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Scoop/Daily big Rail
  SoC, May 13 2013

Meant to make this yesterday!

Shocking start - AK busto'd me out of 4 tournies and 2 stacks in the action hour!

Didn't get started in anything yesterday - First cash of the stake though in the 6max action hour!

350/2400 - In for an extra double rebuy though!

+ Show Spoiler +

Lovely hand after the bubble burst!

On a seperate note - I signed up to complete a charity challenge - 40mile bike ride/4hour hike/1hour canoe in 6weeks!
Any sponsorship would be massively appreciated - trying to raise £4000 between us Even a few dollar!

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SCOOP/Daily Big Stake - $1200
  SoC, May 05 2013

Total is $1209. // $923 SCOOP // $286 Reg MTT's

Hoping to sell around 50% however will play no matter what % sells.

Happy to sell just scoop if you don't want the regular MTT's included in package.

$120.90 - 10%
$60.45 - 5%
$12.09 - 1%

Stee0731 on stars - ste0731 on skype for any questions/chats

Feel the super KO's are insane value, get a good run and can knock people out rapidly and easily recoup a lot of the buyins with a decent run in these. Overall the whole scoop will be insanely soft imo!

15% sold - 35% left

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Sunday mil Stake
  SoC, Mar 03 2013

Anyone wanna offer me 80/20 for the 7th anniverary sunday mil?

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January - Bump and grind
  SoC, Jan 27 2013

They see me grinding.

Strange month, felt tilted a lot of it despite some decent sessions. Nice to run a bit above EV.

Far too many nights out though, hurt my volume. Expected nearer 100k hands :/ 14.5k VPP though for my efforts so far.

Go to Prague tomorrow for a week, then in feb I'm hoping for 50k hands with 50% at NL50!

Lets go supernova 2k13! Saving FPP to play an LAPT event

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Saturday stake ~$200
  SoC, Dec 27 2012

11am - Big 33 + Hot $3
noon - $22 6max + $11 + Hot $4
2pm - Big 5 + $3.30 Micro + $2R X2
4pm - big 8 + $11 + $21 KO+ $27 Eliminator
5pm - big 22
7pm - big 11

$203.3 total ($10 estimate for the $2R's) [I'll cover any extra myself at no cost]

After my recent 2 big wins -$22_6max_FT.html$22_-_$55k_-_$9k_to_winner.html

Selling 50% of this package. (min 5%)
5% = 10.17
10% = 20.34

Reason for selling is I'd like to keep variance low and be able to play with my usual style rather than thinking of the ££!

Stee0731 on stars. (also down to last 100 of $5 tourny, 1.3k for top if anyone wants a rail - 3rd at moment)

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$55 wcoop 2nd chance 50%
  SoC, Sep 08 2012

Anyone wanna buy 50% - $27.50

Stee0731 on stars

starts in 30minutes

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  SoC, Apr 30 2012

FML fucking united. fufck fuck fuck

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$500 reload bonus?
  SoC, Apr 29 2012

Let's clear it in two days

Realised on Friday night I was 3.3k VPP short of platinum this month! Whoops. Couldn't play tomorrow due to Manchester united vs Manchester City game! So had 2 days to clear 3.3k VPP!

About $200 profit on tables, $160 on reload bonus. ($90 left to clear), $50 stellar bonus. And 8k FPP! Not a bad two days

Played terrible at some stages this weekend, going to spend tuesday-friday going over key hands. Not losing a stack is just as important as winning one, need to realise when I'm beat and find folds that are actually easy folds when concentrating but not when in robot mode!

Wish there was a 32NL though, Nl25 to Nl50 is such a big jump. Don't feel I have the bankroll yet for NL50, think i'd want $1.5k before I take a 2buyin stoploss shot.

Only issue is that horrendous red line! Will try find some spots to analyze that and see what I could of done differently.

Goals for May is 100k hands and try take a shot at Nl50 when good tables are going!

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$T 297 for $295 anyone on stars?
  SoC, Mar 27 2012

Free $2! :D

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Roll on the line!
  SoC, Dec 24 2011

Whoops made a very merry christmas mistake.

Bought a 10euro Ticket with my 800FPP earned, decided to play the 10euro 6max MTT.

Try to register, doesn't say "use ticket" like normal?

I think oh well, I'ma play the 10euro on Monday anyway (their version of the storm)

So click buyin,only to discover it's a 100euro MTT instead

Now in a 6max 100euro MTT for my roll. 18 paid, 47 left. Need some rungood now!

Don't drink and play :D

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