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First 10k hands @ NL

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EXCELED   Canada. Feb 04 2009 13:21. Posts 401
I made the switch to NL about half way through January. Best choice ive made in a while. Its going pretty great right now but I do think Im running a bit hott. Heres the graph so far:

I guess you could say Im playing a pretty TAG style but Ive been watching a lot of DC videos and mixing it up a good amount and using my table image to my advantage. I find that with my TAG style Im able to squeeze quite a bit and people are giving me a lot more credit then they should so theres one area I can exploit these players in.

I find that I am having trouble dealing with donk bets on hands where I miss the flop or hit but not real big yea know? If I open raise and then get donked into on a dry board what is the best play? Calling makes him probably think you missed and a re-raise could get you into trouble? I hate to just fold a big hand because of a donk bet but sometimes I really just dont know what to do and end up mucking. Ill try to look for a few hands where Im not sure what the best line is because of a donk bet.

Im pretty much rolled for NL10 so Im going to start taking some shots at it. I really am going to be a bankroll nit even though I know I can easily beat these games... better safe then sorry. I havent really been in a lot of tricky situations in these games other then those donk bets I just talked about.

Here are some shitty hands
Maybe Im betting to small or something... If I shipped he would have called because he was such a big fish. Nothing I can really do here.
Set over set. Standard. To bad I was on the wrong end of this one.
Got in here as a favorite... I think its like 60/40 here. He gets there.
Thew up after this one. cooooooler

Ive played a bit of PLO the last couple of weeks too. Id say Im break even though... not really much progress. The game is just variance city and Im not one for taking big swings so Im going to try and stay away from that game unless its HU. Love HU PLO. To bad at low stakes its hard to get a table longer then 10 minutes before a 3rd joins. Im definitly going to check out some PLO vids though just because in the long run its definitly worth learning this game.

Anyways Ive grinided 1k hands today already so Im going to take a little break, make a nice lunch then get back at it again. I reaaaaaaaly want tto clear that bonus today so thats the goal for the day you could say. I dont have much stuff to do the trest of the week so Im really going to get on the grind and start smoking NL10 lol.

Later guys.

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MayZerG   United Kingdom. Feb 04 2009 14:28. Posts 2123

keep going man

I like to hold all the nuts - CrownRoyal 

Orome   Switzerland. Feb 04 2009 14:46. Posts 214


I've just been through the micros myself, so maybe I can help. I'm not an expert by any means though.

With donk bets on dry flops, I tended to mix up my play at the micros depending on the player. I've found that donk bets, especially on dry flops are very rarely a good hand at the micros (the exception being when the player's a shortstacker or a fit or fold fish). Against the regulars (most of them nits) I would bluffraise almost every time and even though that's really exploitable, none of them ever noticed because they're playing way too nitty and ABC.

Against calling stations it gets a bit more tricky, because they'll often donk/call with very weak hands and I doubt whether you want to fire multiple barrels at a station. The great thing about these players though is that they have huge turn and river betsizing tells when you call their flop donk bet. When they have nothing (or a very marginal hand) their turn and river bets tend to be almost the same size as their flop bets, so you can call them down light. If his turn bet is near pot, it's an easy fold.

Without showdown value, I'd just fold against the big stations out there unless they donk all the time, there are way better spots for you to take their money.


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