lol freerollaments
Yugless, Oct 11 2007
playing well again
Yugless, Sep 18 2007
I've had some complaints about all of my negative blog posts, so here's a positive one. I'm playing really well again.
I had a short coaching session with PoorUser (which I highly recommend, he showed me some sicko things and it's amazing how he takes over a table) . The problem is he couldn't play any more opposite than i do. So my next session i tried to play like he played and i failed miserably. By the end of that short session I felt completely lost, I felt like the worst player at all of my tables.
After that I took a day off and when I came back I really got back to basics, just playing the poker that has got me where I am. I feel more comfortable and I'm playing better than I have in a long time. I think I hit rock bottom with my game and that's probably what I needed because it caused me to take a step back and reassess everything.
So hopefully this will continue and I won't write any more depressing blog posts
Yugless, Sep 12 2007
I haven't been playing consistently well for a long time. Sometimes I play really well and I'm really satisfied with my game, but I haven't able to string good sessions together. I have a good day, then play badly the next.
For about the past 3 months my bankroll hasn't moved, I'm still winning but my win rate has sucked and I've been cashing out everything I win. Part of my problem has been I'm playing too many tables and I make hasty bad decisions so I've been 4 tabling again mostly. But when I get stuck I get frustrated and impatient and have a hard time focusing on just 4 tables and I usually open more.
I tend to dwell on bad plays I make, I get obsessive. It seems like I have to play so well/get lucky to win anything, but losing is soo easy. idk i should probably stop whining because I still make like 3x more than I have at any other point in my life. I'm just frustrated because I feel like I'm failing. I am failing.
Fortunately I don't really tilt, so I haven't had any disastrous sessions. I may get some coaching or something, get someone else's point of view. That would probably help. I'm also thinking about dropping down to 1/2 for a few weeks and see how that goes. A lot of good players here have been dabbling in omaha, maybe I'll give that a try. I'm just frustrated that I can't get my bankroll up. Every time i start playing well I have a spew session.
Of course suicide is my ace in the hole, or my get out of jail free card as TalentedTom puts it
Vent over, ty for listening
Yugless, Aug 02 2007
i suck at poker, suicide is the only reasonable option. GOODBYE CRUEL WORLD!!
tournament coaching
Yugless, Jul 23 2007
While I'm very happy and proud of all of the people here who have been having so much success in tournaments, I'm also jealous and I wish I was able to have that success.
I'm a successful sit and go player, I've handily beaten every level I've played in cash up to 3/6 and a few successful shots at 5/10, but I'm a lifetime loser in tournaments. Back when I was strictly a sit and go player I had a few decent tournament scores, but since I've been a cash player my tournament game has really suffered.
I've put some effort in to becoming good at tournaments, just like I did in cash games. Especially when I was playing sit and goes because back then I believed the top tournament players were the best poker players in the world and i really aspired to be a great tournament player. So I watched some of the great players and I read some books. There seemed to be 2 predominant styles of successful tournament players - old school conservative player, young aggressive player.
The old school conservative player (T.J. Cloutier) outlines a very conservative, even weak/tight game in his book. I had success playing like that in low limit sit and gos because the player are so painfully bad, and I also had some mild success in tournaments playing like that. But the really successful online tournament players (Mig) don't play like that. They're aggressive, they put people to tough decisions, they gladly take marginally +EV spots that the old school players avoid. In short they play good tight and aggressive poker.
Now this should be an easy transition for me because I'm a good tight and aggressive cash game player, but it's not. The aggressive plays that work in cash games don't seem to work in tournaments, for a few reasons that I can see.
1.average tournament players tend to be much worse than cash game players so advanced plays tend not to work on simple players.
2.if I make a failed bluff in a cash game I reload without blinking and reap the rewards of my new donkey image, if I do it in a tournament I'm crippled.
3.tournaments are largely played on short stacks.
Looking at the factors above, I come to a natural conclusion. Old school conservative poker is best for tournaments. If I was playing against a bunch of really bad shortstacks in a cash game I would leave my bag of tricks at home and I would play very standard basic poker, and I would usually have their money after a short time. I wouldn't play as conservative as it says to play in TJ's book, still taking any +EV spot I can and being very aggressive when I think I may have the best hand, but keeping things pretty simple and not bluffing much is the best approach in that situation.
So it looks like I have it all figured out. There's only one problem. I suck at tournaments.
If anyone has read through all of this babble, have any of you had coaching from Mig or any other tournament player? Do you recommend it? What about something like pokerxfactor? Is it possible because of tournament variance that I am a good tournament player already? I don't play very often but when I do I just get killed every time.
horrible beat
Yugless, Jun 24 2007
i bought a big bag of starburst and its like 50% yellow
Yugless, May 19 2007 the game of life
Next week I'm filing for bankruptcy as a result of getting scammed in a real estate deal. This guy I trusted came up with a bunch of false documents, including two appraisals and comps, saying this house was worth more than it really was. As a result I ended up over paying 50k for the house.
I didn't actually lose any money aside from about $1000 in closing costs, but my credit is ruined for the next few years and I won't be able to buy any more property until I re-establish my credit. I might actually make money after all the dust settles in my flurry of lawsuits, although collecting from these scumbags will be difficult.
I'm still young though, and i will be older, smarter, and have more money to work with by the time i get back in to the real estate game.
Live Poker
Yugless, May 11 2007
I just spent the past few days in southern California and I've fallen in love with live poker. I've been playing 5/5 NLHE, and the most of the players are painfully bad. I'm making more money per hour at the casino playing 5/5 than i do playing 4 tables of 2/4 and 3/6 online, and i'm making over 5bbs/100 online. I wonder why people who live near casinos even bother with online poker. I guess the mass multi-tablers make more online, and probably get bored playing live.
What's really funny is that these awful players keep trying to teach me how to play. They have no concept of aggressive poker, they just want to see every flop and hope to get lucky. I've run in to a few good poker players but most of them are just gamblers, playing every hand for any raise, like pulling the handle on a slot machine.
Online poker is taxing. I search for fish among the regulars, and i'm soo happy to have 2 loose/passives at my table(FR) . In my live play experience, most of the table is consistently loose/passive.
Live poker is also more fun and social. With all the talk of bots, and the online games continually getting tougher, I've decided to move to California, cash out my online roll and play live poker. I have some family out here and i love the weather and the ocean.
Can anybody give me a reason why this is a bad idea? Do the games get sick tough at 5/10, 10/20? Are live players really as bad as i think they are or have i just run in to bunch of unusually bad ones? If i'm good enough to beat 2/4 FR online am i good enough to beat 5/10, 10/20 live?
poker story
Yugless, Apr 06 2007
ive read some of the blogs and found them to be pretty interesting and thought it might be fun to write one so i thought i would start a serious blog. this is the story of my pokering so far.
i started out playing sngs, first $5 then $10. after a while i started making more money at sngs than i did at my job so i did what any rational, level headed person would do and quit my job. i proceeded to run horribly at sngs the week after quitting my job and decided to start playing cash games, which i had little experience with.
i started out at nl100 and had immediate success using the weak/tight style thats works so brilliantly at low level sngs because the players always pay off your big hands. i had a friend who also made the switch to cash after playing sngs and she told me about a player at nl25 who played 12 tables and just destroyed every table. i kinda laughed and thought, how good can this guy be if he plays nl25? i was confident he would get crushed playing with the big dogs like me at nl100 .
so one day i sat with my friend and played nl25 just for fun, and the player she told me about was there. that was the first time i played with straate, and he ran over me and the rest of the table. i spent hours watching him play after that, it was honestly nothing short of beautiful. it wasnt just blind, stupid aggression but being aggressive in just the right spots, folding when he had to, just making good aggressive decisions. i was fortunate enough to get his AIM and i watched as he moved up to nl200 and crushed it,like a man playing with boys. i was fascinated, and i tried to implement elements of his game in to mine. it blew up in my face. i started losing, so i went back to my weak tight game.
straate had introduced me to liquid poker, where i met the beloved ket . i got his AIM playing the wolf game i think, and once i got it i bombarded him with hh's and poker questions. he gave me the best poker advice i have gotten so far. he asked why i hadnt moved up to nl200 and i didnt really have an answer. i was making a decent living playing nl100 and never really considered moving up. he said once you have the bankroll to move up, move up. youre wasting money staying at lower limits when you can afford to move up, assuming you can beat the higher level. so i moved up.
poker was going good, playing a mix of nl200 and nl100, and i decided to get cardrunners. watching green plastic play a LAG style reminded me of straate, and i became interested in playing that style again. i starting watching straate play again, and i watch most of green plastic's videos. it sent me in to a tailspin. i just didnt get it. why isnt this working for me? i had a whole month where i was virtually breakeven, coupled with some major expenses in my life i had to deal with it was pretty disastrous and had me on the verge of busto. then my friend gave me some good advice. she told me, youre not straate. youre yug, and yug is a good, solid, winning player. just what i needed to hear and i started winning again.
i toned down the blind aggression that was getting me in trouble, but i was still feeling lost in certain situations. around the beginning of 2007 something clicked for me. i stopped feeling lost. it always seemed like there was a correct decision based on various factors. i was doing really well, making good aggressive decisions, outplaying a lot of the regulars. for the first time i started actually building an online bankroll instead of cashing out all of my winnings. around the beginning of march i moved up to 2/4 and have continued having success, even taking a few stabs at 5/10. my eventual goal is to be a regular winner at 10/20. i dont feel like the games are consistently profitable any higher than that unless you are one of the very best players.
thats the story so far, hope you enjoyed.
ps. today is my birthday so dont take any of my money plz
week one
Yugless, Feb 01 2007
I have a friend who was playing poker for a living but just got a job . So, i'm making this blog to chart how much i make vs. how much he makes at his stupid job to prove to him and the world that work sucks. He makes about $550 per week, so thats 3 buyins a week which i will do EZ. I'll update it every week. Wish me luck!
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