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KwarK's place

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Owned at 2nl
  KwarK, Dec 17 2007

I had a successful weekend at 25nl after moving up. However pokertracker reported me down a buyin at 2nl so feeling that was a little silly I decided to play a little. And it's raping me. I'm like wtf rofl.
Undersets, flopped flushes vs overflushes and crazy 2 pairs > me.
At least I'm working off all my bad luck where it doesn't matter.
This about sums it up.
Submitted by : KwarK

PokerStars Game #13934770353: Hold'em No Limit ($0.01/$0.02) - 2007/12/18 - 00:32:52 (ET)
Table 'Undina IV' 6-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: lightsoutnow ($4.79 in chips)
Seat 2: Rhino3996 ($12.40 in chips)
Seat 3: Chaincrasher ($0.89 in chips)
Seat 4: mkjbpk ($1.75 in chips)
Seat 5: Jeter143 ($5.46 in chips)
Seat 6: KwarK_uK ($4.99 in chips)
lightsoutnow: posts small blind $0.01
Rhino3996: posts big blind $0.02

Dealt to KwarK_uK TcTh
Chaincrasher: raises $0.06 to $0.08
mkjbpk: calls $0.08
Jeter143: calls $0.08
KwarK_uK : calls $0.08
lightsoutnow: folds
Rhino3996: folds

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $0.35)

Chaincrasher: bets $0.08
mkjbpk: calls $0.08
Jeter143: raises $0.43 to $0.51
KwarK_uK : calls $0.51
Chaincrasher: folds
mkjbpk: folds

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $1.53)

Jeter143: checks
KwarK_uK : bets $1
Jeter143: raises $1 to $2
KwarK_uK : raises $1 to $3
Jeter143: raises $1 to $4
KwarK_uK : raises $0.40 to $4.40 and is all-in
Jeter143: calls $0.40

River (Pot : $10.33)


Jeter143: shows 9sKs (a straight flush, Nine to King)
KwarK_uK : mucks hand
Jeter143 collected $9.83 from pot

Total pot $10.33 | Rake $0.50
Board  QsTsTdJs2s
Seat 1: lightsoutnow (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 2: Rhino3996 (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 3: Chaincrasher folded on the Flop
Seat 4: mkjbpk folded on the Flop
Seat 5: Jeter143 showed 9sKs and won ($9.83) with a straight flush, Nine to King
Seat 6: KwarK_uK (button) mucked TcTh

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Comments (10)

Back in the game
  KwarK, Dec 06 2007

A flurry of UK nationwars has shown me just how rusty I've let myself get. So yesterday I resolved to get back into shape. I played a fair amount of games and today beat most the members of UK-A. Admittedly we're not great but it's still good to remind people you're still here. So happy with that. Also played some very low stakes betgames and won so :D there. Shupzat! I'll get bored again in a day or two but I'm enjoying the break from masstabling.
However, I'm still playing a bit of poker. After I completely recovered from my 24 buyin downswing I took a break from mass pokering. I've been playing 4-6 tables (instead of my normal 9-16) and working on my reads and general play. Anyway, I'm at an all time bankroll high which is always nice. Not earning (or losing) as much as before but it's relaxing.
Got a new laptop too which is awesome. It's shiny and fast and fantastic. And poker is paying for it. I know I shouldn't be cashing out. However my BR grows faster than my skill. I had $400 at 2nl before I started to beat 5nl. I had $650 without having any success at 10nl. So I see no problem with cashing out while I wait for my skill to catch up. Once I can post some decent results over 30k or so hands at 10nl I'll move up.

Gl all.

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Comments (7)

  KwarK, Dec 01 2007

After my short heater I proudly announced to a friend that statistically I was still likely to run average and that the heater money was a gift, to which I owed nobody. Lee clearly wished me to learn some humility as I immediately spiraled into a downswing that lasted 40,000 hands and cost me 24 buyins. I don't tilt much but when I'm down I tend to keep playing as long as I feel I'm playing well. So I was pulling 10,000 hand sessions and they were not pretty. At the end I just felt so totally disgusted that I couldn't even sleep being that far down and had to go play some more.

Anyway, it eventually came to an end and I'm rebuilding a bankroll. This experience taught me two things.
Firstly, the coin always being fifty fifty is a fallacy. The coin lands on whatever Lee wants it to land on so if he gives you money you better damn well be grateful. Because he's watching you.
Secondly, poker is evil and will break my spirit. I've had downswings before but this one was the first that really hit me. And it hurt.

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Comments (12)

Sickest heater ever
  KwarK, Nov 26 2007

Basically, I'm winning about a buyin every 5 hands at the moment. On one table I got rockets, then rockets again, then a flopped AK high flush, then kings, then queens. Two opponents said it was just ridiculous and left. The other tables have been nearly as good, with a notable two KK hands in a row on one of them. I'll post a graph of the results soon. It's only 10nl though so the money isn't so great.

Edit: On an unrelated note I've got a question about pokertracker. Basically I'd like to merge 2 databases but I don't know how. I don't have a separate hand history for them (as both have been moved to the same folder after import).

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Comments (9)

10nl is my wall
  KwarK, Nov 23 2007

Been trying to beat it for 25k hands now. It's proving tricky.

Swingy stuff too.

Edit: Strangely enough I cruised into 5nl, maintained 8bb/100 and moved up to 10nl fairly quickly.

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Comments (21)

Wild ride
  KwarK, Nov 09 2007

Had sick cooler after sick cooler, ended up losing 8 buyins in about 2 hours. I didn't think I was especially tilted so I kept playing. Made back about 5 of them, then lost them again. Kept playing and just about made them all back.
So after about 8 hours of constant poker I've gotten nowhere. Poker sucks.

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Comments (4)

Coolered :(
  KwarK, Nov 08 2007

Been getting undersets, underflushes and underpockets (QQ vs AA) all night. Lost a lot of money.

Edit: Lost 7 buyins without tilt. Frustrating.
Submitted by : KwarK

PokerStars Game #13129133239: Hold'em No Limit ($0.05/$0.10) - 2007/11/09 - 03:13:21 (ET)
Table 'Kolga IV' 6-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: MGabay ($8.10 in chips)
Seat 2: somborac ($1.20 in chips)
Seat 3: crushofdream ($12.85 in chips)
Seat 4: pointeverte ($4.25 in chips)
Seat 5: KwarK_uK ($10.65 in chips)
Seat 6: VII Card Tex ($9.45 in chips)
KwarK_uK : posts small blind $0.05
VII Card Tex: posts big blind $0.10

Dealt to KwarK_uK QhQc
MGabay: calls $0.10
VII Card Tex said, "fb?"
somborac: folds
crushofdream: calls $0.10
pointeverte: calls $0.10
KwarK_uK : raises $0.60 to $0.70
VII Card Tex: folds
MGabay: calls $0.60
crushofdream: calls $0.60
pointeverte: calls $0.60

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $2.90)

KwarK_uK : bets $2
MGabay: raises $2 to $4
crushofdream: folds
pointeverte: folds
KwarK_uK : raises $5.95 to $9.95 and is all-in
MGabay: calls $3.40 and is all-in

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $17.70)


River (Pot : $17.70)


KwarK_uK : shows QhQc (a full house, Queens full of Sevens)
MGabay: shows 7c7h (four of a kind, Sevens)
MGabay collected $16.85 from pot

Total pot $17.70 | Rake $0.85
Board  TsQs7dAh7s
Seat 1: MGabay showed 7c7h and won ($16.85) with four of a kind, Sevens
Seat 2: somborac folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: crushofdream folded on the Flop
Seat 4: pointeverte (button) folded on the Flop
Seat 5: KwarK_uK (small blind) showed QhQc and lost with a full house, Queens full of Sevens
Seat 6: VII Card Tex (big blind) folded before Flop

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Comments (4)

  KwarK, Oct 28 2007

Submitted by : KwarK

PokerStars Game #12908924066: Hold'em No Limit ($0.05/$0.10) - 2007/10/28 - 22:09:15 (ET)
Table 'Veteraniya' 6-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: thedrog88 ($10 in chips)
Seat 2: Rodrigobessa ($11.30 in chips)
Seat 3: AAdams ($10.30 in chips)
Seat 5: KwarK_uK ($33.15 in chips)
Seat 6: potro1 ($10.65 in chips)
AAdams: posts small blind $0.05
KwarK_uK : posts big blind $0.10
thedrog88: posts big blind $0.10

Dealt to KwarK_uK QhAc
potro1: folds
thedrog88: checks
ChipWarrior joins the table at seat #4
Rodrigobessa: raises $0.40 to $0.50
AAdams: folds
KwarK_uK : raises $1 to $1.50
thedrog88: folds
Rodrigobessa: calls $1

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $3.15)

KwarK_uK : bets $3
Rodrigobessa: raises $3 to $6
KwarK_uK : raises $25.65 to $31.65 and is all-in
Rodrigobessa: calls $3.80 and is all-in

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $22.75)


River (Pot : $22.75)


KwarK_uK : shows QhAc (a pair of Queens)
Rodrigobessa: shows Ah7h (a straight, Five to Nine)
Rodrigobessa collected $21.65 from pot

Total pot $22.75 | Rake $1.10
Board  9d8cQs6d5c
Seat 1: thedrog88 folded before Flop
Seat 2: Rodrigobessa (button) showed Ah7h and won ($21.65) with a straight, Five to Nine
Seat 3: AAdams (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 5: KwarK_uK (big blind) showed QhAc and lost with a pair of Queens
Seat 6: potro1 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

That is all.

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Comments (4)

Heater :D
  KwarK, Oct 28 2007

Just spent a morning at about 60bb/100. Had a bad beat or two but the cards were generally kind to me. Didn't have to rely on luck and river etc, I always put the money in ahead, but I kept flopping two pairs, sets, straight draws, flush draws etc. Overpairs when people had TPTK. I hit every flop you can hope for and the money flowed in.
Oh, and I got fucked on 10nl last night so I'm sticking to 5nl for now.

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Good session :)
  KwarK, Oct 22 2007

Been a rough week, I've been surviving 1c2c but 2c5c has been treating me badly. Trying to work up to $200 again so I can give 2c5c another shot. I'd been about even until today. Then I had a rather good session. When I say rather good, I mean I'm up 15 buyins. All in all, I've had worse.
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