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My name is Chris

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Chris Update
  StArCuE, Aug 01 2009

So today was the day I moved out of my house and into my college dorm. I was so excited I couldn't sleep because I would finally be on my own and get to live with some random dude which I was really excited about because it would give me a chance to make a new friend and all that shit. But I met up with him today and he said he was going to be living at his parents house for the whole year because he couldn't afford school but he had already signed his lease so he is kinda fucked. So I have this 2 bedroom dorm to myself. Which really sucks because when I was at home I wasn't really hanging with friends or doing much so it kinda depresses me that I'm alone again.
Also I don't know anyone in downtown denver or at this school so I'm not sure what I'm going to do. However, July was a good month and was +1k on the month. I would show my graph but I dun use pt or nething. So now I can finally move up to .5/1. Btw if anyone wants to play Halo MLG or Slayer leave me ur ID.
Well I'ma play some poker good luck guys. Peace Chris.

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  StArCuE, Jun 23 2009

Sup guys. Poker has been going good lately. And Wednesday I get to turn in my two weeks at Taco Bell because I'm going to drive to California with my Dad. I'll be there for a month and get to see my Grandma and chill in the hotel and play lots of poker and xbox. Which should be sick. Cali is cool too because there is an in and out burger there. That place is legit.
I just found out FTP has WU as a depositing method so I'll probably put like 1k on there before I leave with my Dad. Then when I get back from California school will be starting and I'll get to move out. Well I'ma play some poker before I pce out to bed. Later guys gl hf.

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Hey guys
  StArCuE, Jun 17 2009

I'm sorry I have not blogged inawile. I had lost like 4k playing 1/2 and was left with like 1.5k to play and had lost a lot of motivation to play poker. I'm really disappointed in myself for that because I am the last person to get discouraged about something when things are going so well. It's kinda like when you get into a slump of losing games on iccup or something. It gets really easy to just stop playing. Like if you don't play starcraft for one day. It's very easy to just stop playing. For me anyways.
However, I've been 24 tbling 25nl and running pretty good and 12 tbling 50nl. Such a nit fest though.
I got a job at Taco Bell at the beginning of the Summer. And I have to be honest. It sux dick. Place is busy like 24/7. But I'm lucky and grateful to have a job and money to play poker. One thing is for sure though I can't wait to go back to school in the Fall. I'll be able to put my 2 weeks at Taco Bell and just focus on school and poker and shit. I'm going to be living in Downtown Denver too where my school is. The place that I'm staying in has the sickest view of the city. It is going to be awesome to finally get out on my own and out of my parents house. Even though I love my parents.
Also I wanted to give a shout out to NeillyAA because whenever I log onto the world wide web I check his blog. And something I really admire about the guy is that he not only blogs when he runs good, but, also when he runs bad. He also vacationed to Vegas and decided not to leave. So he could pursue his goals and learn more about poker and shit. I dunno.. It's just cool to see a guy go for it. I don't know him or have ever talked to him but he seems like a really chill and humble guy.
Anyways, yah I can't wait to start school and move downtown. Btw I love playing Cod 4 and Halo 3 send me a pm if you wanna play. Pce guys.
Btw heres me on a plane watching replays.

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My name is Chris
  StArCuE, Feb 14 2009

I just decided to start a blog.

Hi guys my name is Chris I live in Denver, Colorado. I also goto school here. Like many of you I came from starcraft. Which by the way I love more than anything!! I'm a sk8er I play lots of hockey and I sort of enjoy playing Call of Duty World at War. I am majoring in International Business/Korean language. But I would also really like to be a highschool counselor and help kids. My poker goals for this year are to become a 1/2-2/4 reg. And hopefully you guys can help me achieve that goal. Thx guys!

Thats me

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