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The wait...
  GameOverNoob, Jan 26 2008

It's been about one week since my last blog entry so i'll update anyone who's actually reading this on whats up. I'v been very pleased with work which has been occupying most of my time. Looks like I could start playing by the end of february if not sooner due to a loan that is unexpectidly coming back to me 10 months sooner than I thought. Thanks to Constantcolorup i'll have two 20 inch monitors much sooner than i had thought.

I think it's only fair to give a small background on some important information about me. I am manic depressive and i do suffer from anxiety but i will not let these factors influence my poker game.

I have been seeing someone to help me work on my self discipline which has boosted my overall confidence and is what is pushing me to start sooner than expected. I'll be starting off playing a pretty standard TAG approach since ill only be playing NL25 on 4-12 tables.

Until then ill be studying tournament play, putting in 1-2 hours daily jsut watching small stakes tables and try and get some advice from a few pro friends of mine.

Have a good weekend everyone!!

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The Path to Glory Preparation
  GameOverNoob, Jan 20 2008

Sunday January 20th 2008

UserNames: IntricateSin / GameOverNoob (PS)

I've decided to create a blog to track my ongoing poker career right from the start. Since you'll be reading lots more about me in the near future i'll give you a small update on my poker career so far.

I started playing live poker at the age of 15 at home games aroud where i live. I soon realised i wanted to experiance some real action and managed to get my way into a private 2/5nl cash game that runs downtown 3 nights a week when i was only 16. While i loved playing poker i realised that i could make more money running poker games in Montreal that playing since our casino did not have a poker room. I began making money running games and found myself gambling with my clients at the tables and donating tons of money. I clearly didn't learn my lesson very quickly since i continued to do this for the next 4-5 months until our club closed down. The club reopened soon afterwards and i was giving a job as a dealer at the new place. I continued to donk off more than i was making. I racked up a 12k debt very quickly decided i needed to start fresh as a pro. With no self control, my tilt was just doing too much damage and costing me too much money. I was pshycologically drained from losing so much and i just couldn't understand why i was running so bad. I tried changing my game, playing online, and even switching to different variations of the game. I soon realised that in order to be a success i would need major trianing. I began watching cardrunner videos and reading forums and just talking to online pro's that have shown great results. I came to notice that poker had greatly evolved online through the past couple of years and the game had changed.

Learning about ranges, proper aggression in tourneys and cash games, position and how to use background poker programs opened my eyes to how profitable this game really could be. I will continue to train until my game is sharp enough and im mentally stable to play.

I realised playing on my laptop at all hours of the night wasn't going to be a +EV move and my current lifestyle choices we're stopping my success. In order to be successful i needed a few things first.

A bankroll of 800$
1 or 2 20' Montitors with a proper desk and chair. (400$)
A dayjob
Routined playing schedule

I soon began looking for a job so that i could start playing as soon as i felt ready.
With no proper education and no real job experiance i knew i would have to get a meanial day job that only payed about 10$/hr.

I got a stress free job very soon after at a childrens gym as an instructor.
I still need to work 135 hours until i have enough money to start which gives me enough time to work on my game.

Although i feel ready to play right away, I think some time off from playing while i save up some moeny will do me lots of good.

The path to glory begins here.

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