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0 EV spots
  LemOn[5thF], May 08 2020

I haven't been blogging
I have been journaling
I feel like when you put your thoughts out there for other people it's difficult to completely let go and truly get what's on your mind without trying to distort the perception of how it will come across.

Nevertheless, this spot might be helpful to people, so let's talk about 0EV BIG DECISIONS

You arrive at the spot like this on the rive
And start tanking. Tanking long, because you know the population tendencies it seems about 0EV
I do block KQ I do block KXhh, but then again I do like to mix in high frequency Jx bets and check raises on the flop BvB so I'm high up in my range

But people tend to underbluff these boards on the site

All in all
it's a 0 EV decision, you've seen these in Snowie, you have had countless sessions where spot after spot seems so hard, often times you lose every single one and it feels horrible.

After you make it
Well, that's it, I decided it doesn't matter, didn't want to take away the fun of eeny meeny mooney moe and give the decision to the cold hard simple brain of RNG

And now it's there

the suspense


I put in all this effort, timebanked to the maximum
Now so much is hanging on this spot
that in the end [/b]doesn't really matter[/b]

I want my effort validated, and it's a good amount of money and big blinds
And it's just the worst feeling when all that just results in a loss.

But the loss happens 68% of the time
And then it hit me

You think so hard and consider all the factors BECAUSE you want a favourable result. But the only thing that matters, is actually the EFFORT ITSELF that's all that really matters.

Your decision either way has no impact on anything
Whether you win or lose, also has no impact on anything in the long run.
The 0EV spots Just.Don't.Matter. No matter how much money is at stake.

What does matter is that you build a habit of thinking through your decisions, and do the best with what you're working with in the moment

0EV and LIFE
In life, it's often the same, and because of incomplete information so many big decisions just have the same life EV in the moment you make them.

Does it really matter what brand of car you buy, can you really make an informed decision when picking a romantic partner based on the limited amount of information you usually have?

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It's my birthday today
  LemOn[5thF], Mar 06 2020

6hour grind
watch galfond challenge
calls with family
and a nice wank

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Need Skrill
  LemOn[5thF], Jul 15 2019

For $100 in BTC
who can help out boys PM

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High Stakes Poker!
  LemOn[5thF], Feb 15 2019

If you didn't know all the episodes are on youtube in full now!
It's just beautifully soothing seeing Negreanu get stacked and down 500k

Or this absolute gem!

What are YOUR favourite moments from the show?
1) Greenstein AA vs KK Farha hand
2) Those 2 big all-in pots with dwan vs greenstein
3) Seeing Galfond on there
4) Seeing Negreanu and Elezra on the show just add more oomph now that we see them in a different light

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How to Get Wamen!
  LemOn[5thF], Jan 26 2019

Struggle No More!
Move to Georgia and learn this" Lezginka", a standard way to ask a chick out over there
And wamen are all yours!

Unfortunately, no classes in Prague where I live, no hope for me

But maybe you have a chance gentlemen, search a Lezginka lesson near you!

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I just love this woman
  LemOn[5thF], Jan 16 2019

Damn addicted to her streams, they are somehow very relaxing.
She has an acute tourettes, but has a great life philosophy, it's pretty inspirational actually.
And yes it is a disability but hilarious at the same time, she seems to be okay with people laughing at it
I just love to hear unique's people's stories and she's definitely one of them


Her wisdoms

Explaining her situation:

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Comments (35)

Gym in your routine?
  LemOn[5thF], Dec 16 2018

Simple question

When in your poker routine is a gym if you could go any time and it were 5 minutes from your place.
my thoughts;
+ Show Spoiler +

Just wondering for you experienced guys - when the best time it's been for you to put work out in your routine to max energy for poker and life ev alike that you've been consistently able to sustain long term without burnouts?

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Trance Music
  LemOn[5thF], Dec 11 2018

If you've ever listened to this this kind of music in the past

Listen to this

And prepare for the hardcore nostalgia

The best of 15 years of Trance in 5 hours
You're welcome.

EDIT: I had no idea, just having my grind session, movie soundtracks like Oblivion are awesome, but can get a tad distracting.
So here, I got the idea! I used to listen to Thrillseekers while studying for my degree, why not slap their podcast on!

So download it blindly I put it on during a sesh
and go like
"uuhmmm yeah I like this

"hang on this sounds familiar"

"All trance sounds the same that's probably it dude, keep grindin'"

"No hang on I've definitely heard THIS one before"

check the website
"15 Years of trance, best of set"

and started dancing around my room, felt nostalgic as fuck when I paid attention to the set
The very second song is the one from Human Traffic soundtrack from the kiss for example

Safe as fuck

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Meditation, spirituality, resting phase
  LemOn[5thF], Dec 03 2018

Being a poker pro gives you this amazing possibility and drive to explore new things, every single one of you probably thinks back about your career
And how great it was to have the flexibility to explore the world when you want, but as you work on your own you actually get to have the drive left to socialize and do exciting things with people YOU want instead of being drained by interactions from coworkers and clients.

And how stupid you were if you didn't grab the possibility and make the most of it as all of us fail to do at certain periods.

But enough of the passive aggressive jabs at you quitters who won't run sims with me a post hands and such

Well one of these nights I decided to go to a nuclear physics faculty (or whatever the hell it's called, I'm.sure you'll correct me)

First I tasted a pretty delish ice cream made by liquid nitrogen, seriously the guy was cooking it up, nitrogen spewing everywhere looked like a magic potion
But turned out to be just a way cooler looking fridge

I then proceeded to witness a genius burning magnesium, and with his cool science joke he proceeded to demonstrate how dry ice will put the fire out, it doesn't. Instead it starts to resemble and exploding star and bloody blinded me instead.

And then my hand was on GODDAMN WILD FIRE! As I was the only volunteer who allowed his hands to be set ablaze by a substance I didn't ask about, but that burned at low temperatures. Pretty sure this was the stuff used in movies before CGI

Ad then the finále, a lecture of complex states in physics applied to neuropsychology.

And hence lies the meat of the blog - I'm fucking cringing every time Tutz pulls shit like vibration or energy or higher states of consciousness in esoteric terms, when these people thing they are special, almost better than you dumb-asses trying to apply logic to unexplainable things, and simply using the mentions terms as these placeholders for shit they don't understand. #Go Science!

I've been meditating off and on for 10 years now, done Kwan-um-zen, read a bunch of books and ain't no esoteric shit there that can't be explained. And the most interesting piece of the lecture were MRI scans that were taken from subjects who were performing various activities, including induced Psychedelic states by substances found in shrooms under controlled conditions.

And the interesting thing that came up is that the part of the brain during both Psychedelic resting phase, where you don't think or do about anything at all actually lights up the most has most blood flow etc. And every time you actively try to think solve problems work etc. You're basically forcing the brain away from the ares that light up the most and are the most powerful. A theory might be that it's simple into have a problem to solve you're likely to also need your body etc. So the parts needed allocate less resources toothed high resource intensive brain.

While at resting time it let's the resting state brain go nuts. This resting state brain is also high in entropy
- Imagine it as a much wider bandwidth of information, with much higher levels of chaos also that's caused by the increased number of simple systems /neurons that get actively connected together and cause complexity and chaos.

It's induced by psychedelics, near death experiences and I presume also deep meditation.

And therefore lie lessons, if you want your brain to think harder, stop trying to actively think harder but induce a resting phase by whatever means you see fit.

And when you have the esoteric experiences, and start pulling shit like vibrations spirit animals that you think came to you from the netherworld know it's just the powerful part of the brain with high bandwidth and high chaos that's creating the things that are coming to you and allows you to create and pick them out of there, much like the mind if of child, someone with near death experience, or that dude you've seen high on shrooms on your last Couchella

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WTF just happened???
  LemOn[5thF], Nov 07 2018

For the first time in literally years
I had my eyes glued to the monitor, laughed, sang along, paused to think and appreciate what just happened, cried first with laughter (grandma passage in the audience), then actually fucking cried (you'll know when guaranteed if you know SNL cast member's past vaguely), the 1.15hours passed like 10 minutes

and this came...




This fucking guy I could barely stand

Seriously, you have to check this out if you have netflix, don't watch previews, don't watch nothing, just click play with an open mind.

I also had one of the most surreal nights of my life yesterday, I actually am gonna sit down and write it down thing by thing for myself just to remember everything that happened, it was insane coincidences happening, and me just laughing in awe all night at what's unravelling. But that's a story for me that you wouldn't nearly appreciate, 100% Fresh however you can, and I hope you will be as shocked as I am that this over the top unfunny guy (in recent years at least) can produce something like this

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