index thing.

10k games on pokerstars now according to sharkcope!

GL to people playing the sundays!

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Comments (4)

sunday tourneys 17th january
  Robinson47, Jan 17 2010

gunna get stuck into all the tastey sunday tourneys on stars and full tilt. Dont often have the energy on sunday to play but no sunday league football this morning cos yet again weather conditions mean my game was cancelled so i chomping at the bit to play poker.


13.00 ET sunday warm up 200+15
13.00 30kgrtd 10+1
14.15 5k grtd turbo heads up 20+2
14.30 2500 fpp sunday mill sat
15.00 200k grtd 50+5
15.30 1/4 mill 10+1
16.00 60k grtd 10+1 rebuy
16.30 sunday million 200+15
17.00 40k freezeout 50+5
17.15 50kgrtd hu 200+15

full tilt

13.00 $69+6
14.00 sunday brawl 240+16
16.00 $69+6

im quite new to full tilt so werent sure what were all the best tourneys, if theres is any decent tourneys worth playing between 13.00 and 18.00 et can you let me know please. i will probably play the sunday second chance and maybe sunday 500 as well if i got enough energy.

If anyone wants to swap ten percent in million or warm up with me let me know im happy to.

gl to everyone who is playing the sunday majors!

0 votes

Comments (3)

thank goodness for mtts
  Robinson47, Jan 14 2010

took first in the 40k$ grtd ran insanely hot and played pretty awful tbf, got $10,500 1164 played.

winning hand :
Submitted by : Robinson47

PokerStars Game #38133319009: Tournament #262010683, $50+$5 USD Holdem No Limit - Level XXVII (12500/25000) - 2010/01/14 5:12:38 WET [2010/01/14 0:12:38 ET]
Table 262010683 79 9-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 3: craig212121 (450092 in chips)
Seat 9: Robinson47 (3041908 in chips)
craig212121: posts the ante 2500
Robinson47: posts the ante 2500
craig212121: posts small blind 12500
Robinson47: posts big blind 25000

Dealt to Robinson47 QhKc
craig212121: raises 422592 to 447592 and is all-in
Robinson47: calls 422592

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $900,184.00)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $900,184.00)


River (Pot : $900,184.00)


Robinson47: shows QhKc (a full house, Queens full of Kings)
craig212121: shows JsTh (a pair of Queens)
Robinson47 collected 900184 from pot

Total pot 900184 | Rake 0
Board  3cQs4hKhQd
Seat 3: craig212121 (button) (small blind) showed JsTh and lost with a pair of Queens
Seat 9: Robinson47 (big blind) showed QhKc and won (900184) with a full house, Queens full of Kings

had a terrible start to the month but im in the black now I lost $11k$ since my $24800 score on 21st december so this tourney just about covers that!
also a couple of days ago i final tabled a small one on full tilt, 100$ left in my full tilt account played a 30$ and a $69, came third in the 69$ double stack. Only a small field but i got $3300 which is great and i can roll the dice on a few more mtts on full tilt.

Submitted by : Robinson47

Full Tilt Poker Game #17530353907: $24,000 Guarantee (131694504), Table 42 - 4000/8000 Ante 1000 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:43:37 ET - 2010/01/11
Seat 1: MALPELLKA (74,689)
Seat 2: raborn13 (786,806)
Seat 6: Hero (407,505)
MALPELLKA antes 1,000
raborn13 antes 1,000
Hero antes 1,000
Hero posts the small blind of 4,000
MALPELLKA posts the big blind of 8,000
The button is in seat #2

Dealt to HeroJsQh
raborn13 raises to 19,000
Hero calls 15,000

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $49,000.00)

Hero checks
raborn13 bets 27,000
Hero calls 27,000

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $103,000.00)

Hero checks
raborn13 has 15 seconds left to act
raborn13 bets 53,400
Hero calls 53,400

River (Pot : $209,800.00)

Hero checks
raborn13 has 15 seconds left to act
raborn13 bets 107,105
Hero calls 107,105

raborn13 shows5d4s a pair of Tens
Hero showsJsQh a pair of Tens
Hero wins the pot (424,010) with a pair of Tens

Total pot 424,010 | Rake 0
Seat 1: MALPELLKA (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: raborn13 (button) showed5d4s and lost with a pair of Tens
Seat 6: Hero (small blind) showedJsQh and won (424,010) with a pair of Tens

the guy with 74k chips went on to win....

also can someone tell me how to get upload a picture of the mtt lobby i just won, i print screen and try to upload on here but the file is too big.

0 votes

Comments (12)

2010 yeahhhh
  Robinson47, Jan 06 2010

awful start, im gunna grind the 27s like crazy try and claw back some of the deficit! was hoping for a $75k year will be a struggle(i play sit n goes and mtts atm). reposting these videos cos they are awesome.

0 votes

Comments (6)

stupid stupid stupid
  Robinson47, Jan 01 2010

dont ever get complacent in a satelite:

I was chip leader in a small satelite with chip lead 4 seats worth $2100 and 5th gets 450$ cash money. so i was just toying around 'trying' to abuse the bubble thinking there is no way i will bubble
Submitted by : Robinson47

PokerStars Game #37505562591: Tournament #226086769, $10+$1 USD Holdem No Limit - Level XXV (30000/60000) - 2010/01/01 23:51:57 WET [2010/01/01 18:51:57 ET]
Table 226086769 9 9-max Seat #8 is the button
Seat 2: smurph31 (480080 in chips)
Seat 3: Parky13 (503590 in chips)
Seat 4: dartboard2 (391612 in chips)
Seat 5: Robinson47 (1298838 in chips)
Seat 8: paul-marrow (1060880 in chips)
smurph31: posts the ante 6000
Parky13: posts the ante 6000
dartboard2: posts the ante 6000
Robinson47: posts the ante 6000
paul-marrow: posts the ante 6000
smurph31: posts small blind 30000
Parky13: posts big blind 60000

Dealt to Robinson47 3c5c
dartboard2: folds
Robinson47: raises 1232838 to 1292838 and is all-in
paul-marrow: folds
smurph31: folds
Parky13: calls 437590 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (795248) returned to Robinson47

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $1,055,180.00)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $1,055,180.00)


River (Pot : $1,055,180.00)


Parky13: shows 7h7d (two pair, Sevens and Deuces)
Robinson47: shows 3c5c (a pair of Deuces)
Parky13 collected 1055180 from pot

Total pot 1055180 | Rake 0
Board  2h8s2d4cQd
Seat 2: smurph31 (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 3: Parky13 (big blind) showed 7h7d and won (1055180) with two pair, Sevens and Deuces
Seat 4: dartboard2 folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 5: Robinson47 showed 3c5c and lost with a pair of Deuces
Seat 8: paul-marrow (button) folded before Flop (didnt bet)

Submitted by : Robinson47

PokerStars Game #37504951015: Tournament #226086769, $10+$1 USD Holdem No Limit - Level XXIII (20000/40000) - 2010/01/01 23:38:35 WET [2010/01/01 18:38:35 ET]
Table 226086769 9 9-max Seat #8 is the button
Seat 1: karsiyaka (276967 in chips)
Seat 2: smurph31 (181970 in chips)
Seat 5: Robinson47 (997541 in chips)
Seat 8: paul-marrow (242110 in chips)
Seat 9: Prinzes Nala (299100 in chips)
karsiyaka: posts the ante 4000
smurph31: posts the ante 4000
Robinson47: posts the ante 4000
paul-marrow: posts the ante 4000
Prinzes Nala: posts the ante 4000
Prinzes Nala: posts small blind 20000
karsiyaka: posts big blind 40000

Dealt to Robinson47 4c6c
smurph31: folds
Robinson47: raises 953541 to 993541 and is all-in
paul-marrow: folds
Prinzes Nala: folds
karsiyaka: calls 232967 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (720574) returned to Robinson47

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $585,934.00)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $585,934.00)


River (Pot : $585,934.00)


karsiyaka: shows 2cAs (a pair of Eights)
Robinson47: shows 4c6c (a pair of Eights - lower kicker)
karsiyaka collected 585934 from pot

Total pot 585934 | Rake 0
Board  5hKh3c8d8s
Seat 1: karsiyaka (big blind) showed 2cAs and won (585934) with a pair of Eights
Seat 2: smurph31 folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 5: Robinson47 showed 4c6c and lost with a pair of Eights
Seat 8: paul-marrow (button) folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 9: Prinzes Nala (small blind) folded before Flop

Submitted by : Robinson47

PokerStars Game #37505498435: Tournament #226086769, $10+$1 USD Holdem No Limit - Level XXV (30000/60000) - 2010/01/01 23:50:33 WET [2010/01/01 18:50:33 ET]
Table 226086769 9 9-max Seat #8 is the button
Seat 2: smurph31 (243040 in chips)
Seat 3: Parky13 (623590 in chips)
Seat 4: dartboard2 (511612 in chips)
Seat 5: Robinson47 (1880318 in chips)
Seat 8: paul-marrow (476440 in chips)
smurph31: posts the ante 6000
Parky13: posts the ante 6000
dartboard2: posts the ante 6000
Robinson47: posts the ante 6000
paul-marrow: posts the ante 6000
smurph31: posts small blind 30000
Parky13: posts big blind 60000

Dealt to Robinson47 6s4s
dartboard2: folds
Robinson47: raises 1814318 to 1874318 and is all-in
paul-marrow: folds
smurph31: calls 207040 and is all-in
Parky13: folds
Uncalled bet (1637278) returned to Robinson47

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $564,080.00)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $564,080.00)


River (Pot : $564,080.00)


smurph31: shows ThAh (two pair, Aces and Queens)
Robinson47: shows 6s4s (two pair, Queens and Fives)
smurph31 collected 564080 from pot

Total pot 564080 | Rake 0
Board  As5cQc5dQd
Seat 2: smurph31 (small blind) showed ThAh and won (564080) with two pair, Aces and Queens
Seat 3: Parky13 (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 4: dartboard2 folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 5: Robinson47 showed 6s4s and lost with two pair, Queens and Fives
Seat 8: paul-marrow (button) folded before Flop (didnt bet)

Submitted by : Robinson47

PokerStars Game #37505405871: Tournament #226086769, $10+$1 USD Holdem No Limit - Level XXV (30000/60000) - 2010/01/01 23:48:30 WET [2010/01/01 18:48:30 ET]
Table 226086769 9 9-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 2: smurph31 (375040 in chips)
Seat 3: Parky13 (755590 in chips)
Seat 4: dartboard2 (763612 in chips)
Seat 5: Robinson47 (1713538 in chips)
Seat 8: paul-marrow (127220 in chips)
smurph31: posts the ante 6000
Parky13: posts the ante 6000
dartboard2: posts the ante 6000
Robinson47: posts the ante 6000
paul-marrow: posts the ante 6000
Robinson47: posts small blind 30000
paul-marrow: posts big blind 60000

Dealt to Robinson47 8dKh
smurph31: folds
Parky13: folds
dartboard2: raises 60000 to 120000
Robinson47: raises 1587538 to 1707538 and is all-in
paul-marrow: calls 61220 and is all-in
dartboard2: folds
Uncalled bet (1586318) returned to Robinson47

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $392,440.00)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $392,440.00)


River (Pot : $392,440.00)


Robinson47: shows 8dKh (high card King)
paul-marrow: shows 5h5c (a straight, Deuce to Six)
paul-marrow collected 392440 from pot

Total pot 392440 | Rake 0
Board  3d6h9s2h4h
Seat 2: smurph31 folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 3: Parky13 folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 4: dartboard2 (button) folded before Flop
Seat 5: Robinson47 (small blind) showed 8dKh and lost with high card King
Seat 8: paul-marrow (big blind) showed 5h5c and won (392440) with a straight, Deuce to Six

Submitted by : Robinson47

PokerStars Game #37505585029: Tournament #226086769, $10+$1 USD Holdem No Limit - Level XXV (30000/60000) - 2010/01/01 23:52:27 WET [2010/01/01 18:52:27 ET]
Table 226086769 9 9-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 2: smurph31 (444080 in chips)
Seat 3: Parky13 (1055180 in chips)
Seat 4: dartboard2 (385612 in chips)
Seat 5: Robinson47 (795248 in chips)
Seat 8: paul-marrow (1054880 in chips)
smurph31: posts the ante 6000
Parky13: posts the ante 6000
dartboard2: posts the ante 6000
Robinson47: posts the ante 6000
paul-marrow: posts the ante 6000
Parky13: posts small blind 30000
dartboard2: posts big blind 60000

Dealt to Robinson47 QsQh
Robinson47: raises 729248 to 789248 and is all-in
paul-marrow: calls 789248
smurph31: folds
Parky13: folds
dartboard2: folds

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $1,698,496.00)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $1,698,496.00)


River (Pot : $1,698,496.00)


Robinson47: shows QsQh (a pair of Queens)
paul-marrow: shows Ad4d (two pair, Aces and Fours)
paul-marrow collected 1698496 from pot

Total pot 1698496 | Rake 0
Board  Ac7c4c5d2d
Seat 2: smurph31 (button) folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 3: Parky13 (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 4: dartboard2 (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 5: Robinson47 showed QsQh and lost with a pair of Queens
Seat 8: paul-marrow showed Ad4d and won (1698496) with two pair, Aces and Fours


and earlier on this weird hand happened...

Submitted by : Robinson47

PokerStars Game #37485536230: Tournament #227463215, $315+$20 USD Holdem No Limit - Level II (15/30) - 2010/01/01 16:20:19 WET [2010/01/01 11:20:19 ET]
Table 227463215 1 9-max Seat #9 is the button
Seat 1: camerofelix (1470 in chips)
Seat 2: omjuju (1485 in chips)
Seat 4: nixe13 (1430 in chips)
Seat 5: Thx4UrM0ney (1410 in chips)
Seat 6: Einoeloclee (1560 in chips)
Seat 7: IMAX 81 (1600 in chips)
Seat 8: Hichcock (3090 in chips)
Seat 9: Robinson47 (1455 in chips)
camerofelix: posts small blind 15
omjuju: posts big blind 30

Dealt to Robinson47 AsAd
nixe13: folds
Thx4UrM0ney: folds
Einoeloclee: folds
IMAX 81: folds
Hichcock: folds
Robinson47: raises 60 to 90
camerofelix: folds
omjuju: calls 60

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $195.00)

omjuju: checks
Robinson47: checks

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $195.00)

omjuju: checks
Robinson47: checks

River (Pot : $195.00)

omjuju: bets 180
Robinson47: calls 180

omjuju: shows 6hJh (two pair, Jacks and Sixes)
Robinson47: mucks hand
omjuju collected 555 from pot

Total pot 555 | Rake 0
Board  6dJc3s2sQh
Seat 1: camerofelix (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 2: omjuju (big blind) showed 6hJh and won (555) with two pair, Jacks and Sixes
Seat 4: nixe13 folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 5: Thx4UrM0ney folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 6: Einoeloclee folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 7: IMAX 81 folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 8: Hichcock folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 9: Robinson47 (button) mucked AsAd

i need to straighten up my act and stop doing stupid shit, but i spend too much time with my boys down the bus shelter and lose my concentration, im ginger joe by the way, yeah man

kick it kev

0 votes

Comments (7)

help me! $50 dollar reward
  Robinson47, Jul 27 2009

Trying to get wireless internet on my desktop using netgear wn111v2 network adapter

the cd i have from it wont install the software properly, gets to near the end of install and something about windows visual c+++ 2005 comes up and it says unable to install please try at another time.

However it still allows me to search for wireless internet clicking the button next to the clock in bottom right of screen. My network comes up fine and is usually 3/4 bars out of 5, i click to join the network and enter my password, occasionally it will let me join for 30 seconds then disconnect and other times it will not let me join at all, when it rarely connects for the 30 seconds the internet speed is slow. I have 50mb internet with virgin media and a netgear wireless router which i know works fine because i am able to use the laptop anywhere around the house with no problem.
I am using the network adapter on my desktop and really need it to work so i can get on with some poker. I wasnt sure if the issue is because i couldnt install the software for the network adapter and i dont know if its inteference(theres an immersion heater in the way). If there is inteference would 3/4 bars out of 5 always come up when searching for networks? My pc is a dell i bought about fortnight ago and runs on windows vista.

I really need this sorted, whoever helps me out will get $50 and 5% of any winnings i have in august. Please help me!

0 votes

Comments (26)

alan sugar
  Robinson47, Jun 09 2009

mainly for people from uk who watch the apprentice, funny stuff

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