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Strong starting hands
  Sheitan, Apr 17 2007

Okay, i made a nice session today, played real good and managed to make +3BI , lost all the profit on 3 major hands: 2xKK and AA. Is it ok to go broke here ? i would like some advices from you guys.

First hand:

Scary board, i played this one pretty bad and pot-committed myself like an idiot, river was an ez fold. Could have saved sum cash here.

Second hand:

Villain is a donk, making bad calls and being too agressive. I put him on AQ or AJ. Is it ok to go broke here ?

Third hand:

He played pretty solid so far, very tight so i guess i should have c/f on river, especially with that Ace on the board.

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6max is fun
  Sheitan, Apr 16 2007

I just tried 6max and i can say i love it, i'll focus more on that from now, right now im multi-tabling NL10. First session up +2,5 BI in like 45 mn. Players on pokerstars are much more ez to play than PP, can't say much for the moment since i only spent 45 mn... i'll grind the tables there for the rest of the month and put aside my world class donkament career.

I saw a vid where a guy could see what cards his opponents folded and mucked, is that poker_hud ? any help welcome.

I went back to work 1 week ago now and all i can say is: it sucks hairy balls. I hope i'll be good enough at poker to make it a living in a couple of years, whatever at least i'll try hard. here are a couple hands for the session today:

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Stupid move
  Sheitan, Apr 11 2007

My game has improved a lot the last days and it looks like i don't get any bad beats anymore too. Two excellent news for me and i enjoy playing poker, i decided to play more tourneys from now as it looks like im doing good so far.

Soooo i decided to play that 180 players 4$ tourney on poker stars today and managed to get to the final table, chip leader. Then i did something utterly stupid but i'd like you guys to comment what happened and tell me if i made a mistake (i did make a mistake but any comments would be welcome). Remenber, im just a beginner, any suggestions on that case will be GREATLY appreciated.

Ok, couldn't find the hand, i leaved the table real fast after i lose because i was pretty pissed on my stupidity: im on the SB (50k), everybody falls to me i hold AJo, villain is on BB (40k). Ideal spot, so i 3BB raise, he raises me 3 more. What you have to know is that i spent mucho time with this guy and he took some pots from me and was caught bluffing a lot, playing pretty LAG. I call his re-raise, here comes a low flop, like 4710 rainbow, i push like 4k on a 7k flop and he goes all-in. Normally i would have folded that shit in a heart beat but it was getting personal between him and me (huge mistake here).

I activated the timer, i know he's a big time bluffer and the chances that he's holding a better hand than me are low, and i was 100% sure he didn't hit the flop (wich was true). He forced me to lay down several hands before with air betting agressivly, so i called.

He was holding AKo, no J on turn nor river to suck my way out and i've lost 40k chips in 1 hand. After that i lose to him JJ vs his AKo AI PF, finished 8th.

so my question is, what u guys do in that kind of situation ? is there any guidelines ? did i make the right decision with out being results oriented ? i mean i could have sat on my chips and easily finished top 3 easily and earning more money (216 bucks for the first place). Im trying to think about it and i don't think my decision was bad, am i wrong ?

Anyway during the tourney i hit a Royal flush ! booya !

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New experiments and results
  Sheitan, Apr 07 2007

I've been thinking a lot recently and analyzed my game, i came to the conclusion i was playing to LOSE money. I made some major changes and adapted.

So, i tried something different today and it worked. This is the first winning session for a loooooong time and it feels good to be a winner again.

Poker is such a tough game, poker is just like real life and that's why maybe so many people play it: you have to take the right decision at the right time. Each decision you take will either lead to sucess or defeat, at the end of the session (life) you will be a winner, or a loser (or break even). Poker pros impress me, im not making a living of poker, so how one could feel when he earns his life as a poker pro ? i mean this is so fucking tough, nobody's prepared to that but some have special abilities and will just succeed, like the SwedeDude said, they are gifted.

Anyway i feel like a new man today and i need to buy a new keyboard due to my recent uber tilting kung-fu sessions, wich is EV- considering i ll have to spend a hundred dollars for a new one meh, whatever i had to let it out this time.

So here's some hands i played, any feedback is greatly appreciated:

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Can't touch this
  Sheitan, Apr 06 2007

If i had to sum it up:
The skinny guy = me.
The big guy = poker.

Got AA 4 times,two were cracked by 44 and AJo allin, got KK went all in pf vs AA on a FR cash game. I would say im starting to get used to that, managed to go +1 BI playing my best then get overwhelmed by massive suckouts/coolers and finish -3,5 BIs.

I tilted a bit since it's almost a month now i can't fucking touch this. I really wonder wtf is going on ? maybe it will never end, maybe i just entered the 4th dimension where i would get owned over and over again. I heard bad beats can last long but it's hard to get one that long when you just start poker, if this destroy my BR then it's a good thing because i'll never put 1 more cent in this, in fact i'll cash out the rest once i go back to where i started so i won't lose money. I'll play freerolls then (roflskates).

But i do love poker even if poker doesn't like me, whatever. I'll keep trying and play better, read books and improve my game, one needs to kill me to make me stop trying, so no matter how hard the poker gods try to punish me, i'll still be standing on my feet.

OOoookay let's stop crying, i'll be playing mainly SnGs since im running so bad at cash games right now. Just finished two where i got owned by J2s vs my AJ, lost the other one cuz i got no decent hand till the blinds got me heh. -1 BI.

The worst part is i have to go back to work in 2 days and that, gentlemen, is the worst bad beat of the week.

P.S: i'll stop making entries like that from now, i sound like a lil crybaby.

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Massive bad beats - How to react ?
  Sheitan, Apr 05 2007

Hi guys, im ashamed to post something about this but i seriously need some advices: you can insult me, piss on me whatever. As long as it improves my game. Ive been reading you guys for so long i decided today to create my blog and get some advices from you...

Here is my story: im a 29 yo male canadian blabla and i ve been playing poker for the last 2 months. I discovered the game back then when i was getting bored out of my mind by dota and spent 1 day playing dat shit. Never been playing dota since, i play like 6-8H a day since ive been on vacations in France for 2 months (oh boy!). Made my first deposit 50 bucks and managed to lose it all in 1 day because i thought i was a genius heh. Made a second deposit and decided this time i should go step by step: 30 more bucks.

Bought all books i could find and started the serious business, playing tons of hands, learning how to beat the game. I had many success and went from 30 to 300 $ in a heart beat, not following basic BR management, whatever i was a wild gun and would go all in with all my bankroll when i thought i was ahead... And it worked.

Then i started to lose some money and get massive suck outs/coolers one month ago. Reading shit on this site i started all over again with my BR down to 80 bucks. MTT on PP 3-4 tables NL10 so i can focus on my hands and get the best of it, i thought by this time i will quickly beat this level and start the interesting stuff (6max NL). I managed to reach 300$ slowly getting sucked out here and there but by the end of the day i'd finish making profit.

Then the nightmare began: i could not do one session without me losing to 2 outters, suck outs, coolers. I was thinking it was still ok that's variance so i don't give a flying shit as long as i play my A game. And it has been like this for 3 weeks now, 8H a day playing poker, 8H a day getting bad results, so today i decided to fucking beat the shit out of my keyboard when some random donk pop me with K5o vs my AAs all-in pf. No matter how hard i try, no matter how i play i'd get massively sucked out over and over and over. Yeah i know i sound like a whiney bitch but whatever i needed to let it out.

So 2 days ago i was like wtf im playing too much poker that's why maybe i don't realize im playing poorly so let's stop for a couple of days, go out do some shit.Today i went back to poker and did a session, won 2BIs and lost it all to J5 vs my QQ on a XXJJ5 board, then i played this hand:

Now im here, crying like a hoe, someone throw me a bone what am i doing wrong ? I'll post some of my hands and hopefully you guys will make fun of me and give me some advices, right now im down to 220 $

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