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exalted sky

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bump, selling FTOPS HU %
  exalted, Feb 10 2010

10% for $65, 20% left

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Selling % FTOPS HU
  exalted, Feb 08 2010

I am also looking to sell up to 30% of my action, 10% for $65 (yes, this is marked up from $53.5). Definitely +ev as most of my everyday play is HU.

Can accept PS or FTP, let me know!

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What Tournies to Play Today?
  exalted, Jan 31 2010

Besides the obvious Sunday Million (and Turbo Takedown), between FT and Stars, what are some good MTTs to try to bink today? Since I'm in Taiwan, I will be flipping my sleep schedule in order to participate (its 10pm as of this post), and figure I should maximize my value by playing some more +ev (but actually -wallet) donkaments.

There should be a lot of good ones, seeing how its double guarantee week on FT. Any recommendations would be good. Buyin is flexible, 6max preferred but not a necessity.

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Mid-January Update
  exalted, Jan 17 2010

Have been playing really poorly recently, down around 1.6k this week, most if it largely unnecessary. I really need to stop playing poker under sub-optimal conditions - often I'm hungry, not totally focused or mentally sharp and small mistakes with a few beats lead to tilt and it just spirals out of control.

Just finished my last semester exam on Operations Research, so will definitely be buckling down and grinding the tables during Chinese New Year break. Bought new lights and an air purifier for the apartment so the stage is set for a fresh start.

That's it for now, will post graphs and everything at the end of the month. GL to all.

Ninja edit: Almost forgot - as customary to all of my blog entries, here's a link to directly watch the 08 Olympics Badminton Gold Medal match: Lin Dan vs Lee Chong Wei (the #1 and 2 in the world)

It's a pretty sick match, so check it out and enjoy!

P.S. Also saw Flash vs Movie (OSL Finals) today, would also recommend watching that as it was sexy.

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  exalted, Jan 17 2010

Online Poker

I have registered to play in the PokerStars World Blogger Championship of Online Poker! The WBCOOP is a free online Poker tournament open to all Bloggers, so register on WBCOOP to play.

Registration code: 054157

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Grrrrr...time to durrrr it upp
  exalted, Dec 03 2009

Obviously standard but pretty crazy for a relatively small sample size. Just whining a little bit. Also wanted to rebump because everyone should watch the doubles game I posted at the bottom of my November post - it's really entertaining and probably one of the coolest games of all time.

Here's a rally from the match:

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November by
  exalted, Nov 30 2009

OK month, again, didn't play enough, but its okay. Made about 1.5k on stars, but it tilts me how HEM shows the Euro hands in US dollars so won't post a graph. Ran a little bad but that just makes last month fair.

Will start to really push myself on moving up, that or at least learning PLO.

This is a friggin amazing game played recently, one of the best doubles matches I have ever seen, so if you have any interest in badminton, watch it - you'll be impressed.

Goals for next month:
o lose 4kg
o ~40k+ hands
o pass Operations Research (anybody the nuts at this class?)

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Datamining FTP Hands?
  exalted, Nov 29 2009

It seems like for a while it hasn't been possible to datamine observed hands on FTP (ever since they started using the new replayer that doesn't show an HH)

However, I realized that in the Isildur threads people are not only posting HHs, but are even showing graphs with EV lines? How is this being done, and if this is possible, then surely datamining is still possible? (How does PTR do it, etc.)

Any info on this would be good.

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  exalted, Nov 23 2009

Yeah, adding another vote to the "Sundays are Rigged" camp.

Bullshit, but oh well, gotta fight it out.

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This is how I roll.
  exalted, Nov 18 2009

Yeah, I played a total maniac HU, he's was fucking ridiculous.

Submitted by : exalted

Full Tilt Poker Game #16111391490: Table Fund (heads up, deep) - $0.50/$1 - Pot Limit Hold'em - 3:44:19 ET - 2009/11/18
Seat 1: exaltedsky ($529.60)
Seat 2: Bro me ($420.90)
exaltedsky posts the small blind of $0.50
Bro me posts the big blind of $1
The button is in seat #1

Dealt to exaltedskyAsTd
exaltedsky raises to $3
Bro me raises to $5
exaltedsky has 15 seconds left to act
exaltedsky raises to $15
Bro me raises to $25
exaltedsky raises to $75
Bro me raises to $125
exaltedsky raises to $375
Bro me raises to $420.90, and is all in
exaltedsky calls $45.90
Bro me showsKh4d
exaltedsky showsAsTd

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $841.80)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $841.80)


River (Pot : $841.80)

Bro me shows a pair of Fives
exaltedsky shows two pair, Tens and Fives
exaltedsky wins the pot ($841.30) with two pair, Tens and Fives
Bro me adds $50

Total pot $841.80 | Rake $0.50
Seat 1: exaltedsky (small blind) showedAsTd and won ($841.30) with two pair, Tens and Fives
Seat 2: Bro me (big blind) showedKh4d and lost with a pair of Fives

He sucked out so many times and managed to go from 50->100->200->400 from a hat trick suckout. All in all though, slammed down the hammer and am obviously pleased.

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