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First 10k hands @ NL
  EXCELED, Feb 04 2009

I made the switch to NL about half way through January. Best choice ive made in a while. Its going pretty great right now but I do think Im running a bit hott. Heres the graph so far:

I guess you could say Im playing a pretty TAG style but Ive been watching a lot of DC videos and mixing it up a good amount and using my table image to my advantage. I find that with my TAG style Im able to squeeze quite a bit and people are giving me a lot more credit then they should so theres one area I can exploit these players in.

I find that I am having trouble dealing with donk bets on hands where I miss the flop or hit but not real big yea know? If I open raise and then get donked into on a dry board what is the best play? Calling makes him probably think you missed and a re-raise could get you into trouble? I hate to just fold a big hand because of a donk bet but sometimes I really just dont know what to do and end up mucking. Ill try to look for a few hands where Im not sure what the best line is because of a donk bet.

Im pretty much rolled for NL10 so Im going to start taking some shots at it. I really am going to be a bankroll nit even though I know I can easily beat these games... better safe then sorry. I havent really been in a lot of tricky situations in these games other then those donk bets I just talked about.

Here are some shitty hands
Maybe Im betting to small or something... If I shipped he would have called because he was such a big fish. Nothing I can really do here.
Set over set. Standard. To bad I was on the wrong end of this one.
Got in here as a favorite... I think its like 60/40 here. He gets there.
Thew up after this one. cooooooler

Ive played a bit of PLO the last couple of weeks too. Id say Im break even though... not really much progress. The game is just variance city and Im not one for taking big swings so Im going to try and stay away from that game unless its HU. Love HU PLO. To bad at low stakes its hard to get a table longer then 10 minutes before a 3rd joins. Im definitly going to check out some PLO vids though just because in the long run its definitly worth learning this game.

Anyways Ive grinided 1k hands today already so Im going to take a little break, make a nice lunch then get back at it again. I reaaaaaaaly want tto clear that bonus today so thats the goal for the day you could say. I dont have much stuff to do the trest of the week so Im really going to get on the grind and start smoking NL10 lol.

Later guys.

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  EXCELED, Feb 01 2009

I made the switch over to NL mid way through the month and its going great and Im really enjoying myself. Im playing NL 5 and these games are a serious joke. I cant believe some of the hands people are shipping it to the middle with. Here is my graph so far:

Pretty much rocking the games right now... ez money. I should be able to move up to NL 10 by the end of this week if I put in the hands. I dont have a really busy week after tomorrow so this should be easily reachable. Hopefully along the way I can clear this bonus Ive been working on forever lol.

Ive been watching a lot of DC videos the last days and they are helping me a ton. I used to have a CR membership and I have to say DC blows CR out of the water. There videos are so much better and there instructors do a great job getting the points they want to show out there. Im for sure going to be keeping my membership for a while.

Alright so onsto the Non poker stuff. Last night a good friend of mine had a going away party. She is leaving next week to go to school in Australia for 6 months. What an oppurtunity shes got there. I would take this up in a second. The party was actually pretty weak sadly though. I got there pretty late and people were actually kinda bored. We all decided to go out to a bar. We went to this bar called Chillis. Great bar. They always have a sick band in the basement. The fucking place ran out of coat check by the time we got there so I was stuck lugging my coat around all night. Weak. No real stories though sadly. Just another good night out drinking. It was nice to see some people I havnet seen in a while.

Who saw the GSP vs Penn fight? I watched it this morning and was so happy to see GSP fucking smash Penn. Penn got fucking demolished. Penn isnt even in GSPs league anymore. I mean it was just total dominance. Even if Penn would have gone out for the 5th round he would have for sure had to knock out GSP to win and that clearly was not happening. Penn just looked like a little butter ball in the ring and his "legendary gaurd" was passed with ease by GSP. I really dont think there is anyone out there right now that can beat GSP. Hes going to be holding that title for a long time imo.

STEEEEEEEELEEEEEERRRRRRSSSSSS! I was planning on going over to my buddies place to watch the game but when I got back here in London I passed out and when I woke up the game had already started lol. I wanted Pittsburgh to win this game but I took Arizona on my proline because the odds were so good. I also took Montreal to beat Boston but that fucked me before the superbowl even started so my ticket was shattered. But yea Pittsburgh is just a way better team compared to Arizona. What a catch that buddy made there to win the game. The fact that he was able to keep his feet inbounds and actually catch the ball when Arizona had 3 guys over there is crazy. They for sure deserved it and Im glad to see them win.

Tomorrow Im in for such a shitty day. I have 2 tests on Tuesday that I have to cram for big time. Ugh. Might even be an all nighter. I think actually that I might be fucked for my Physics test because my teacher is a complete clown and doesnt explain concepts for shit. Gonna have to teach myself this time... wish me luck. I dotn have class until 12:00 tomorrow so I think I might try a donkament tonight. Havent played one in a while.

Hope you all had a great weekend/january.


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  EXCELED, Jan 31 2009

Been playing a lot the last few days. I got a busy start to this week coming up with 2 tests on Tuesday. I went home this weekend and there is never anything to do here in Cambridge so Ive been grinding.

Today was the first day I ran into some pretty tough spots. I think I played those hands prettty well and made real good reads. I dropped 2 BI pretty quick into the session running in AA twice. I had pocket 10's the one hand and should have just folded but I wanted a gambooool which was a mistake. The other one was pretty standard with QQ. Then I started running into kicker problems. AQ vs AK, AJ vs AQ but I lost the minimum on those so its alright.

I ended up chasing my losses tho for the rest of the session I played today. I got it all back pretty quick stacking someone with my kings full vs his sixes full of aces, and then I got AA all in pre vs someone and it held up. The rest was pretty breakeven so I decided to call it quits.

I made a ton of misclicks today too lol. A couple times I min raised when I wanted to make it more, other times a min bet on my cbet, hit call when I ment to hit fold etc. The worst missclick I had was when I made quads on the river and min bet a guy with the straight. He ended up calling my min bet... for sure could have gotten a lot more off him with a bigger value bet lol. Just gotta be more careful when making bets.

My NL game is coming along pretty nice. Ive been watching a ton of DC videos and they are doing wonders for my game. Im going to try and grind a roll for NL 50 and then start to focus more on HU once I get there. Its going to take a while but I know I can do it. Watching these videos really motivates me actually. After I watch one or while Im watching one I always want to start grinding lol its great. I havent really been motivated the last little while but it feels great to have that itch to put in hands again.

Tonight Im probably going to get pretty bombed. My good friend from highschool is moving to Australia for 6 months so she is having a going away party in St. Catharines. A lot of people are going so its going to be nice to see a lot of people I havnet seen in a while. Should be a great night.

We also got the GSP vs Penn fight tonight too. Im definitly cheering for GSP... gotta support my fellow Canadians. (even though hes french canadian lol) GSP is probably my favorite fighter. It really pissed me off when Penn ran into the octagon after GSPs last fight. I thought it was pretty disrespectful. I would never do that to a guy... you gotta let a guy have his minutes of fame. But anyways I hope Penn gets smashed just for that. GO GSP!

Tomorrow is the Superbowl too. Im not sure what Im doing for it because I need to go back to London but my buddies are having a Superbowl party up in St. Catharines. I might end up staying there and watching the game then coming back early Monday if thats possible. I got so much shit to Monday so Ill probably just end up going back to London on Sunday and watching the game at my place. I think it would be cool for the Cardinals to win because there franchise has just been so shit for so many years now. But really I dont think they are going to be able to do it. Steelers defence is just way to good and I thknk they will be able to shut down the Cardinals recievers. Who knows though.. anything cna happen on any given Sunday.

Anyways Im going to go get in a shoulder workout before I go to my hockey game tonight.

Have a good weekend guys,


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DC and HU
  EXCELED, Jan 29 2009

Wut up guys?

Been pretty busy this week at school. Had a few papers to do but I got that all out of the way so Im probably going to go out tonight and get absolutely shit faced Might hit up a bar called Jim Bobs. Havent been there yet but I heard its pretty rockin. We'll see though Im only going out if my buddy comes down here to see his g/f though so he fucking better lol.

My buddy and I went splits on a Deucescracked membership for a month. Ive always really wanted to get really good at HU NLHE. KRANTZ is the man at HU so Ive been watching a lot of his videos and Im learning a shit ton. HU is a lot of fun and if you can get past egos then I think you can become a really great player. Some people take losing HU really personally but you have to get past that. And unlike a lot of people I would say I dont really have an ego at all. Im a pretty modest guy so hopefully that can help me out a bit. But anyways Im going to keep watching these videos and grinding out some HU SNGS because right now Im not really rolled for a HU Cash game... unless that had $5 HU cashgame tables lol.

Im going to go take a nap so Im ready for a shit show tonight.

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Let it snow with a little session
  EXCELED, Jan 28 2009

Damn its snoowing pretty good here right now. Seems like it snows a lot more here in London then it does where I used to live. I woke up and missed the bus so I thought I would put in a little session before I left for school. Heres some hands:
I want gamboooool. Nice river
yay he didnt have AA pre.
I play bad, he plays worse.... cbets are a leak in my game i think
Nice check by me. I knew it.

Anyways made 3 BI there. Got a lot of work to do tonight then Im going to see an X-Rated hypnotist which I heard is absolute jokes. Should be good.

Later folks

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Studying sucks
  EXCELED, Jan 26 2009

I woke up early today thinking my class was earlier then it was. I thought I had an 11:00 class but its not until 12:00. I wanted to go in a bit early to work on some math homework because I have my first test tomorrow. So anyways yea I got up to early so I decided I might as well get in a quick session because I wont be grinding much at all tonight.

Tables were alright. I ended up 3 Tabling NLHE and 2 more tables of PLO. Not many interesting hands. Think I was down a little bit... probably about 1 BI. PLO is such a tricky game but I really like it. I have trouble figuring out where Im at sometimes. I guess it really is board dependent on whether or no a bet here or there is the right line to take. The only shitty hand I had today was this one:

Submitted by : EXCELED

PokerStars Game #24292584324: Omaha Pot Limit ($0.02/$0.05) - 2009/01/26 9:42:57 ET
Table Aehlita 6-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: waldolambert ($1.99 in chips)
Seat 2: Azreal83 ($6.79 in chips)
Seat 3: LuckBoyBaBy ($10.61 in chips)
Seat 4: Hero ($4.62 in chips)
Seat 5: schlurp90 ($7.26 in chips)
Seat 6: mechanic58 ($9.68 in chips)
mechanic58: posts small blind $0.02
waldolambert: posts big blind $0.05

Dealt to Hero KhKsThAd
Azreal83: raises $0.12 to $0.17
LuckBoyBaBy said, "come on.... dont talk when you dont really know much thanks"
LuckBoyBaBy: calls $0.17
Azreal83 said, "lol"
Azreal83 said, "ur just weak"
LuckBoyBaBy said, "weak? Oo"
LuckBoyBaBy said, "ok :D"
Hero: raises $0.28 to $0.45
schlurp90: folds
mechanic58: folds
waldolambert: folds
Azreal83: raises $1.14 to $1.59
LuckBoyBaBy: folds
Hero: raises $3.03 to $4.62 and is all-in
Azreal83: calls $3.03

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $9.48)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $9.48)


River (Pot : $9.48)


Azreal83: shows 2dJcJh6c (a straight, Deuce to Six)
Hero: mucks hand
Azreal83 collected $9.03 from pot

Total pot $9.48 | Rake $0.45
Board  3c5hTd5s4s
Seat 1: waldolambert (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 2: Azreal83 showed 2dJcJh6c and won ($9.03) with a straight, Deuce to Six
Seat 3: LuckBoyBaBy folded before Flop
Seat 4: Hero mucked KhKsThAd
Seat 5: schlurp90 (button) folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 6: mechanic58 (small blind) folded before Flop

Villan was the fish table. This hand is so far ahead of his range which is why I decided to get it in pre. To bad he runs well.

Anyways I gotta catch the bus guys Ill ttyl.

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Still rolling along
  EXCELED, Jan 25 2009

Hey guys,

Hope everyone had a good weekend. The boys came down again but I really dont have many stories ab out the weekend... just a solid weekend of drinking lol.

I had a hockey game Saturday night and got in my first tilt of the year. I play defence and all game I was sticking the shit out of this guy in front of the net. It went on for about 2 periods then in the third after the whistle blows buddy decideds to punch me in the face.... go time. I ended up getting in a few good licks on the guy before we ended up falling and the refs came in. I should get in more fights... it was fun. Last year I got in 6 fights... this year its almost playoffs and Ive only been in one. Im not sure what it is lol. People in our league just dont go as much any more. A lot of the goons are gone now and its full of a bunch of young kids who think they are going somewhere in hockey but really need a reality check... not going to happen.

In juniours here you can be 16-21. 21 being your over age year and there is only one 16 year old allowed on a team. I guess the average age of players is prolly 18-19. Im 20 yrs old and not exactly the smallest guy in the world but I would say Im not a huge intimidating guy or anything lol. Im 6'1" 195lbs right now. Half the time people just chirp and when you ask them to dance they run away. So instead of fighting I just try and lay a nice big hit on them lol... usually gets the message through. Playoffs start soon and the games usualy get pretty heated so maybe Ill be dropping the mits a bit more lol.

Heres some sweet vids for hockey fights + hits:

Probert vs Mcsorley. Probably one of the longest tilts in hockey. These guys were prolly just gased after this fight.

Brian Campbell just destroys Umberger here with a text book hit... gotta keep your head up.

As for poker Im still going with the NLHE. Things are going great so far and I cant complain. Most players are just weak tight or terrible at the micros. Easily exploitable. I played about 700 hands so far today and Im up around 5 BI's. I was up 7 but I filled up on the river and another guy hit a bigger fullhouse. Oh well pretty standard hand. Im going to be rolled very soon for NL 10 which is sweet. Shitty thing is Im super busy this week at school so I probably wont get in to many hands.

Tonight... Im doing fuck alls. At some point I gotta do a chapter in Math but other then that I think Im just going to finish watching Dexter season 2. This show is pretty sick and Im addicted lol.

Later all.

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A little NL
  EXCELED, Jan 23 2009

Ive been switching it up a little bit lately getting away from LHE. Ive been playing 6 max NLE and a bit of PLO the last 2 days and I gotta say Im really enjoying myself. Ive been playing .01/.02 - .02/.05 games and there just retartedly easy lol. Great for rebuilding your roll.

Im probably going to make this a perminant change. Being able to play NLHE well is just way better for so many reasons and I dont know why I havent been playing it all this time. I would be a hell of a player if I stick with NLHE instead of going the LHE way. PLO is a great game too but its really tough. There is just so many hands a person can have its really hard to nail down there range. But like any game Im sure it just takes a lot of practice.

If Im going to be focusing my time now to NLHE Im going to need your help guys. Im going to be posting hands all the time now in my blog and your thoughts and advice will be much appreciated. I havent really had any tough spots the last two days but when I run into them I will be sure to post the hands. Heres my results so far:

Pretty small sample but Im doing something right. NLHE is 10x tighter then LHE so the trick for me is to have a bit more patients. I can get away with making pretty lose position raises in LHE but its a little more trickier in NLHE especially at the lower limits when guys are just so retarted. Hopefully I can get to NL10 by monday.

Here is a few hands:
Maybe a loose call from the BB but I like suited aces with deep stacks. I got a beautiful flop and re raised the guy but when he came overtop of me I figured he had a bigger A. I think for sure a shove here is a legit play too. Turn is golden and so is the result of the hand.
This one sucked dick. This guy hit his miracle on the river when I was trying to slow play him. Im not really mad at how I played it but I guess I could have put in a bit of a raise on the turn. If I did raise the turn though I dont think I would be getting paid off by anything though. Sucks that he gets lucky. Thats poker though.

No other real big hands to show. It seems Im losing the most money with big Aces that miss. Going to look over some hands and see if theres anywhere I can improve. I think that a big part of my game that I need to work on is 3 betting pre. There are obvious hands that are easy 3 bets but theres some hands Im not sure if I should flat call or re pop. For instance say the guy to my right raises and I have AQs AJs 99 or 1010. Is it better to flat call with these hands and see a flop or is 3 betting a better play since I have position? Situations like that give me a bit of trouble.

This weekend should be an alright one. My buddy is coming down tonight and were going out lookin for some nice mit. Not sure where we are going yet but theres tons of options in this city. Im heading home Saturday because I have a hockey game and I have some things I need to get back home too. Saturday night Im coming back to my place with a bunch of guys from my hockey team and going out again. This should be an interesting night lol. HAvent been out with the guys on my team for a while but its always a shit show when we go out so Im pretty excited. Sunday.... study time ugh.

Hope everyone has a good weekend.


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Whats a guy to do?
  EXCELED, Jan 21 2009

Pretty shitty day today lol. I lost my Oakleys somewhere and Im super pissed about it. I also had to make a massive withdrawl from the BR which sucks dick too. Right now my BR is a huge $70. Fucking books are rediculous at school and its sucks that I need to get so many of them. Even used there still not that cheap. Anyways I need some help LP.

As you guys may or may not know Im a LHE player. I would rather slit my wrists then play any LHE game lower then .25/.5 because anything lower then that is a shit show with 90% players to the flop. So Im in a situation here. I need to make some money off poker but Im not really rolled for shit. I also have a bonus Im just over half way through clearing. Ive been looking at the options and considering a few things... Im wondering what your opinions are guys so help a bro out:

1. Play SNGs - Ive been considering playing SNGs. What do you guys think is more profitable 6 max or FR?

2. HU SNGs - I reaaalllly want to become good at HU. If I could choose a game to be good at I would want to be a NLHE + PLO HU specialist. Problem with this is Ive played mainly LHE for the last 4-6 months. Is playing HU SNGs with my small roll a bad call?

3. NLHE Cash - Yeeeeaaaa. Like ive said Ive been a LHE player for a while now. I used to play NLHE but just played better at LHE so I stuck with it. I know NLHE is where the money is at but right now Id be playing $2 NLHE lol.... but maybe its a good call?

4. Stick with LHE - This is still an option but maybe its time for a switch?

Hearing everyones opijion would really help me out right now. If you hav ea story or was in my situation a while ago I would love to hear what you did and why you decided this. Help me out guys.


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Early Classes suckkkkkkkkk
  EXCELED, Jan 20 2009

I really am not an early morning person it seems. I just got out of a 2hr Physics class and it was rough getting through it. I found my self dozing off several times. It doesnt help that Ive been sleeping like shit lately too. We were talking about conversions in class... like gr. 9 math conversions. Converting cm to m or inches to ft. zZZzZzZzzZz... next time we do some kid shit in class im bouncing for sure lol.

Last night my buddy Nate and I went to our buddy Bretts place. We were going there to blaze and I thought we would just be smoking bongs or some shit. Turns out Brett has this crazy $800 vapourizer. Ive never smoked out of a vapourizer until yesterday but man it was pretty sick. I was so pinned after lol. I probably played the best games of NHL 09 in my life though lol. Went 4-0 last night vs my friends yea booiii. If any of you LPers have NHL09 for 360 and want to get owned shoot me your live name and it can be arranged

Today I have no real plans. Im stuck here at school for 2 more short classes then Im going to go home and crash for a bit. After though Im going to put in a serious session that has been long over due. I havent really had the urge to put in a lot of hands because Ive been pretty busy with other stuff. It doesnt help that the last few session Ive played Ive been running like shit too. Ive been getting outdrawn like its my job lately and it sucks lol. I put in a little session yesterday and it started off reaaawllly rugged. I though fuck sakes this is going to be a quick session if things keep going this way but I managed to turn it around after an hour and make around 40BB. I also have a bonus that I really need to clear. Its been taking years b/c of how much Ive been slacking. Hopefully I can clear it by thursday so I can cash it out for the weekend.

On one last notes... school books are a fucking rip off. that is all.


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