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Merry X-Mas LP !!!!!
  Sheitan, Dec 24 2008

I wish you the best guys, may your aces hold and your bankroll grow without limit ! Take care of your family and friends, they
're the most valuable thing we have on this planet.

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Too many gay stuff going on lately
  Sheitan, Dec 13 2008

Like black dudes and dildo so here i come to save the day:

So i can have a proper mind set before going to sleep, gn8 lp

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  Sheitan, Dec 09 2008

Online Poker

I have registered to play in the PokerStars World Blogger Championship of Online Poker!

The WBCOOP is an online Poker tournament open to all Bloggers.

Registration code: 343533

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Poker is
  Sheitan, Dec 07 2008

Im running like complete horseshit for a month and a half now, you know the deal getting it in favorite and losing blah blah blah blah, cash or tourneys the same whatever. The freeroll continues ...

On a side note i just went to 2 interviews for new jobs, one for Reynolds and Reynolds and the other one for a technical support compagny, the last one phoned me back and told me the job is mine but i'm not sure i want to go work for them =) I should start working the 5th of January and if Rey and Rey don't call me back then i'll probably accept and see what happens. Salary is ok and it's like 10 mn from my place so why not, if it's fugly i'll just leave and look for something else i guess !

Here in Montreal the snow just started and the white shit is pouring all over the place, since im starting a new job i won't be able to go back to France and visit my family which makes me sad cuz i miss my young nephew a lot (my first and only nephew so far). I got one older brother and my wife got a younger bro that just announced her by phone that he was gay LEWL, i saw that coming for like 10 years and kept telling her he was gay (i got a sick read on him) she wouldn't believe me and would even get upset when i told her.

So i guess we won't have nephews from him hay ? For now he's hiding the truth to his parents but i just can'twait when the drama is gonna explode i wouldn't miss that on my life, my mother-in-law is old school and i can't wait to see her face when she get the news, KARMA BITCH !!!! LEWLEWLEWL

For now i just stay chill with my wife since i want to have sex for the incoming months but seriously, can't wait LMAO. Life is like a chocolate box, that guy was right =)

Peace and good luck at the tables guys

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December Goats
  Sheitan, Dec 03 2008

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  Sheitan, Nov 14 2008

+ Show Spoiler +

But ive been VERY disapointed by the movie, the first one was awesome and this one is more like a cheap action movie. I was so happy they fired Brosnan cuz this guy sucks major ballz and Craig was just amazing in the first opus. But Quantum of Solace is an empty baloon and even the introduction was crappy, and i always loved the Bonds movies introductions (especially the last one,made by the lead singer of soundgarden and audioslave).


Oh and obv i needed to cash out 1k$ leaving scratch behind (80ish$) that i turned to almost 1k after grinding for the last 6 days. I think im starting to get very addicted by the game and feel the urge to put 4k hands daily. Im such a degenerate, hopefully ill get a decent roll to jump back at nl100 asap.

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Comments (2)

  Sheitan, Oct 17 2008

Why do i have the strange feeling he's gonna get shot ?

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Comments (9)

lol fuck my life
  Sheitan, Oct 16 2008

My 1st mtt victory has to be an 8$ shitty tourney, fuck me lol, i've been deep in 3 tournaments today including the 35k guaranteed and it has to be this one where i run decently and take it down. I pretty much steamrolled the FT and i crushed the guy HU, not hard when it's an 8$ tourney, ah well at least it will contribute to my BR reconstruction.

Also, i sent nutshot 1$ while i was deep into the 35k for the boomswitch and i took this one down a couple hours after, if you guys didn't send him 1$, seriously just do it, best investment ever.

Gawd, why it has to be the smaller tournament i registered in today, oh well can't complain xD

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Won a sat to Quarter Million
  Sheitan, Oct 15 2008

Starting in 1h23, play it or unregister for monies ? The last 30 days i won 3 sunday mill tickets, 1x 500$ wcoop seat, and now this one. Everytime i played them and i didn't make it ITM. Should i start unregistering and get the money instead ? I currently have 200$ on my account lmao, one should ask why i play 44$ sat, well they're so soft it's like a walk in the park...

So degen it up a la Neilly or rebuild my anorexic BR ?

I want to gamble so much someone stop me to do it !

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Comments (8)

Need to stop withdrawing money
  Sheitan, Oct 14 2008

only PS:

Credit status Report for 'Achou'
Date/Time Type TransId Amount Descriptor
VISA #4***********xxxx
2/14/2007 5:14:44 AM Dep 69613012 40.00 CAD ($34.22) PStars
8/29/2007 5:56:18 PM Dep 97226303 $84.58 PStars
10/25/2007 12:51:44 PM Red 106489782 $-269.68 PStars
11/1/2007 11:16:02 AM Dep 107836358 340.00 CAD ($357.81) PStars
11/11/2007 5:30:41 AM Red 109288720 -565.71 CAD ($-600.00) PStars
1/28/2008 10:14:28 PM Red 124997510 -403.56 CAD ($-400.00) PStars
3/20/2008 11:07:06 AM Red 136987081 -297.59 CAD ($-300.00) PStars
4/30/2008 10:54:39 PM Red 145980517 -151.85 CAD ($-150.00) PStars
5/5/2008 4:46:50 PM Red 146949349 -153.03 CAD ($-150.00) PStars
5/30/2008 4:48:25 PM Red 152088400 -793.16 CAD ($-800.00) PStars
7/27/2008 4:30:15 PM Red 163893031 -764.92 CAD ($-750.00) PStars
8/24/2008 4:29:58 PM Red 170095636 -523.75 CAD ($-500.00) PStars
9/2/2008 3:42:59 PM Red 172080709 -1,067.20 CAD ($-1,000.00) PStars
10/11/2008 1:46:01 PM Red 180862723 -1,173.50 CAD ($-1,000.00) PStars
NETELLER #4*******xxxx
2/2/2007 5:12:51 PM Dep 68240822 60.00 CAD ($50.68)

Total Player Balance: $-5,392.39

How can you build a BR if you withdraw everything from it ? My wife is a leech i shouldn't have told her about my poker winnings she really thinks it's ez money, everytime we have en extra charge, she asks me to cash out some money. i think i must be like -10k if you combine FTP + Live.

It's definitly not a lot of money but this is the money i needed to grind NL200 .... Now im rebuilding for the 10th time, fuck me.

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