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Stake Results
  Gadget, Nov 21 2010

Main Event - 643rd place - $904.14
6-max KO - ~1300th place - $0 + $120 for 3 KO's

Total = $1024.14

I'll do the math and send the money in the morning, I traveled all night home from a basketball tournament and went straight to playing poker for 10 hours and I'm really tired.

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Sunday FTOPS Shares
  Gadget, Nov 20 2010

2.5% still available, read my last entry for info. I will be playing these tournaments guaranteed now, thanks everyone.

mastaes - 5%
gehennas - 5%
exalted - 10%
huhu - 10%
panorama - 25%
yomer - 10%
stinker - 5%
player999 - 2.5%
bigbobm - 2.5%

3 ko's

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Sunday FTOPS Shares
  Gadget, Nov 19 2010

I would like to sell 75% of my action for the 6-max FTOPS event and the FTOPS main event. I need to sell exactly 75% and will not play if I do not sell it. My OPR has been posted many times in this blog. My account is TheRelapse @ FTP. No mark-up since these are substantially higher than my ABI, but the amount of fish in them will make me +EV. I have a deep run in the 750k (22nd) and the double deuce (12th), so I can get through some pretty big fields. My biggest win is the 50/50 for 11k.

Total buy in = $896 = $900 (I'm rounding it to $900 so i guess there is like .4% mark-up)
1% = $9
5% = $45
25% = $225

Must sell 75% or all funds will be returned and I will not play. Send Money to TheRelapse on Full Tilt Poker. Once funds are received I will confirm in this post. Thanks.

mastaes - 5%
gehennas - 5%
exalted - 10%
huhu - 10%
panorama - 25%

20% still available.

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FTOPS Event 1 Shares
  Gadget, Nov 09 2010

Selling 75% of my action in Event 1 of FTOPS. I have the day off from basketball so I'm really going to sit down and focus on tournaments all day. I'm going to make this no mark up if you have staked me in the past and 10% mark up if you haven't. My OPR is posted a few times in previous blog posts so check it out if your interested.

25% = $54

If you can't remember if you staked me previously, just look through my blog. If you don't want to look through my blog just reserve a % and I'll look through it for you. Looking to sell close to 75% or I wont play it.

TheRelapse @ Full Tilt


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Comments (6)

  Gadget, Nov 01 2010

I've been trying to get staked longterm lately with no luck. I always kind of thought that with my stats there would be a line of people waiting to stake me for $10 to $20 mtt's. It seems its a lot harder to get a stake than I thought.

I probably wont be seeking a stake for a while since I get 11th in the $22 double deuce on FTP yesterday. I played really good the whole tournament and last 2 coinflips when there was 2 tables and it just wasnt meant to be. I hate that a couple of coinflips can dramatically change the course of my poker career. Had I won those two I would have been able to cash for 14k at the least instead of the 1.6k I actually got. I still have to grind low stakes mtt's instead of returning to the midstakes, but I now have a comfortable BR and should be able to make decent money again.

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MTT Stake / Transfer
  Gadget, Oct 23 2010

Read through my last entry if your interested in possibly staking a winning midstakes tourny player. A couple of points were brought up that should be addressed for anyone that is interested.

-I would like a stake because I prefer to follow good BR management (100 buy ins) which would leave me playing $5-$10 tournaments right now. I'm happy doing this, and will continue to do so if a staker does not show interest. Yes, I have a huge edge in these, but that doesnt mean I can just register and beat 2.5k people and easily move up limits. It takes time and is a process I would like to speed up if possible. I've done it before and I'm sure I will do it again, it would just be nice to speed up the process a bit and make someone money as well. Also, it would strengthen my reputation on this site.

-A big deal was made about my cash game ability (disability?). I'm much stronger at tournaments, I basically played cash from a BR of $40 to 1k and then I switched to tournies. I had a lot of success, making i up to about 20k. I then cashed out a bit and took somewhat of a break. I started playing heads up cash games 100nl because I could play and not have to commit 7 hours to it. I mistakingly thought beating $55 tournies meant I could beat 100nl. Clearly I was wrong. Please dont let this detract from my tournament resume.

-I have transferred money with LP members and engaged in staking/being staked numerous times. I'm not friends with any of the people I have done this with but if someone that has engaged in staking/transfers with me would vouch for me or atleast say how our transfer went smoothly that would help.

I realize once it gets to the point where I have to defend myself it looks bad and it scares people away. I hope this clears up any concerns anyone thats interested may have had. I have received a few pm's but nothing has materialized yet. PM or reply if your interested.

********I would like to trade my ~$1163 on Cake for your $1133 on FTP***************

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Comments (4)

Looking for Long Term MTT Stake
  Gadget, Oct 15 2010

Brief History:
I sold play chips on pstars for $40 about 3 years ago. I grinded it up to 3k in cash games on pstars. Switched my roll to FTP about 2 years ago and have been mainly playing tournaments ever since. My BR at its peak was 20k after winning the 50/50 on FTP. Now im back under 1k due to cashouts and losing a bunch in HU cash games. My notable finishes are winning the 50/50, $100 30k 6-max, 32k GTD, 12.5K GTD like 5 times and a 22nd place finish in the sunday 750k. I was a mid stakes mtt regular and would like to return to that level with your help. here is my opr.

I would like to be stakes in <$20 tournaments for the time being. I am a proven winner at these limits. PM me and we can discuss the details of the deal. I would be playing between 20 and 50 tournaments a week.

I have good BR management, I'm an honest person, and I have made transactions and staking deals with members of this site in the past. PM me if your interested.

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Stake Update
  Gadget, Apr 24 2010

Another frustrating day of tournaments. Just busted in 31st in the 40k guarantee with KK

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Comments (7)

Saturday/Sunday Stake
  Gadget, Apr 24 2010

I've done this in the past so you don't need to worry about getting scammed. No mark-up and great value here since I will be including tournaments that are below my ABI in this deal. If I don't get 50% shipped by 4pm EST on Saturday I will change this to a Sunday only stake and redo the math in a new post. I'm pretty sure this will be filled up by the start time on Saturday however. If I have 6 tables open I may cut a tournament and refund that money.

**FTOPS Event #5 - $309
24K Guarantee - $75
10K Rush - $26
FTOPS Event #6 - $216
80K Guarantee - $109
32K Guarantee - $26
40K Guarantee - $75
15K Guarantee - $11
75K Guarantee - $163
35K Guarantee - $26
Total: $1036

FTOPS Event #7 - $129
42K Guarantee - $26
22K Guarantee - $75
15K Guarantee - $11
150K Guarantee - $163
33K Guarantee - $26
24K Guarantee - $75
200K Guarantee - $22
10K Rush - $26
1.25M Guarantee - $322
32K Guarantee - $26
Total: $901


1% = $19.37
5% = $96.85
10% = $193.70
25% = $484.25

**(This is a $100 Rebuy)(If I rebuy more than the initial + an add on it will come out of my own pocket if I cash in 0 other tournaments. So under no circumstance would you have to send me additional money.) ex. I only cash in a $26 tourny for $75 profit throughout this whole stake and I made $200 in additional rebuys. I would not pay out any money and pay $125 extra on my own. I plan on winning a few of these so this shouldn't come into play.

I would like to sell between 50% and 75%. I will be playing if anything over 50% is sold. I will send everyone that is a confirmed staker a pm by the start time of the first tournament, in most cases I will confirm as soon as I receive the payment. I will make an update post after the tournaments wrap up on saturday. Money will be sent back to everyone by midnight on monday.

All funds must be sent to TheRelapse on FTP. I can only accept via FTP.


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Comments (15)

MTT Stake / Coaching Deal
  Gadget, Feb 27 2010

Over the past 3 years LP has really helped me become a profitable MTT player and I was thinking about starting to coach and stake a few people. The specifics of the deal may still need some adjustments but here is what I'm thinking as of now:

I would be willing to take on 2-3 students for MTT's up to $3 rebuys and $10 freezeouts.

I will supply all tournament buy ins.

I will review hand histories and sweat my students nightly.

I will keep 60% of profits. (50% for standard staking agreement and 10% for coaching services.)

Possibility to move up stakes with success at current levels.

Student Requirements:

Be able to play atleast 30 MTT's a week.

Play on FTP as of right now.(I'm sorting out things with stars right now, should be up and running on there in a week or so.)

Be able to play between 6:00pm EST and 3:00am EST on weekdays. (3-4 days a week preferably)

Be able to play for most of the day on Sundays.

Be a winning player with an ABI of atleast $5.

Already be an active student of poker who wants to improve their game.

PM me or reply to this post if you guys are interested. Heres my
opr. Make sure you tell me your FTP and Stars account names in your PM/Reply.

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