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1k UB for 1k Stars
  Craigerson, Nov 07 2009

Looking to get 1k on pokerstars. anyone who would be willing to trade give me a PM


(i'll send first)

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What a dumbass
  Craigerson, Nov 02 2009

a couple hours after my post about the bad beat jackpot i get a PM from NeillyJQ saying:

i have my online mtt action covered on stars, live action covered by local pro and friend, and looking for online action covered on Cake Poker. Looking for $1500-$2000, play until $12,000 (1-3 month investment) (terms negotiable)

Chop goes 7k to you 5k me at end after investment or however we negotiate. Make-up is loan makeup- which means if i lose it i pay back 50% of your investment when I have a 15k bankroll. (in essence your covering 50% my buy-in)

If you cant and know someone who can forward me to them.

I have all my PT3 since moving back from vegas you can see at any time.

You can always watch me play via teamviewer / skype if you can help me or know someone who can. im selling all my action prolly til 2010 unless something magical happens.

Lemme know,

what the fuck is wrong with this guy? i'm cool with him posting on his own blog about needing a stake and all but really? asking a guy you've never talked to once in your life? this is like the most retarded PM i've ever received. who the fuck wants to give 1.5k to a kid that has no credibility with me?

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  Craigerson, Nov 02 2009


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  Craigerson, Nov 01 2009


SHOUT OUT TO THE LPers I know!!!!

*edit* here's the hand

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FTP for UB moneyzzz
  Craigerson, Jul 09 2009

my 380 FTP for your 380 UB

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  Craigerson, Jun 05 2008

do any LPers play at cakepoker?

also... Celtics win the series in 5 games.

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What do you call a complete idiot?
  Craigerson, May 13 2008

Craigerson. That's what.

So as of late I've really been just dinking around on poker for a good four months or so. I would grind my bankroll up to like 3k and then piss it all away on NL1000 playing some random guy HU or I'd go take a stab at NL200 6 handed and get rocked. Stuff like that. Every once in a while I'll go tilt and do some ridiculous stuff.

So for the past weekend I grinded my BR up to 3k again and started to piss away the money like water. Yay. So it went from 3k all the way down to 1.2k and yeah... haha. So tonight I was like... okay, so i'll take my 1.2k and sit down and play some HU vs some guy. Well, I get run over by bottom two against my top pair with K kicker. bleh... down to 600 mother fucker -_-;; i really don't know what the fuck i was doing anyways. whatever. from there i'm on raging tilt because i'm in the state of "oh poor craig. he runs so poorly. woe is me!" well, fuck him! i'll put my last 600 dollars on the table and suck him out! YA!!! that's what i'll do! so i instantly rebuy back in and i get deal A6 on the BB. he raises on the button, i repop him, the guy repops me for 100-something and so i'm thinking fuck you cunt! I'M ALL IN!!!!! HE INSTANTLY CALLS me with TT (WHAT THE FUCK! RUN ANY BETTER!!!!!) so i'm a massive underdog preflop but i spike my ACE!!!! YAYYYY! so i'm up to 1200 and the guy is monstrously upset that i sucked the living hell out of him. god, i wish i saved that hand. wait, i think it's saved on my computer! yes!

so yeah, the battle continues. haha... then this happens


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fuck poker
  Craigerson, Feb 26 2007

i lost 60% of my roll... this is bullshit. 3 months of breaking even and then 3 weeks of losing 9k... fuck this game

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  Craigerson, Feb 02 2007

i'm up 6 buyins for the first time in 3 months... this feels good.

i'd like to mention that yomer hit and ran raszi which is why he's had this sick downswing. raszi has laid a curse that only lee jones can cure~ too bad lee jones agrees with raszi and refuses to cure yomer.

this week has been rather interesting... i've ran into two big names that are affiliated with LP~ Lurped and Rhaeger... i almost shit my pants : ( I'd like to say that i'm quite intimidated by the competition that is slowly starting to crawl around me. so... GET AWAY FROM ULTIMATE BET YOU SHITS!!!! THIS IS MY SITE!!!! GO BACK TO STARS WHERE YOU BELONG!!!!

It was rather fun playing with them~ it kinda showed where i am right now and where i need to be before i can play in the high stakes... sadly to say i think i'm quite far behind... i'm just beginning to lay down overpairs -_-;; maybe one day i'll be able to play at the 5/10, 10/20, 25/50~~~ after rekrul, nazgul, elky, aba20, straate, n0rthface, LURPED, ket, h@ll, pinball, pooruser, etc... etc... all die from a heart attack.

enough is enough...

this is all.

another great thing... me and shaneomac have kissed and made out! we have no more beef with eachother!!! YAYYYYY PEACE TO THE WORLD

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blogs suck
  Craigerson, Jan 28 2007

and yet i'm using one...

so today i wake up... take a nice shit... doo doo all over the place... chinese food just went right through my system. it was good food... mandarin chicken is the 3rd greatest food created by chinese people. 1st being pan friend chicken in garlic sauce and 2nd being chicken chow phun (sp.?) it's 11:05 and i'm just relaxing after going up 3 buyins at nl400...

i think i'm just gonna stay at nl400 from here on unless i go down below 8k... i'm kinda sick of nl200 since i have too many buyins... yes, you heard me... having over 50 buyins is too much for me. i get careless.

so... we went to some little poker club this weekend. nice, juicy games over there... too bad i got sucked out at the tournament~ i had like~ 10BBs left and i got dealt T2 on the big blind with 6 players. flop came TsTd7d i check it assuming someone is gonna bet into the pot. the button leads for 4BBs, i push~ the guy turns over Ad2d to chase the nut flush -_-;; standard stuff... got sucked out by the flush. after the tourney i was tempted to sit down at the 1/3 NLHE game but decided to restrict myself and just watch Rush play terrible in the tournament. he luckboxed his way to 2nd.

also, topher got yelled at by some old hobo. quite hilarious. the hobo snapped after topher said some remark~ "GOSH, that was the dumbest comment i've ever heard! don't think? psh~" (the hobo butted into our conversation cause Rush told us he was over-thinking the situations) seriously though. the guy had long grey hair, punk outfit, looked like he's been addicted to heroin since he was a baby, big droopy eyes, smelled funny etc... etc...

enough of this. i'm done typing...

p.s. i hope one of you guys get your leg chopped off

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