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Need stars $$$ now
  Gadget, Mar 21 2011

Taken care of

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Stake Recap + FTP For PS Transfer
  Gadget, Mar 21 2011

Thanks for the stake guys. I played really well for the most part. I money bubbled the Brawl when I lost AQ < 1010 for about 22BB's. I had 3 KO's. The 150k GTD was the only tournament I didnt go somewhat deep in. In the 1m GTD I reshoved 3 straight hands with 15-20BB and got called the 3rd time by AA, I had AK. I min cashed. In the mulligan I lost 88 < AJ for about 14BB's, and I was out in 137th i believe, something like 106 paid.

I already transferred you guys back the money. It should be around 80% of what you sent me.

$961+$120 = $1081

10% = $108.10

Can anyone send me $500 on pokerstars for $500 on FTP. I'll send first to reputable members.

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Sunday Stake
  Gadget, Mar 20 2011

I would like to sell 60% of my action in these tournaments:

$256 Sunday Brawl
$640 Million Guarantee
$163 $150K Guarantee
$216 Sunday Mulligan
$1275 Sub Total
5% Mark Up
$1340 Total

10% = $134
5% = $67

I will only play if I sell the 60%. If I do not sell 60% I will consult with those who bought a piece and possibly drop a tournament and continue with the stake.


Thanks Guys,

Reply to this thread and send the money to TheRelapse on FTP. I can only accept FTP. 10% is reserved for "eso." eso buy as much as you want, just wanted to make sure there was some left for you since you pm'd me. Must be sold by 13:00 tomorrow, thanks.

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Rail Me
  Gadget, Mar 15 2011

Even though most of you dont share my views on Barry Greenstein, you can still rail me.

1/5 in $75 6-max on FTP
19/29 in $3r on FTP
45/96 in $11 superstack on FTP

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Barry Greenstein
  Gadget, Mar 14 2011

Other than the charity stuff he does, is he not the least likable guy ever. This entire season of HSP all he has done is tell everyone how awesome doyle brunson is.

"doyle beat cnacer when you didnt beat cancer"
"doyle could have been in the nba"
"you weren't getting doyle off that one vanessa"

I listened to a poker road interview by him a while ago and he kept repeating how smart he was and that he didn't have to try hard to do good in school, even though its obvious the guy was a huge nerd. He has probably adjusted to the fact that people know how to play poker now less than anyone else. Every HSP season its the exact same story. Play 6 hands over the course of 5 hours. Win 3 small pots with AA, get bluffed off AA for half his stack, 3 bet with 65s vs loose guy and win a small pot, and get AA in vs some kind of straight flush draw and coinflip because he refuses to run it twice.

KK and QQ are interchangeable with AA in the above example. Barry Greenstein is the only person on earth that could make vanessa selbst my 2nd to last favorite person at a poker table.

Also, my last blog got move off the first page in like 15 minutes last time because 9 people decided to post blogs at the same time as me so read that one too.

*1 votes

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It's Been a Week
  Gadget, Mar 12 2011

So I haven't updated my blog in like 7-10 days since I have been on spring break since then. A couple big things have happened since then. We won our first round game in our conference tournament which was pretty huge since it meant I wouldn't have to make up my tests until after spring break. If we would have lost I would have had to go back to school for 2 more days. We lost our next game in the final four of the tournament to the #1 seeded team.(We were the 6 seed).

In between the game we won, on a tuesday, and the game we lost, on a saturday, all I had with me was my netbook with no HEM or anything. It's a 10.1" screen so when I tile 4 tables they overlap. Very bad conditions for poker. So on the day after our win, we traveled to the next game and one of my teammates got the sickest ipod game ever. I think its called tiny wings or something like that. It's so much fun and I played it the entire day, basically non stop. I wanted to keep playing all night but my hands were getting sore so I decided to late register for the $32k multi entry at 10pm EST. 4 tables with no mouse sucked, but was trapped in a hotel room for the rest of the night so I decided to play anyway.

I busted 2 entries sometime after the 2nd break, money bubbled one entry, and ended up taking it down with the final entry. It was pretty insane. It lasted until 6am and we had shoot around at 8am. I tried making a deal heads up because I don't really like playing HU with 30BB for 3.5k, but the guy was in mute mode, so I won 1010 vs AK for 1st place. I had him about 1.5:1 in chips at the time. I didn't take a SS of the lobby so here is the opr from it.

Also, I went to a charity poker room thats about an hour from my house and played a $30 tournament. They told me it would have between 30-40 entrants when I called on the phone. It ended up having 20, and the prizepool was $450. Thats like 25% rake which is pretty insane. The structure was 100x better than I expected but for some reason they decided the payouts would be $300/$100/$50 for top 3. I started the FT at about 6th or 7th in chips. At 500/1000 level some guy kept raising to 11,500 and folding to my 23k shove. People are really bad. I ended up winning. Offered to chop with the guy heads up and play for $50, but he had no idea what I was talking about so we ended up playing it out.

This is probably my longest blog ever. I'm going to be selling a small % of my action next sunday I think. There is a 2 day event and the miniFtops MET ME which I'm slightly underrolled for. It will probably be something like a 1k package that I sell 30% of. Let me know if your interested, I'll post the specifics later this week.

Lastly, the Heartland Poker Tour is making a stop at Soaring Eagle Casino which is about 3 hours from my house. The ME is 1.6K BI with around 120k for first. I'm thinking about trying to sattellite or get staked for this as well. PM me if you would be interested in staking me or if you will be playing in it. Apparently it gets near 300 entrants.

Thats about it. I'm going to play MTT's all day tomorrow and then go back to grinding 90 mans with MTT's mixed in all next week.

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Back by Popular Demand
  Gadget, Feb 24 2011

There were a few questions in the comments of my last blog, and since I didn't want people to have to scroll through the blog abyss to find my responses, I decided to address them in this new update.

"grats hows feb gone so far"

Glad you asked. February is going amazing. This is by far the most consistently I've made money in poker ever. It's kind of crazy that I've made 6k after starting the month with a 1k BR. I'm going to continue playing 90 mans, but may switch to an 85% 90 man / 15% mtt mix instead of the 95/5 im playing now. Heres my graph. A 10k month would be insane, I'm going to need another FT to make that happen though.

"nice profit this month, can i ask how you do your 90-man sessions?
how many tables do you play this, and how many sessions you play in 1 day, how many breaks between?
im currently grinding 2.25$ on demand en 3.30 90man turbos
around when did you start grinding 6.50 and 12+1?


I play 18 tables at a time. Usually its between 13 and 16 90 mans with the rest being MTT's. I stack them all in the top left corner of my screen at their default size. I use different backgrounds for MTT's, 90 mans, and Rebuys. I prefer to play a single 6-10 hour session. On weekends when I dont have school I may play 2 seperate 6 hour sessions. I started at 3.30's and didn't mix in $6.50's until I made 1k profit purely from the $3.30's. Then I made another 1k profit purely from $6.50's and felt confident enough to mix in $13's. Since I had a 3k BR boost yesterday I will now be doing something like 4 $26's, 6 $13's, and 4 $6.50's.

Thats pretty much it for now. I got a pet mouse about a week ago and it's awesome. I let it run around my desk when I'm playing sometimes. I would post pictures if I had the capabilities.

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Rail Me
  Gadget, Feb 23 2011

18k super stack on full tilt 4.6k for first.


made deal for 3,333

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Stake Me FTOPS #44
  Gadget, Feb 19 2011

Hey, I've run a bunch of stakes in the past with no problems. All of them are documented in past blog entries, just check them out if you have questions about my trustworthiness. I've won a $109 6-max tournament on FTP for 7k a while ago. I have a lot of tournament experience and just took a couple days off since my girlfriend came to visit so I'm ready to grind all day tomorrow. Heres the deal.

$256 Buy In
5% = $12.80
25% = $64

5% minimum per person. The most I'm willing to sell is 70%, the minimum I need to sell to play is 50%. Post a reply to this thread and send the money to TheRelapse @ FTP. The first 70% I receive will be confirmed before the start of the tournament and the rest will be sent back. Thanks.

Stats are on OPR and sharkscope under "therelapse".

1st Break: 7,818
Out in 4054th

25/20 player raised, 45/10 player called and I reraise from SB with AK. 45/10 player time bank calls, flop 356 rainbow. I cbet, he time bank calls and I give up.

After that I had 5k or so chips at 50/100 level. I open from button with Ad10c and get 3 bet by LAG player and I call. Flop 39Q 3 diamonds. He bets 2/3 pot and I call. He checks turn which is a brick and I shove slightly more than pot and he calls with AQ, river bricks, gg.

Sorry guys. No knockouts either.

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Comments (13)

  Gadget, Feb 15 2011

I finally feel like I have the ability to make a steady income playing poker. I've played nearly 1,000 90 man SNG's in the last 10 days or so and have been doing really great. When I'm running terrible I'm breakeven and when I'm running good I have like a 100% roi. My goal at the start of the year was to play 5k tournaments, but I'm going to change that to 20k.

So I started of with the $3.30's and thats where probably 85% of my volume is. About 12% is $6.50' and the last 3% is $13.

I'm still waiting on a controller in the mail, does anyone here have experience using a controller with table ninja for poker?


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