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Need a break, fuck this game

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Sheitan   Canada. Oct 09 2008 22:24. Posts 4217
Well, it's going from bad to ugly poker wise these last days, i had to withdraw 2k from my live BR leaving me only 1k to play NL200 and what was obvious happened. A sick bad run of cards, couple coolers and a bunch of suck outs (including one 800$ pot AI preflop me holding AA vs this cunt's QQ 200bbs deep, the dumb bitch flopped quads and hit and run yay !). So i busted my live BR (didn't even know it was possible until it happened), i guess 5 bis is not enough even if the games are sick soft....Whatever.

Online got brutal lately too, i just can't score for shit barely making it ITM and cash games sessions are almost always break even or very small profit. I think i've played too much poker and i just don't enjoy it anymore, 8-10h a day for the last 2 months is not something healthy and will burn you soon or later.

On the life side: My wife and I moved back to Montreal cuz the gas price was insanely high a few weeks ago and she was tired to drive every day to her uni for courses. We put the house for rent and the number of people asking for it was suprising, 4-5 phone calls on a daily basis and we had to increase the rent price since they were fighting to get it. Now i hope the incoming crisis won't fuck me up the arse, lmao.

We received a couple of families who wanted to visit and the first family seemed solid so after discussion my wife and I decided we should rent them our house, they'll move in the 1st of November, hopefully they won't create any problems and everything will be smooth.

Good luck at the tables LP.

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k2o4   United States. Oct 10 2008 00:25. Posts 4803

Yeah short BR's suck 


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