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first losing session in forever
  jasper5408, Jun 15 2009

and by forever i mean 5 days. after being up about 9-10 buy ins, i had my first losing session today. i mean i sorta deserved it cause my ego was at its peak. anyway, made a few minor mental errors and lost King high flush vs Ace high flush. Not to frustrated or sad about it. i thought i played over all well, and losing taught me something.

anyway i was just wondering if anyone wanted to talk nl 25 strategy. i feel like its one thing to be able to beat nl 25, and quite a good exercise to figure out how to cream nl 25. i have a few ideas i want to run with ppl, and i think these ideas are utilized in nl 50 or nl 100. obviously it's nothing special but its always cool when you discover it and figure it out by yourself versus being spoon fed information.

on other news, i decided to reinstall StarCraft and wouldn't mind someone re introducing the game to me. If your down. And if your more down, play SC while discussing how to cream nl 25 would be ideal. lol.

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gg lakers
  jasper5408, Jun 14 2009

so finished watching the game with a few of my buddies, just taking a few seconds to write down some thoughts.

man the lakers really kept their motivation. i thought it was a spectacular game...if you were a laker fan. their defense killed us, and their motivation/energy was high the entire game. and kobe was just disgusting. for the 2-3 quarter my heart really sunk, cause there was slim ass chance for the magic to win.

congratulations to the lakers, specifically kobe and phil.

also i'm proud of the magic.
-good job to the highest winning season we've ever had
-congrats to stan on getting some recognition (since pat riley stole all of it when the heat won it all)you've done an awesome job
-we won our first finals game
-glad jameer got to play in the finals, he was such a baller until the shoulder injury

some other thoughts
-we prob lose gortat/hedo
-dwight needs to come back stronger next year
-sign rasheed wallace

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TT makes my day?
  jasper5408, Jun 14 2009

  On June 14 2009 01:58 TalentedTom wrote:
Show nested quote +

This is good on very many levels, playing QQ like this a decent % of the time is great against anyone. You don't need to play all your hands like this. Not having a wide value range makes you much easier to play against

Please don't give advice here anymore sir, unless you are trying to make hero play worse?

yea that's right, not only did TT compliment my play he referred to me as hero.


lol newayz...

To the magic:
I know you have the worst fucking fans in the world (minus a few hardcore fans), i know your down 1-3 against the pre-season favorites to win it all, i know facing kobe kinda sucks :/, but please, please don't let it end tonight. Not here on our floor.

Why i think the magic will win tonight:
-they will have some pride, and make sure we don't lose at home
-the lakers almost have it in the bag, they can take a game off and win at home
-we have the lucky girl who sings the national anthem today (so far 7-0 when she sings)
-i trust u van gundy, you're probably the best coach the magic has ever hired

anyway good job magic for reaching it to the finals (no one thought you could!), and all i can ask is for you to postpone la's celebration just one more night.

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does flop % avg pot mean anything?
  jasper5408, Jun 14 2009

ppl used to tell me to sit at the tables with the highest flop % saying those were the tables with all the calling stations. after searching for tables with 40% or above flopping % the only correlation i've found is that there is a bigger chance for idiot short stackers which mess up my game. anyway i've found that no such correlation in my winning/losing sessions.

do you guys have any good experience with this? do you feel like certain table % are easier than others? do good players change the stats and make hard tables easier to identify?

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looking for new music
  jasper5408, Jun 13 2009

tired of listening to all my stuff, looking for slightly non mainstream music. not because i have anything against mainstream music, it's just that i've probably have already been introduced to it

anyway a new band i've grown quite fond of is

morphine: the night <--jazzy rock blues

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full raging tilt, fuck you lakers
  jasper5408, Jun 11 2009

i'm full steam, just punched a fucker in the face for rooting for the lakers and being a god damn douche bag the entire night throwing food at my gang. i finally snapped and just decked the mother fucker. god i'm so fucking pissed.

to all you dumb mother fucking bandwagon fans, the fucking orlando magic lost 2 games in ot. they could have just as easily won both of them. it's just coin flips you fucks. and anyone who blames jameer nelson can get a taste of my fucking foot in their mouth. dwight didn't make a single field goal and missed free throws down the line, fucking trevor ariza got every fucking stray ball every fucking offensive rebound it seemed, fisher shooting 20 percent decided to make shots today, stan van gundy not fucking fouling in regulation to prevent a fucking game tieing 3.

if your a magic fan their loss is your loss, their win is our win. some fucking loyalty and devotion would be nice. i don't blame any of them. i'm just as pissed as anyone else (probably more so) but fuck anyone who blames anything on the magic. it wasn't any one person's fault, it was an incredible game and fortune just favored the lakers.

fuck you kobe, your a complete piece of shit.

to jameer nelson since your going to be blamed for everything

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the most wtf news story i've read this year
  jasper5408, Jun 10 2009

man licks 11-year old boy's bellybutton at knife point ....

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for newbies who really want to get better
  jasper5408, Jun 10 2009

first and foremost check this thread
watch videos in this order

1) JonnyCosmo's video <----really opens your eyes on how lag you should be playing
2) Mez's video <----further cements how lag you should be playing, although he exaggerates his lag (i think) play. DO NOT try and emulate his play.
3) Myth's video <----pretty solid if you don't really understand what he's talking about you should probably reread the articles here

the rest of the other videos, are all helpful but i think the mentioned above videos are the best. actually just go ahead and watch JonnyCosmo's video like 5 times if your going to dl just one video. As a note couldn't get midian's vid to work.

also a request: maybe get some tournament vids up? and more 1/2 2/4 nl videos are more than appreciated at any time.

maybe read artanis's blog just so you know it can be done i think from 200--> 200K in 3 years

anyway limited play today up 4 buy ins even though AA cracked 3x times. close to 20 buy ins, once i reach 20 buy ins i'll prob take a shot at 1 level higher. if i lose, regrind to 20 and repeat up to 3x times. if i fail 3x times prob just grind till 25 buy ins and retry.

limited play due to tests, having to drive all the way to my parents to "fix" the computer aka installing standard software. gonna install tightvnc so i don't have to drive there all the time. as well as desperately trying to get my hands on magic tickets for game 4. which is tomorrow.

Why i root for the magic to win:
1) born in orlando, long time fan.
2) we still do not have our 1st championship.
3) we got swept during the finals.
4) we've lost to the pistons like 4 straight years (rasheed schools dwight)
5) refer to next list

Why i hate the lakers:
1) kobe bryant, cool you raped a girl no one cares, your selfish, you kicked out shaq because of your ego(you coulda won 6 easy), your a bitch who complains non stop, your team mates hate you, i hate you, your so fucking good.
2) cool, phil jackson gets to coach mj, kobe and shaq, biggest luckbox evvvvvvvvvvvvver. i don't want you to pass Red Auerbach for most rings as coach
3) come on the whole lakers mentality, rich ppl, OC, sense of entitlement.
4) odum u idiot, you eat candy for breakfast, not reesess puffs cereal, but starbursts and skittles
5) fisher you old fart, u shot career low don't turn it up against the magic.
6) reason no 1

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some observations...
  jasper5408, Jun 10 2009

after playing nl 25 again for a while, pretty happy with my success. i got owned with one ridiculous set up though, it involves me raising AK and getting a limp/call.

flop: AK2

donk leads, i raise, donk shoves, i literally giggle and call

turn/river: xx

i see pocket 22 and i want to cry. but for some reason i still find it really funny and can't help but laugh out loud. this hand pissed me off only because i thought about all the AQ AJ, KQ KJ, QJ, JT, QQ JJ hands that may call me, but i completely forgot about 22's (not like i was gonna fold but still).

anyway at nl25 everyone folds to 3 bets -_-
so my plan is to 3 bet light and just call with AA KK QQ JJ vs Reraising. (if this is bad please tell me why its bad)

also despite the previous hand i ran really well with AK. i played it alot differently than i normally do however. instead of always reraising AK i started calling pf more often. I'm starting to really like this hand! it completely dominates AQ AJ KQ KJ KT QJ which i find are the fishiest hands ever. i mean i've known this for a long time but never really appreciated it i guess.

anyway my question is why do we raise AK? if it folds weaker Ax and Kx are we not just strengthening the range of our opponent? pocket pairs prob still call to set mine but that's 50/50 i guess. i mean factoring out the power of position, why do we raise AK? i love getting 3 streets of value with this hand with a K high or an A high flop against AQ or KQ. well here are some reasons (please correct or modify).

Basically i'm trying to figure out at what point does value betting become bluffy (in general not just AK, obv when more hands beat you vs lose to you)

-they gonna call with AQ AJ KQ KJ KT. i feel this is partially true depending on opponent. if opponent folds these hands do we still reraise?
-AK is so awesome why not put more money in the pot? i think that's a pretty good argument. it's +EV
-AK will sometimes fold lower pp so less risk of getting set mined.

i think it's also hard to separate the reasons from raising in general vs specifically raising with AK
obviously raising usually implies position which has a plethora of advantages by itself.

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  jasper5408, Jun 09 2009

magic manage to win game 3, it was a pretty exciting game. rafer was stormed the first quarter and shot really well. so did kobe bryant which pretty much neutralized the game. all 5 starters of the magic playing really well and all in double figures. however kobe and gasol doin there part of the work. ariza and fisher shooting 3's. pretty much everyone's canceling each other out. it was sick. 4th quarter last minute, high intensity game, pietrus manages to steal the ball and deny the lakers a shot at the last possession! SO MUCH DRAMA. it was pretty sweet.

also up 2 buy ins.

lots of things going my way.

pretty happy :D

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