Sanai, Nov 28 2008
Dropped like 10 BI's over the past 5 days.... now I've been grinding for a few hours and just breaking even.
I don't like to blame coolers or anything or rant, as I feel loss of self-control is a weakness... but damn... guess I'll try again tomorrow.
Hmmmm time to take a shot?
Sanai, Nov 17 2008
I've been beating NL10 pretty consistently for the past 3 weeks or so... passed the $400 mark in my bankroll a few days and I've been winning since then as well.
Approximately I've got about $440 and I'm feeling pretty good at NL10. I'm interested in taking a shot at NL25 but I've had some people tell me that there is a big gap between NL10 and NL25 so I guess I'm just open to any opinions from knowledgeable players on LP.
Worth taking a NL25 shot with about 16-17 BIs?
Sanai, Oct 13 2008
Woo hoo It took me 21,456 hands and 20 days, but I have hit $204.10 on Stars and feel ready to tackle NL10. It was really tough going for me at first, but after a while it just felt like the game broke WIDE open and I was steadily winning 2+ BIs a session for the last 10k hands or so.
Wish me luck guys! And any advice for NL10 6-max on PS would be greatly appreciated of course!
i won\'t give up
Sanai, Sep 08 2008
So I'm in Mongolia...
I made it through Peace Corps training, which was pretty much 10 weeks living in a tiny village with no stable electricity, no running water (fetched it from a well every day), no Internet/phone, mosquitoes and bugs everywhere, huge dust storms everyweek, bad food, no showers (bathed in a bucket), and outhouses (you don't wanna know...). But I made it. And I'm officially a PC volunteer now permanently serving in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar.
Luckily, that means I get internet so I started back on the grind a little while ago, back at NL5 where I left off... sad part is I've been experiencing a shitty downswing over the past few days. The fact that it's at NL5 of all places makes it worse...
But fuck it. Can't stop, won't stop. I will study harder, adapt faster, work harder. Tomorrow, I'm grinding NL2 till I hit 25BI for NL5 again and re-starting this shit.
For all my fellow poker bros who are going through some hard times, here are some inspirational quotes from my collection (I collect quotes from people, speeches, books, musical lyrics, film dialogue, etc.) to cheer us up:
“Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.” – Harriet Beecher Stowe
"I can do it." - Francisco D'Anconia (from Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged)
"We work hard. We bring home the money." - The Greatest Game Ever Played
"Trust in yourself. Your perceptions are often far more accurate than you are willing to believe." - Claudia Black
"Nothing in the world can take the place of perseverance. Talent will not – nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not - unrewarded genius is almost legendary; Education will not – the world is full of educated derelicts. Perseverance and Determination alone are omnipotent." – President Calvin Coolidge
"If you learn only methods, you'll be tied to your methods, but if you learn principles you can devise your own methods." – Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Remember one thing: through every dark night, there’s a bright day after that. So matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up, and handle it.” – Tupac Amaru Shakur
And a couple in honor of this game we all love:
CUTTY: The game done changed...
SLIM: Game's the same, just got more fierce. – The Wire
"Is it a reasonable thing, I ask you, for a grown man to run about and hit a ball? Poker's the only game fit for a grown man. Then, your hand is against every man's, and every man's is against yours. Teamwork? Who ever made a fortune by teamwork? There's only one way to make a fortune, and that's to down the fellow who's up against you." – W. Somerset Maugham
Shot at NL5????
Sanai, May 13 2008
So I've been playing NL2 steadily since my last update. Lost a few buy-ins early in, but I really started analyzing my hands a lot and reading a lot of articles in addition to my playing. I also reviewed a lot of HH with a couple of friends who play higher limits and received a ton of enlightening feedback.
So... for the past few days, I've logged about 4k hands and I've winning at about 20bb/100, putting my BR at around $75 as of this moment. My original plan was to play till $100 to take a shot at NL5, but I'm feeling good right now, very solid, so I'm considering taking a shot at NL5 with a 2-bi stoploss rule.
What do you guys think? My friend thinks that there isn't much difference between NL2 and NL5 so it's worth a shot. I guess I'd like some input from the board, esp. if there are any serious nay-sayers.
Other than that, back in NJ after having graduated a few weeks ago. Spent most of May with my girl on campus, but decided to come back home for a little over a week to spend time with friends and family before I ship out to Mongolia. Been eating a ton (mmm Korean food) and riding my dad's Harley when not playing poker. Heh, my life schedule is such a fucking wreck = wake up at around 1PM, eat, ride motorcycle, bum around, start pokering at around 5PM till dinner time, eat, play another session, and then webcam with my girl for about half an hour (while trying to get her naked ofc - titties only tonight).
Tomorrow should be fun. Headin' out to the city to meet up with some of my closest friends from youth - expect to get fucked up and have some adventures. The last time I did this (not recent enough, sadly ;_ we ended up in the shadiest bar in all of Queens, NYC at around 5am with a $500 tab while I got my cock fondled through my pants by a 45-yo Korean bartender lady who offered extras.
Anywhoz, lemme know what you guys think abt taking a shot at NL5. PEACE.
P.S. for any motorcycle fans... this is sex:
Sanai, May 09 2008
so im fkin drunks
nl2 babyyyyy = down 1 bi
went out tonight for a night of fun w/my boyz and some girls (ncludin' my girl). btw, for the sake of lols im using the no-0backaspace-while-drunk-rule). hit up the bowlins alley, ofc i bowled shit and drank tons of killian's beer instead. then got a few fifths of liquor and went to karaoke korean-0stylez. sang, drank, drank, sang, drank, etc. then we went to a friend's houze and watched some south park while i played 3 silmultaneous games of HU NL5 vs 3 of my friends. won all 3.... ship itttttt
tmw, will be logging a few thousand hands i hope. i've been good abt it so far, but i wanted to just cut loose and party tonight. but tmw's friday, weekend's comin in, the fish are ready to get hooked in (yeshyesh, im a fis too,b ut less fishy i hope).
Introductory post
Sanai, May 06 2008
Hey guys,
So I've started this blog for several different reasons: for one, I will be leaving for Mongolia soon to serve in the Peace Corps team there and I want to have a website where I can upload pics and update people on my adventures (of course this is heavily dependent on my access to internet); I also need to track my poker progress so on the advice of a friend, I'm hoping to record my results on here.
A little about me? I'm Korean-American, I love motorcycles, and I just graduated from UM-Ann Arbor. I have a degree in Political Science... probably going to law school after my PC term of 2 years.
Poker-wise, I'm just starting afresh on PS with an intent to take the game seriously. I've been studying a lot and analyzing a lot of hands in the past few days, and I guess this is my first serious attempt at the game. I deposited small amts of $20 or so in a couple of random sites and, of course, went busto pretty quick since I had no idea what I was doing. I plan on attacking it a little bit more seriously and intelligently this time around.
Well, I guess that's about it for now. Cheers.
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