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Need a break, fuck this game
  Sheitan, Oct 09 2008

Well, it's going from bad to ugly poker wise these last days, i had to withdraw 2k from my live BR leaving me only 1k to play NL200 and what was obvious happened. A sick bad run of cards, couple coolers and a bunch of suck outs (including one 800$ pot AI preflop me holding AA vs this cunt's QQ 200bbs deep, the dumb bitch flopped quads and hit and run yay !). So i busted my live BR (didn't even know it was possible until it happened), i guess 5 bis is not enough even if the games are sick soft....Whatever.

Online got brutal lately too, i just can't score for shit barely making it ITM and cash games sessions are almost always break even or very small profit. I think i've played too much poker and i just don't enjoy it anymore, 8-10h a day for the last 2 months is not something healthy and will burn you soon or later.

On the life side: My wife and I moved back to Montreal cuz the gas price was insanely high a few weeks ago and she was tired to drive every day to her uni for courses. We put the house for rent and the number of people asking for it was suprising, 4-5 phone calls on a daily basis and we had to increase the rent price since they were fighting to get it. Now i hope the incoming crisis won't fuck me up the arse, lmao.

We received a couple of families who wanted to visit and the first family seemed solid so after discussion my wife and I decided we should rent them our house, they'll move in the 1st of November, hopefully they won't create any problems and everything will be smooth.

Good luck at the tables LP.

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Comments (1)

Rant don't read
  Sheitan, Aug 20 2008

Just for the record:

Submitted by : Sheitan

***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 400566848 *****
NL $0.25/$0.50 Texas Hold'em - Sunday, August 17, 16:24:08 GMT 2008
Table Neon 14 6-max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of active players : 6
Seat 1: Grandad12 ( $14.50 )
Seat 2: Sheitan ( $57.64 )
Seat 3: clock26 ( $56.24 )
Seat 4: BigBluffBen ( $104.55 )
Seat 5: Doson ( $23 )
Seat 6: GENGIS ( $34.70 )
Sheitan posts small blind [$0.25]
clock26 posts big blind [$0.50]

Dealt to Sheitan AhAc
BigBluffBen folds
Doson folds
GENGIS calls [$0.50]
Grandad12 raises to [$2]
Sheitan raises to [$7]
clock26 calls [$6.50]
GENGIS calls [$6.50]
Grandad12 calls [$5]

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $28.00)

Sheitan checks
clock26 bets [$14]
GENGIS folds
Grandad12 calls [$7.50]
Grandad12 goes all-in
Sheitan goes all-in
Sheitan raises to [$50.64]
clock26 folds
Returning uncalled bet [$36.64] to Sheitan

Grandad12 shows QhQc
Sheitan shows AhAc

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $63.50)


River (Pot : $63.50)


Sheitan wins $13 from side pot #1 with a pair of Aces
Grandad12 wins $47.50 from main pot with three of a kind, Queens
************ Game 400566848 ends ************

Submitted by : Sheitan

***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 400572769 *****
NL $0.25/$0.50 Texas Hold'em - Sunday, August 17, 16:40:10 GMT 2008
Table Neon 20 6-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 6
Seat 1: razeitup ( $61.72 )
Seat 2: bsiness ( $13.20 )
Seat 3: Sheitan ( $89.70 )
Seat 4: the musket ( $58.92 )
Seat 5: Suitroputoi ( $48.45 )
Seat 6: Dudlove ( $49.75 )
Sheitan posts small blind [$0.25]
the musket posts big blind [$0.50]

Dealt to Sheitan KdKc
Suitroputoi folds
Dudlove folds
razeitup folds
bsiness folds
Sheitan raises to [$1.50]
the musket goes all-in
the musket raises to [$58.92]
Sheitan calls [$57.42]

Sheitan shows KdKc
the musket shows AhAc

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $117.84)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $117.84)


River (Pot : $117.84)


the musket wins $114.84 from main pot with three of a kind, Aces
************ Game 400572769 ends ************

Submitted by : Sheitan

***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 402130689 *****
NL $0.25/$0.50 Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, August 20, 22:19:40 GMT 2008
Table Neon 05 6-max (Real Money)
Seat 5 is the button
Total number of active players : 5
Seat 1: Rhodos1243 ( $100.45 )
Seat 2: i3betsowhat ( $49.75 )
Seat 4: candice1 ( $43.95 )
Seat 5: Sheitan ( $164.95 )
Seat 6: P9AUSSI ( $27.25 )
P9AUSSI posts small blind [$0.25]
Rhodos1243 posts big blind [$0.50]

Dealt to Sheitan KcKd
i3betsowhat folds
candice1 folds
Sheitan raises to [$1.75]
P9AUSSI calls [$1.50]
Rhodos1243 raises to [$7]
Sheitan raises to [$21]
P9AUSSI folds
Rhodos1243 goes all-in
Rhodos1243 raises to [$100.45]
Sheitan folds
Returning uncalled bet [$79.45] to Rhodos1243
Rhodos1243 shows KhAs

Rhodos1243 wins $43.75 from main pot
************ Game 402130689 ends ************

Submitted by : Sheitan

***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 402196784 *****
NL $0.25/$0.50 Texas Hold'em - Thursday, August 21, 01:01:47 GMT 2008
Table Neon 81 6-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 6
Seat 1: BigBluffBen ( $48.25 )
Seat 2: mar7350 ( $8.78 )
Seat 3: drossel69 ( $48.45 )
Seat 4: Sheitan ( $51.05 )
Seat 5: silv4 ( $106.09 )
Seat 6: AceVandelay ( $61.43 )
drossel69 posts small blind [$0.25]
Sheitan posts big blind [$0.50]

Dealt to Sheitan KdKs
silv4 calls [$0.50]
AceVandelay folds
BigBluffBen folds
mar7350 folds
drossel69 folds
Sheitan raises to [$2]
silv4 calls [$1.50]

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $4.25)

Sheitan bets [$4]
silv4 calls [$4]

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $12.25)

Sheitan bets [$12.25]
silv4 raises to [$25]
Sheitan goes all-in
Sheitan raises to [$45.05]
silv4 calls [$20.05]

Sheitan shows KdKs
silv4 shows 6s7s

River (Pot : $102.35)


silv4 wins $99.35 from main pot with a straight, Eight to Four
************ Game 402196784 ends ************

I've been losing so much with AA/KK recently i came up to make bad decision like the last hand, i fucking folded KK on the button vs a 4 bettor as deep as me. 1 week ago i'd have fist pump called instead, i think i've lost all my confidence and i'm struggling to break even, dropped like 30 bis now ? didn't keep track of my losses...

I feel like shit and i have to admit i almost cried like a little girl after being 2 outted for the xth time. Oh and i just killed my mouse too, why would someone be that affected by a game ? Time to quit and move on maybe ? Time will tell.

0 votes

Comments (4)

Poka @ Niagara Casino
  Sheitan, Aug 10 2008

Hey fellas, so i went with my family who's visiting us from europe to the Falls, i had a really great time there. I also decided to go play some live since there are two casinos near the Falls, niagara casino and Fallsview Casino.

After dinner, i decided to go there solo since my family doesn't like much gambling and think im an addicted gambler and i'll prove them right this night lmao. My grandfather was a sick gambler and would spend all his paychecks on games and marijuana so my mom is strongly against gambling and smoking for obvious reasons. So i went to Niagara Casino since it was the one closer to my hotel and i didn't want to make a 30 mn walk to reach the Fallsview, first let me tell you that casino is not really great, you have to look for the entrance for 15 minutes before you find it and inside, it's just plain ugly.

I registered for cash games and got assigned a seat 45 minutes later -_- i put my stacks on the table and the dealer tells me the maximum buy-in is 100$, "isn't that 1-2$ no limit ?" i said and he told me yes but the maximum is 100$. Good start. So i put the rest of my chips in my pocket and post the bb, This was the first time i was playing with real cards and chips (im from Montreal we have only electronic tables) so i was kinda knew in things you could and you could not do.

I quickly noticed this table was sick juicy, there was that retarded aggro drunk guy on my right who was ordering beer after beer and was here obviously to spend his money gambling, great i was here to make money. On his left and to my right was this old dude, he had white hair and a white beard and was smelling like shit, he was probably running something like 85% vpip 25% pfr and would stack off with mid pair all the time. When he reloaded (every 2 hands) he would get a big stack of bills worth probably 4-5k$ from his pockets. When i saw the money i almost had a boner. There was this guy seating on my right who was half decent but it looked like a suffered some beats and was complaining/berating the drunk guy. The rest of the tables was 2 tight weak fishes, 1 obviously young internet player and the other seats were changing consistently.

It was a sick juicy game,the first playable and came 30 mn after i sat, i got AKo UTG+1, the half decent dude raised and i 3 bet him, the young internet player called me IP. Flop came 457 rainbow, the utg checked and i decided to fire a cbet, the young guy folded and UTG called, T hit on the turn, he checked i checked. An other 7 hit the river and paired the board, he checked and i push my remaining stack announcing im all-in, i put him at the moment on 66/45s or a combo draw. I thought he would never check the turn with an over and he started moaning about the board pairing and i knew when he said that my bluff would go through (remember it's only 50 bbs, i pushed for pot and he was getting 2 to 1). He folded and i took the pot.

Later on the next playable hand i get is AQo, Santa Claus (the old stincky guy, they called him Santa because he had a white beard) raised and i 3bet him, he was raising a lot of garbage, i got 1 caller and Santa called oop obviously, flop came Q35 rainbow. Santa donk lead and i 3 raise him, the other guy folded, Santa called (obv), turn is a 6, Santa has 50$ behind and checks to me, i push and he insta-calls me. He showed Q4, river is a 7. Standard bullshit, doesn't bother me that much and figured i would have many occasions to take his money.

So i reloaded to 100$, i get dealt rags and i don't know if it's everywhere the same but the dealers were extremely rude. One of this faggot wanted to give me a warning because i was speaking french with an other guy at the table who happened to be from France, i remembered i should only speak english while a hand is played but he could have told me gently, cocks sucking faggot. The dealers were changing every 30 minutes (dunno if it's standard or what) but many of them were very rude and would berate me even when i told them it was my first live game. "Don't put your cards behind your chips", and so on, i was starting to get really pissed by them and promised i would tip the minimum for the rest of the night.

Also they were urging the players to make their plays, and even one dealer called the clock on one player who had a hard time in a hand calling for his stack, WTF ? YOu guys tell me if it's standard or if it's BS i have no clue, but i hated it. I had to make a sign to them so they could give me 30 secs to think about a hand, i mean what the F is that ? Anyway i get dealt crap for 2-3 hours, missing sets std hands until i get dealt KK.

An EP weak fish opened and the guy i bluffed off from my first hand called, i swear to god i heard "Raise to 20$" from the dealer so i repop to 60$ and they were all looking at me stangly, in fact he raised to 12$ and they both insta-folded, i could not make it more obvious fuck me.

Nothing happened until i get dealt 88, 2 limpers already in and i decided to limp also, Santa called. Flop came 68T, check, check i bet 2/3 of the pot, Santa called and EP called, turn is a J. I bet, santa raised me and EP called, back to me. It was 3 am and it was like the 4th hand i played, after reflexion it was an easy fold since this guy cold called and the board was heavy connected pot but i fished myself into pushing putting Santa on two pair or something dumb and this EP guy on TP or something stupid (he just joined the table so i had no reads on him). They both snap-called me, Santa had 79o for the flopped str8 and the EP guy had 9Q, river didn't pair the board and my stack was gone, yeehaa !

I should have kept playing since it was really juicy but it was real late and the 50 bbs rule + the dealers were annoying as hell, so i decided to go back to the Hotel. My mother asked me how much i've lost the next day and when i said 200$, she looked at me like i was a pedophile and a loser, that was hilarious tho...

So if you guys are visiting the Falls and decide to play some live poker, i strongly don't recommend you go at Niagara Casino, this is one piece of shit place to play Poker if you ask me. Next time i go there i'll go to Fallsview.


Oh on a side note, online is going terribly bad, i think i dropped 20 bis at NL50 and i tilt a bit, which is weird since i didn't tilt for a couple of months and i think im really running like uber shitnitz. Hopefully it will turn around soon, /cross fingers.

Good luck at the table guys.

0 votes

Comments (3)

Poka @ niagara falls
  Sheitan, Aug 05 2008

Hi good fellas, i'm leaving for niagara falls tomorrow morning for a 3 days trip. Being the junkie i am, i'm looking forward to play some live poker there. Any infos on that ? What limits, where i should go etc ?

0 votes

Comments (10)

The Dark Knight
  Sheitan, Jul 23 2008

Yeah i know this is the 1000th post about it, they should rename it "The Joker" or something, Ledger was maybe in the role of his life and i don't give a shit if he died or not, he simply blown me away this is maybe the top 3 sickest actor game i've seen in my life.

0 votes

Comments (6)

  Sheitan, Jul 02 2008

Why a bad run when everything go smooth and you get suddenly body slammed by this motherfucking capricious game ? It's funny to see actually it won't stop even if you keep playing good and not tilt, this is some weird shit i swear. So from now -3 bis stop loss is a new rule i add to my game, even if i feel relaxed and play ok, i'll just leave because when you're doomswitched, you just can't get away with it.

Good luck to Myth for his first bracelet, TAKE IT DOWN DUDE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

0 votes

Comments (1)

Biggest winning day ever
  Sheitan, Jun 24 2008

At cash games... Felt like i was playing great + running good and that's awesome when it happens. Change from running bad and playing like shit obviously. My confidence is good right now hopefully, for each losing day, i have 4-5 winning sessions in a row, it really feel great when things go your way and the deck stop slapping you in the face for a couple of weeks.

I finally understand i can't play more than 4 tables at a time, that's my limit, there's nothing i can do about it. If i open more tables, my play becomes robotic and i turn into a big fat station. So 4 tables from now on, it's slow but at least i have time to think about every hand and overall my game doesn't suffer from massive multitabling. Hopefully i can build my roll to 10k, which will be a HUGE thing for me, right now i feel like i can do it and if i do, i'll grind like crazy to pump that up to the maximum i can reach.

Also, i noticed if play 4 tables, i can play for a looooong time, like 6-7 hours str8 w/o losing my focus which is weird since i can't focus more than 1h on something else. Something really change lately and my game sharpened a lot, I WANT TO SUCCEED AND I'LL WORK MY ASS OFF TO MAKE IT HAPPEN.

0 votes

Comments (5)

My first brag !
  Sheitan, May 15 2008


These 180s are yummy ! It takes long to farm 10 of them so i might buy an other 22' and 8-table them. It's very interesting to realize i made some progress poker wise, my tilt resistance improved a ton and my tourney game is getting sharper and sharper.

I finish a lot itm, but yet to score big even if i FTed the 15k today for a 5th place. I played some hu but i can tilt real fast and the variance is sick, but i like it so far. For now i need to focus on these 180s since they're my bread and butter and grind a big amount to see where my roi is standing and if i should keep playing them and how many tables i can add before i get a significant results drop.

So my goal is to farm 1000 of them with the occasional donkaments here and there.

Cheers guys !

0 votes

Comments (1)

Very low right now
  Sheitan, Apr 30 2008

Maybe poker is not for me ? Feel like shit tonite -_-

0 votes

Comments (5)

april 12th
  Sheitan, Apr 12 2008

Gonna use my blog to keep track of my hands, sorry if it's boring but all comments are welcome on them ! =)


Standard, i've been very aggro on this table and he wouldn't fold anything vs me.
+ Show Spoiler +

Station value towned
+ Show Spoiler +

Fold turn ? he pot it i doubt i have any FE whatsoever on that kind of board, badly played but nice outcome (gg me)
+ Show Spoiler +


Lead Turn, check/fold or check/call ? im very confused on that kind of situations. I think the correct move is actually to repop the flop and jam any turn.
+ Show Spoiler +

Stop and Go gone bad, had no reads at the moment.
+ Show Spoiler +

Standard suck out, what can you do heh.
+ Show Spoiler +

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