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UB Players
  EXCELED, Apr 03 2009

Can one of you please tell me how to set up HEM and the HUD on the site? I just moved there and cant figure out how to get it goin.

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  EXCELED, Apr 02 2009

Epic Downer

Well things had been going really well for me for the past month. I was running really well and putting in a ton of hands. Yesterday though it came to a crashing hault! I managed to dump almost all of my profits in March in one day. FML. I can honestly say that I wasnt playing bad but the coolers I was getting were rediculous! All I wanted was to get back to even but I could not get it going to save my life. I ran aces full into quads, and had set over set 3 times! KK vs AA, KK cracked by 44... jus some gross shit. Heres the graph:

This was really discouraging and happened at the worst time. I cashed out what was left of my roll which I was planning on doing anyways. Sadly though my roll was not at what I wanted it to be so now my deposit bonus is not going to be as big on the new site Im switching too but I will also have rakeback to go along with it so I guess its not too bad lol. Im going to drop down to NL10 and just grind back what I lost before moving up to NL25 again. Not what I want to do but its what I gotta do.
Pretty sick stuff. Here is probably the biggest cooler of the day.
I run good and then bad all at once
I had a ton of thse little bastards all day. They add up quick.

So its back to NL10 uggghhhh. I should be at NL50 if I didnt make so many withdrawls in March but thats the way she goes someitmes. Im hoping to be on my new site by Friday and get grinding. So much for being on pace for a 2k month. April will maybe be 1k if Im lucky.
Posted by SMOKING DOUGH at 6:58 AM 0 comments

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  EXCELED, Mar 31 2009

March went pretty good for me for the most part but I started to play kinda shitty near the end of the month which Im mad at myself for. I managed to reach my goal of playing 40k hands and finally being able to play NL25 fulltime. If I didnt make so many withdrawls this month I would be playing NL50 by now but its alright I dont mind grinding it out at NL25 for a while.

+ $367 Cash Games
+ $250 Tourneys

So I made just over $600 which is alright but I really feel I could have done a lot better if I didnt end up playing so bad the last week. I was getting coolered a lot and I think I might have gone a bit on tilt and ended up spewing away chips. I got it under control now but I dug myself a little hole to get out of which is never fun.

I decided that it is in my best interest to get of Stars and go to a site that has rake back. I did a little rakeback calculation the other day and it said with the amount I play at NL25 Im looking at over 1k in rakeback! Thats a lot of money that I would like to have but will never see if I stay on Stars so I decided I am going to move to UltimateBet for the rakeback and the 111% deposit bonus they have going right now. I wanted to go to FTP but I already have an account on there and it doesnt have rakeback. I dont feel like going through the hassle of trying to make a new account and gettig away with it etc.

So for April Im going to set out a few goals here:

- 40k+ Hands
- $1k in Rakeback
- Clear bonus on UB
- $500+ Profits from cashgames
- $200+ from Tourneys
- $2k Month in total profits
- Move to NL50

Each goal there is easily obtainable. I just have to stay disciplined and things should be fine. Im hoping to have my whole roll switched over by the weekend so I can put in some serious hours. It usually takes about 2 days on Stars for me to get my cashouts so I wont be playing much during the rest of the week but thatsprobably or the better because I have a lot of school work I need ot get done and I could use a little bit of a break from poker as well. Been grinding like crazy so a little break cant hurt. Im excited to see that I have the potential to bring home $2k this month if everything goes as planned. This would be my biggest month by far! Cant wait to see where this takes me.

Anyways Im off to class guys,


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quick question
  EXCELED, Mar 29 2009

ok so i dont want to fuck this up. i am switching to ub because i need rakeback and i can clear a nice bonus there too. my question is when making the account i put in the refferal code to ge tthe rakeback. now i hope i put this in the right spot. when i go to make a deposit there is a spot for a code as well. is this where i put in the code to get the deposit bonus or did i fuck it already and should be putting the rakeback code there instead?

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What a pain
  EXCELED, Mar 27 2009

Today was a serious pain in the ass when it came to cards. Yesterday was just as bad. The last two days I was down about 7 BI's. Hands like this helped get me there quick:

+ Show Spoiler +

Ill start with yesterday first. Nothing was going my way and I was something like 1 for 6 getting it All in with the best hand so it was getting very frustrating. Last night I was taking a break from playing and I was like... Im going to play some starcraft now. I actually wanted to play Warcraft 3 but I could only find my frozen throne disc so I went out and got Starcraft cuz it was cheap as hell and the store was out of Warcraft If It wasnt for Starcraft after some of the sessions Ive played in the last two days I think I might have tilted off WAY more lol. Sad thing is I still suck at SC too

Today started off pretty good for a little while. I got up quick but then just started getting rocked left and right. I couldnt believe it lol.

+ Show Spoiler +

I actually started to play pretty bad because I was down so much. All I wanted was to get unstuck. It caused me to loose my agression a bit and I realized that about half way through and picked it up a bit. Things started to swing in my favour which was awesome.

+ Show Spoiler +

Finally after 5 hrs of grinding it out on 9 tables I managed to get even for today. I played with Uptown a bit today. Its cool to play with LP guys once and a while. Uptown even tried to 4 bet bluff me out of the SB which was weird... really dont see that a lot at NL25 or maybe he just gave me credit for a monster which is possible too lol. Im still down about 3 buyins in the past two days but w/e Ill make that back by Sunday and then Im prolly going to be up 100k after I take down the Turbo Million.

Going to play some SC for a bit, go out get some beers and get hammered. A bunch of people are commin down here tonight for a friends bday. Should be a show.


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How big?
  EXCELED, Mar 27 2009

How big of a screen do you need to have in order to play 9 tables using the tile table option with no overlap?

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And so on..
  EXCELED, Mar 19 2009

What started off as a really rough day at the tables ended up being a great one. I started the day off donking off 3 Buy-ins really quick with hands where I felt like gamboling a bit like so:

+ Show Spoiler +

I took a little break because I was playing bad and when I came back I got coolered right away lol:

+ Show Spoiler +

Not much I can do there. Eventually though the fish started to pay off my big hands and I really turned the day around and ended up +5 buy-ins which felt great. Here are a few of those hands that helped me turned the day around

+ Show Spoiler +

Im really glad I managed to turn it around today becasue it sucks to be playing out of a hole. Its weird adjusting to the swings you go through when you move up limits. Before I would never see a $100 downswing playing NL10 and NL5 because thats 10+ buyins at those levels but now that Im at NL25 its only 4 buy-ins which is totally standard to be losing. Thats where bankroll comes into play and Im really glad that I am a bankroll nit for this reason lol.

Here's the graph for the day:

I play a few tournies today as well. I played in a 5k Garuntee that had over 4000 ppl in it and I ended up placing 458 for an amazing $5 lol. I wish I could take one of those down but a lot bigger. Thinking this I decided to try and qualify for some of the bigger tournies Pokerstars offers. So I played a few FPP satellites and managed to get a seat in the Million Dollar Turbo take down which happens next Sunday. 100k for 1st place. Fuck that would be sweet to win lol. Since you cant unregister for it when you qualify through a satellite (not like I would get money if I did... its only 5k FPP to play) I guess Im going to play in it. I dont play a lot of Turbos so it should be interesting.

Probably wont get in many hands this weekend since Im gonna do some partying. Its a friend of mine birthday and shes havin a huge bash for it. Should be a great night out. Hopefully I get a few stories for you guys come Monday.

Im out thought folks

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Am I missing out on $ by playing on Stars?
  EXCELED, Mar 17 2009

I was talking to John Galt the other day and he told me that he doesnt play on Stars because he has Rakeback and stuff on FTP and that for the limits I play I should be playing on FTP with rakeback because I would be making so much more.

Ok so lets just say Im a NL50 grinder. I play 5 hours a day and 6 tables. If I had 27% rakeback on FTP I would on average be making:

Daily rakeback $23
Weekly rakeback $160
Monthly rakeback $685

On Stars you dont really get a good rakeback unless you are a Nova... so is it +EV for me to play on a site with rakeback since Im still grinding micros? PLUS I would be getting a deposit bonus on FTP for $600. I mean $685 a month extra would just be sick.... plus the bonus... fml. I really need some advice here guys.

What's a guy to do?

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Decent day at new limit
  EXCELED, Mar 16 2009

NL25 is going pretty good for me. The game is pretty easy and the regulars are just tight pussies who I can run over with position which is great. I had a good day thought today as you can see. I played really good today but there was a couple of spots where I made some mistakes but I think I lost the minimum in them which is fine.

I wnat to be able to cash out $100 for this weekend so theres a little challange Im making for myself. 4 BI's by Wednesday. Should be easy. (knock on wood)

Anyways... fuckin 8am class tomorrow so I gotta crash.

PZ guys.

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50k NL Hands
  EXCELED, Mar 14 2009

I fianlly hit the 50k mark for NLHE hands played. I swithced to NLHE right at the start of the year and thigns are going amazing! Im almost rolled for NL25 which is great. Considering Is iad I want to be a regular at NL100 by the end of the year I would say I am for sure on pace for getting there.

Ive been taking shots at NL25 for the last few days and its been going alright. I can defiitly beat those guys though, they really are not good at all and Ive already found a number of great spots to exploit a lot of them. I want to make anohter 6-10 bi's @ NL10 before I move up to NL25 full time but I can probably bang that off this week easily. If games are really good Ill of course jump into a NL25 game.

Heres the graph:

So hopefully I can make it to NL25 fulltime really soon. I think that its a solid level with plenty of fish and lots of money to be made. Im really happy with the way things are going with my NLHE game and Im really motivated and determined right now which is another bonus.

See you guys at NL100 SOON and watch out!


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